I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 323 The Calamity of Mara, the Mortal Who Delivers the Kindling of Hope

Chapter 323 The Calamity of Mara, the Mortal Who Delivers the Kindling of Hope
[It was the most desperate era, human nature, animal nature... the ugliest side of the soul, all broke out in an extreme environment. 】

"The most desperate era?"

Yang Gang frowned.

The memory of 1 years is very, very long, and he gradually sank into it, forgetting everything around him.

【The third year.Many immortal gods with advanced cultivation bases discovered that the aura between the heaven and the earth... is disappearing little by little.At first, the matter was kept under wraps and kept secret from the public. 】

[But as time went by, many sensitive middle-level immortals and monsters finally felt the changes in the world.The news spread like a tidal wave throughout the small thousand worlds, blessed lands and caves, and all living beings fell into panic. 】

[If the aura of the small world they are in cannot be replenished, all monks will not be able to practice.After a long time, there will even be a catastrophe of regression in cultivation and five declines of heaven and man... Immortals and great gods who have lived for thousands of years will also die of old age in the small world. 】

[The chaos at the beginning was quickly suppressed by the powerful. 】

[But when the time came to the seventh year, the powerful people with advanced cultivation bases still couldn't find a solution, and the aura of some small thousand worlds was on the verge of exhaustion...]

[An unstoppable riot finally happened. 】


Yang Gang took a long, deep breath.

Already foreseeing the subsequent changes and the bloody scenes.

"Unexpectedly, they escaped the collapse of mountains and seas, but they couldn't escape this period of despair..."

Yang Gang continued to look down.

[The seventh year.People began to disappear and die inexplicably.Some were gutted out, while others were left with only a skeleton as if bitten by wild animals.At first everyone thought it was just a random accident.But as more and more bones were discovered later, the number of missing people became even more numerous...]

[This period of bloody and dark era is known as the catastrophe of 'Mara'. 】

[In the tenth year, the aura of heaven and earth was cut off, and a period of dark and bloody doomsday began. 】

[The turmoil in the small worlds is becoming more and more frequent, and it is almost on the surface.Many secret methods of devouring flesh and blood were invented, and the monks slaughtered each other with extremely cruel methods.The number of creatures in each small thousand worlds has decreased sharply. 】

[For the creatures who use this method to survive, the few immortal gods and demon clans who still maintain their original intentions call them 'demonic ways'. 】

[No. 11 years.Something happened that made everyone, including the magic monks, despair.The planted spiritual plants withered completely, and they completely lost the rations they needed to survive. 】

[Without aura, immortals can't make bigu.Without food, it is impossible to sustain physical existence.Immortal gods with advanced cultivation bases may still be able to survive with the massive mana in their bodies.And middle and low-level monks, a small number of mortals...even the newborn children of this dark age...]

[As if there is a tacit understanding, a bloody feast of killings swept through the Xiaoqian world, the blessed place and the cave where the news was closed. 】

【You are sitting in samsara, silently watching everything.Watching countless sluggish souls walk past the Sansheng Stone and head towards the depths of reincarnation.Intentional, powerless]

[No. 13 years. 】

[Crazy, everyone is crazy! 】

[In order to survive, in order to live longer, all Xiaoqian worlds fell into riots.This is also the case for many blessed lands and caves with relatively more resources.Faced with all this, the high-level immortals and gods remained silent. 】

【They are as determined as you, but powerless. Facing the last group of creatures in the world, the last fire in the mountains and seas, how can they bear to kill them? 】

[Even if all the riots are suppressed, they have no solution to the current crisis, are they going to watch everyone starve to death together?If they really had the ability to stop all of this, they would have taken action six years ago...]


Sitting in the bedroom, Yang Gang sighed involuntarily.

During this period of darkness, it is doomed to let the creatures reproduce cruelly and autonomously.In the end, the fittest will survive and the toughest and most ruthless group will be left behind.

Because in the time to come, no one knows what will happen next.

Just like wild beasts in nature that rely only on instinct.

In the evolution of hundreds of millions of years, what can stay has its own merits.

[No. 15 years. 】

[The mountains and seas that have been trapped in the eternal night, finally lit up a glimmer of hope. 】

[A small world.A late-Jin monk who regarded Erlang God Yang Jian as a role model, buried himself underground in order to avoid riots and killings, and lived on vegetation and bark.However, he has never forgotten the four philosophic words that Yang Jian told the Three Realms when he slashed the Tianxin Four Swords, and he has been devoting himself to studying the path of hope. 】

[Finally, on this day, he discovered a magical method of communication. 】

[Because he has been hidden underground for a long time, his sense of hearing has become very sensitive, and he can distinguish things on the ground through the vibration of the ground.Unintentionally, there seemed to be a fierce battle on the ground above his head. A fragment of a magic weapon broke through layers of soil and stuck into a small mechanism he developed. 】

['铛~~' The melodious voice, like the sound of the avenue, kept echoing in his ears.At that moment, the young man named Mo Di suddenly realized! 】

[At this time, the world is in chaos, which cuts off the connection between the various small thousand worlds and the blessed land and cave.Creatures cannot travel through the dark universe intertwined with chaos and sea of ​​suffering, and no spells or supernatural powers can exist in it. 】

[But the power of the vibration, maybe it can! 】

【Five years later.A hole suddenly opened in the ground, and a figure like a mummy crawled out of the ground staggeringly.The grass roots and bark accumulated by Mo Di have been completely exhausted, but...he finally developed a device that can travel through chaos and transmit information. 】

[An object that is not driven by any spells or supernatural powers. 】

[This kind of miraculous technology was named by the people of later generations - "mechanism technique". 】

【Next, there is only practice... He still needs the help of the top immortals and gods. He needs the hardest gold and iron in the world to create a mechanism that can survive in the chaotic sea of ​​suffering as much as possible.The young man named Mo Qu knew that there was endless danger waiting for him ahead, and the bloodthirsty Mara monks alone were enough to kill him thousands of times...]

【but.This young man who is destined to be great firmly believes that as long as he never gives up like Erlang God Yang Jian, he will definitely succeed! 】

"Mo Di..."

Yang Gang muttered the name, suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkled, "Scholars... Baijia!"

this moment.

He suddenly remembered the saints of the human race who came from the wild era in the All Saints School.

The flame of hope finally ignited in the darkness!

[The Tribulation of Mara No. 30 years. 】

[The dark and chaotic universe lit up with a dim fluorescent light.Thousands of strange shuttles, like fireflies in the dark night, were banished from a small thousand worlds into the sea of ​​chaos and suffering. 】

[No. 30 three years.A ray of light fell into the blessed land of Longevity Mountain.A vicissitudes of life old farmer is sitting numbly on the top of the hill, looking at the dry fields under his feet.He raised his head inadvertently, and happened to see the flash of hope in the eternally dark sky. 】

[Just like every fairy tale, it is composed of incredible coincidences.This faint ray of light opened up an epic picture scroll. 】

【The old farmer in the field bent down and picked up the flame of hope! 】

(End of this chapter)

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