Chapter 328

The rising sun and the wind, the spring is beautiful.

The weather on the second day seems to be exceptionally good, which is a good time for outings.

Early in the morning, the entire city of Shengjing became busy. Passers-by on the road could see many young men and women walking in groups towards the Qingyun Mountains outside the city.

That piece of land is vast, with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers that have left the footprints of countless sages!

At this time, the atmosphere in the Jiang Mansion was very tense.

There is no one around for hundreds of meters, but there are countless guards in the dark, facing the wall one by one, with their ears pricked up to listen to the movement around them, their appearance is very strange.

Until a "rolling" sound of carriages and horses came from the street.


Yang Gang pulled the reins and parked the carriage in front of the main gate of Jiang Mansion.

However, they found that the door of the Jiang Mansion was open, but there was no one in front of it.Looking inside, there was no trace of a figure.

"Strange, where have everyone gone?"

Yang Gang couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, showing a strange look.

"This ostentation... What a deception! It seems that no one is there, but in fact, it's not telling everyone that the eldest lady of the Jiang family is going out on a date today?"

Yang Gang chuckled, "Couldn't that fool Jiang He come up with this idea?"

A clear voice came into the corner.

A group of guards hiding in the dark and facing the wall subconsciously glanced at a figure hiding in a corner, and couldn't help but suppress a smile with a strange expression on their faces.

"Look at your heads! Close your eyes!"

Jiang He yelled angrily in a low voice, "If you see something you shouldn't see later, hum~~~ I'm fine. I touched someone's taboo, be careful of your skin!"


Everyone's face turned serious, and they turned their heads in fear, not even daring to glance at the street from the corner of their eyes.

At this time, Yang Gang had already walked into the Jiang Mansion alone.

"This is……"

He saw a small arrow at a glance, as if he was guiding him.

"It's so sweet!"

He followed the arrow all the way, turned around, and finally came to an exquisite bedroom.

'Ring ring ring~~'

The wind is blowing, and the wind chimes under the eaves are tinkling.

Yang Gang discovered that in Jiang Jiang's room, even the bells of the wind chimes were small spears.

There are women in the Jiang family who show their sharpness, and they don't like red clothes and prefer armed forces.

But today.

This well-known little evil god in Shengjing put on a gorgeous red dress for the sake of his sweetheart.

When Yang Gang pushed open the door with anticipation.

A beautiful woman who seemed to gather the bright spring light in March, and her whole body seemed to be shining, was standing quietly in the center of the room.She was wearing a soft light red gauze dress, which made her slender figure more graceful, and every bump appeared just right.

One point more is flattering, one point lighter is light.

The eyes of the two met in the air.

The woman lowered her head and smiled lightly, with a ruddy luster on her face.

this moment.

The spring outside seemed to be overshadowed, but the sunshine on Jiang Jiang's body suddenly became very vivid.

Yang Gang couldn't take his eyes off it.

Looking at Jiang Jiang as if he was stupid, the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed.

for a long time.

"Don't look at it, okay?"

Today's Jiang Jiang's voice is extraordinarily gentle, as if he is a completely different person.

"Oh, okay, don't watch it."

Yang Gang nodded foolishly, but still couldn't stop looking.


The woman tilted her head slightly, looking at the floor under her feet, she seemed a little at a loss, and she couldn't bear to blame her sweetheart, she looked extraordinarily cute.

This is a long time.

"Cough cough~~"

After a while, Yang Gang finally came to his senses.

Coughed twice in embarrassment, stepped forward to Jiang Jiang, stretched out his hand and said: "Miss Jiang, I don't know if Xiaosheng is lucky, please go to Qingyun Mountain outside the city for a visit?"


Seeing Yang Gang's funny look, Jiang Jiang couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, it was like a hundred flowers blooming, bright and moving.Yang Gang was dumbfounded again.

When had he seen Jiang Jiang like this!

After changing her outfit, she seemed to be a different person.But going out to play like this makes it feel more like a date between lovers, doesn't it?
"Let's go."

Jiang Jiang seemed to realize something, instinctively restrained his smile, and his expression regained a bit of the coldness of the past.

But obediently, he stretched his plain little hand into Yang Gang's.

Fingers clasped.

Yang Gang smiled knowingly, but Jiang Jiang deliberately kept a straight face, afraid that he would see through the joy and shame in his heart.

"Smile a little more today, I like to watch."

Yang Gang took Jiang Jiang's hand and walked out of the woman's boudoir step by step.

While talking sweetly: "In my imagination, you in the skirt are already the most beautiful in the three worlds. Now I know..."

He said, pretending to sigh.

When Jiang Jiang heard the words, he couldn't help showing a curious look, as if he was listening.

"It's only now that I know that I am also a frog in a well. Do you know? In my eyes, your smile is the most beautiful scenery in the world... If I had known this, I would just have to look at you. What spring is there!"

Yang Gang stopped, held Jiang Jiang's hand, and moved his face closer and closer.

In the end, without the slightest resistance, the beauty even closed her eyes, and kissed her softly on her lips.

Just a taste.


Jiang Jiang couldn't help laughing again, and then quickly covered his mouth, but his eyes had already turned into two crescent moons, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Before they left the Jiang Mansion, a sweet and greasy atmosphere was already rippling between the two of them.

"Let's go, Xiaosheng must 'taste' Miss Jiang's beauty today!"

Yang Gang said with a smile.


Jiang Jiang nodded obediently, and he still held his hand, stepping out of the empty Jiang Mansion step by step.

It's been a long time.

The two pairs of eyes in the dark finally withdrew reluctantly.

Jiang Shusheng and Mrs. Jiang sat in the shaded pavilion with different expressions.

"Since Yang Gang appeared, Jiang Jiang has really changed a lot! That's great, they are a match made in heaven! Master, what do you think?" Mrs. Jiang looked at the direction where the two left, with an aunt-like look on her face. smile.


Jiang Shusheng's face was stinky, and he shook his head without saying a word.

The ants on the floor staring at one side seemed to have a grudge against them.

"Jiang Shusheng!"

The gentle middle-aged lady suddenly slammed the table, scaring our Jiang Dashen almost jumped up.

"Don't be angry, madam, don't be angry, madam." He instinctively coaxed directly.

"Hmph! You~~"

Mrs. Jiang pushed Jiang Shusheng's eyebrows with her fingers, "Jiang Jiang finally found his sweetheart, if you dare to put on airs of father-in-law in front of Yang Gang's child and ruin this good thing, I will let you, let you..."

"Yes, yes, madam, I was wrong!"

Jiang Shusheng smiled flatteringly.

"But~~~" Mrs. Jiang's voice changed, "The two children are talking about you and me, and I don't know if going outside the city will cause a 'life'? Oops!"

She clapped her hands suddenly.

He whispered: "Last night, I forgot to explain this matter in the middle of the night! Master, you said that the child Yang Gang's sweet words come as soon as he opens his mouth. Can Jiang Jiang resist it? What if..."

"Impossible! No chance!"

Jiang Shusheng's expression changed wildly, and it was suddenly blacker than the bottom of a pot that had been burning for ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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