I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 332 The joy of the Yang family, the funeral of the White House

Chapter 332 The joy of the Yang family, the funeral of the White House

It turns out that Liu Xi has a fellow villager named Liu Quan.

He came out of the same place as Liu Xi, and got acquainted by taking part in the township examination at the same time in Wanshan City, the main city of Liujia Village.

His family is well-off, but his homework is not very good. This time he came to Shengjing and was going to go through a formality. He could inherit the family business when he returned home and become a small county magistrate under the family's operation.

Liu Xi had a lot of trust in him, so he used his examination papers as collateral.

The other party also faithfully fulfilled the promise, handed it back during the exam, and took it away after leaving the exam room.He promised that if Liu Xi went to high school in the future, he would naturally return the documents.

And if he doesn't win...the document is worthless.

No matter how you look at it, this deal is a good deal.

It's a pity that there is such a good thing in the world.

After the test that day.

Liu Xi compared the answers with a group of friends, and suddenly felt confident, as long as the last question of "Governance of the World" can not be answered, he will definitely be on the list!

Later, Liu Xi did win the Jinshi, and only after the palace examination can he become a real Jinshi and rank, honoring his ancestors.


Without this but, Liu Xi would not have appeared in front of Yang Gang.

After that day.

Liu Xi never saw Liu Quan again.

Originally, I was full of confidence and waited for the day when the list was published.But when he posted the list, he didn't even see his name.Instead, I saw the name of a well-known dude in the capital, also known as 'Liu Xi'.

that moment.

As if he had been struck by lightning, he was completely stunned in front of the announcement.

His classmates and friends sold themselves!

Liu Xi tried to talk about being down and out, and sued for grievances everywhere, but the pleading papers handed out were like stones sinking into the sea, and there was no sound at all.

In the end, he lived on the streets, sleeping in dark alleys with beggars.

"Liu Xi...'Liu Xi'...Is that Liu Xi from the Liu family? It's interesting." Yang Gang smiled flatly.

He quietly looked at Liu Xi who was full of expectation.

For a long time, as the master of the three law divisions, although he has the reputation of being in charge of the laws of the world.The upper echelons of Dazhou have also been supporting his reforms on the surface.However, there are many invisible obstructions behind the scenes, but Yang Gang has been unable to make government orders unimpeded.

Because each of his instructions represents the distribution of interests in the world and involves the 'pockets' of countless people.

This time thing.

Or a good opportunity!
"Hand out."

He suddenly took out something from his arms and threw it into Liu Xi's palm.

Said: "This thing is called Hongchen Fish, and it is my token. If you really want to avenge your grievances, come to Sanfasi Yamen in three days, bring this fish and report my name, and someone will meet you."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you God of Justice!"

Holding the red dust fish in both hands, Liu Xi fell into ecstasy, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Let's go back."

Yang Gang turned around and lifted his footsteps, and said a word.

"One last word to you. My generation of scholars should have the character of plum and bamboo. You can be humble and not bend your knees. Remember, even if you are asking for help... Forget it, just call yourself a niche in front of me in the future, and don't trample yourself How can a man be willing to be a villain when he stands in the world?"

The voice fell.

His figure has disappeared without a trace.

It's just that one sentence that is still full of meaning, let Liu Xi savor it for a long time.

In fact, Yang Gang wanted to say that it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.Only by being strong enough and not relying on anyone else can one gain real freedom and straighten a man's unyielding spine.

Unfortunately, not everyone is like him.

In the face of some things, most people in this world can do... Only compromise.

The night passed quickly.

this night.

The people in Jiang's mansion seemed like nothing had happened, they lived the same life as before.

Jiang Jiang didn't step out of his boudoir, and didn't dare to face the probing eyes of his family.

until the next day.

Yang Gang's mother, Lan Caiyi, came to the door with boxes of gifts, and invited Doumu Xingjun to accompany her, which can be described as a great favor.Although it is called as a companion, everyone knows that God Doumu is here to be a matchmaker this time.

For Doum Shenjun, this trip to Jiangfu was also a wonderful experience.

The two parties quickly reached a consensus, which was surprisingly smooth.

Parents to enrich people.

A piece of marriage contract is signed and sealed, and then it is announced to the four parties, and the relatives and friends of both parties are notified.

The news spread across the streets and alleys of Shengjing like thunder in an instant, and then spread far and wide to the world, to Chentang Pass, to the East China Sea, to a fairy mountain outside the world, to the blessed land, to the Eternal Demon Realm, Jiuyou abyss……

Dazhou's judicial god Yang Gang, the most outstanding young man in the Three Realms who has achieved a mythical body on Qingyundu and the Eternal Demon Realm, is about to marry the jewel in the palm of the Jiang family and achieve a peerless marriage!
The date is set to be five days later, the day after the Great Zhou ancestor sacrifice.

Hearing such news, some people are happy and others are sad.

Li Jin who was far away in Chentangguan, the Stone Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, the elders in Qingyun Pavilion, and the saints in All Saints School... were all overjoyed and began to prepare their respective congratulatory gifts.

But Hanxiang from Doubu, the little fox from Zhenbao Pavilion, a stone sculpture in front of Hongchen Diaoyu shop... fell into complicated emotions.After all...the most important person in his heart is her.

Among them, the mood of the green dragon stone carving is the most complicated.

Obviously, the person who is blessed by the whole world and envied by the creatures of nine heavens and ten earths should be her.

And now.

The woman who bought him a red dust fish for 100 taels of silver back then was favored by the whole world and became the happiest woman in the eyes of the world.That "investment" has achieved a return of hundreds of millions of times.


On the street late at night, a faint sigh sounded from the stone carving of the green dragon.

The past is over, who can blame it?
And beside it, at some time, there was another stone sculpture of a blue dragon.Ever since Yang Gang came back from Donghai, he has been standing in front of the store.Never hear any sound from the outside world, never see any light.

Forever, forever, sunk in darkness.

Compared with her sister's tragic ending, Bai Suqing actually felt a little bit of happiness that came from nowhere, which is really ironic.

As for the hardest hit, the White Mansion on Changting Street is the number one.

It is said that once the news came.

Old Duke Weiyuan vomited a few mouthfuls of black blood and died on the spot.

The contemporary Duke of Weiyuan, Bai Yanhui, endured his grief and prepared to attend the funeral, but was warned by the Ministry of Rites: "As the ancestor sacrifice of the Great Zhou is approaching, all funerals and joys should be kept simple, and the White Mansion is not allowed to wear white silk."

Bai Yanhui almost vomited blood on the spot.

The matter of Yang Gang's engagement has long been known to passers-by.Yang's and Jiang's houses are now decorated with lanterns and streamers, and they are full of joy.

He wanted to grab the officials of the Ministry of Rites by the neck, and asked loudly: Then Yang Gang and Jiang's family can do it, why can't they do it when it's their turn?

All he got was a supercilious look from the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

It seems to be saying: You have to be capable, come to question the newly promoted judicial god?

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Baifu was being targeted.

I'm afraid that the funeral in Baifu will bring joy to Yang and Jiang's family.

The so-called wall is pushed down by people.

The higher Yang Gang's status will be in the future, the more people will target them invisibly.

No need to please.

As long as it is aimed at the White House, it is the best letter of nomination for the holy family of the Zhenglong Judicial God.

(End of this chapter)

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