I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 340 The Dao of Heaven revives and returns to ancient times!

Chapter 340 The Dao of Heaven revives and returns to ancient times!
And right now.

On Qingyun Mountain.

A magnificent school manifested in the sky.

On it are the tablets of the saints, engraved with the names of the sages who have pioneered the way forward for the human race since the beginning of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"The great river goes east, the waves wash away, and the romantic people of the ages... Hahahaha, good words, good poems!" In the school, an old man turned around and looked outside the hall, and let out a burst of hearty laughter.

Meet this old man.

On the ancestral square of the Great Zhou Dynasty, countless figures headed by Shengjun saluted him in unison.

"I have seen the master."

"Student, I have met the old master."


The figures raised their heads one by one, looking at the old man with agitated emotions.

The old master of Qingyun Academy, the only living saint in All Saints Academy.The kindest and best old man in the world is worthy of worship by all.

An even more astonishing scene appeared.

I saw countless figures appearing from the void, turning into phantoms of ancient and modern sages, smiling slightly in the direction of Yang Gang.

"We, thank the Judicial God for your words!"

Under the shocking eyes of countless people, sages and saints saluted Yang Gang in unison.

There are gratitude, joy, and sympathy on the face.

Only there is no trace of accident.

It seemed that everything that happened here, everything that happened on the Red Cliff, had already been seen by them.

As a group of people who know poetry the most in this world, no one knows better than them that Yang Gang's poem has exhausted so many romances in ancient and modern times.It seems to be talking about a glorious battle in ancient times.

It seems to be telling a story full of songs and tears.

As if... singing praises to them!

When Chibi mutated, the first to discover the situation was actually the saints on Qingyun Mountain.

But they didn't take any action, they waited for the matter to ferment, and finally showed up until now.

I would like to express my most sincere thanks to Yang Gang.

this moment.

The entire Shengjing was silent.

After the last debate of reason and law, Yang Gang once again summoned the saints of Qingyun.This kind of silent recognition is more precious than any words in the world.

All the saints recognized that Yang Gang's virtues can no longer be questioned.

Scholars all over the world must respect from the bottom of their hearts the ability to write such poems.

Just until now.

There are still many people who don't understand why Yang Gang's article "Chibi Nostalgia" has such a great influence.

"I understand!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout.

Celestial Master Yuan, the head of the Qingyun Pavilion, raised his head, and looked at the only real figure in the Wanshi Academy with trembling eyes, "Old Master, you...you and the saints mean that this piece of poetry is the king of all poems, right?"

He swallowed his saliva, and said quickly: "The reason why all the poems on the Wall of Eternal Poems are not visible is because this poem is so ancient and modern, and it has a meaning that surpasses all ancient and modern poems!"

"'When my flowers bloom, a hundred flowers will kill', Yang Gang did not destroy the eternal wall, but when he wrote this eternal poem, the poems on the eternal wall disappeared automatically, leaving all the brilliance to this most brilliant poem in the world. Grand Poetry! Old Master, I said it. Right?"

He looked expectantly at his master who had taught him, and pointed to the sky with one hand.

The vision of the red light curtain, as Yuan Tianshi said, all the poems disappeared automatically, leaving all the glory to Yang Gang's poems.

"Of course."

The old master smiled and nodded.

Looking at his students thousands of years ago, his eyes were slightly appreciative.

But when he looked at Yang Gang, there was an indescribable admiration in his eyes.

Obviously, in the eyes of the old master who has devoted his life to researching articles, Yuan Tianshi, no matter how high his cultivation base is, is completely different from Yang Gang.


Yuan Tianshi lowered his head, feeling somewhat disappointed.


Some people still didn't understand, and asked: "Why, why this poem can have such a shocking performance? I agree that this "Chibi Nostalgia" is a masterpiece, and it is not unreasonable to say that it is a poem that has been passed down through the ages. Pass."

"But... why does it overwhelm all the poems and proses for tens of thousands of years, and let those poems take the initiative to give in? There are countless poems that can stand shoulder to shoulder with it. This is really... really puzzling !"

His question not only revealed the puzzlement of Dazhou officials.

He also asked out the doubts in Yang Gang's heart.

In all fairness.

Chibi Nostalgia is a poem with lofty artistic conception, majestic momentum, and vigorous style, and its grandeur is indeed unprecedented.

It is hard to imagine what kind of mental state that great poet was in, and what he saw with his distant eyes, in order to write such a poem.

And Yang Gang was at that time.

But I remembered the scenes I experienced in the ancient mountains and seas, and I was touched by the scene, so I wrote this poem.

If you must say contact...

"Look, it's coming."

The old master's old and kind voice sounded with a hint of a smile.

The fetish that has been hidden under the earth for tens of thousands of years is finally about to appear today.This is an opportunity that belongs to Yang Gang, and it is also an opportunity for all living beings in the Three Realms, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

One after another divine light tore through the earth, and a rich red light shone from the earth under the red cliff.The Melaleuca Waterfall was shaking, the Wansheng Academy was shaking, and the entire Qingyun Mountain was shaking.

Countless people raised their heads in surprise, watching an object slowly rise from the red beam of light.

A book... sewn from some kind of animal skin as thin as a piece of paper. Its ancient and vast atmosphere seems to support the weight of mountains and seas, which makes people feel awe from the heart when they see it.

"What book is this?"

"Could it be that Yang Gang's poems can cause the change in Chibi, not only because of its uniqueness and poetic appearance, but more importantly, because it arouses this divine object, which leads to the abnormality in Chibi?"

"In this way, Yang Gang's grievances will be completely washed away. If he can add another treasure to my Dazhou, what he did is not a fault, it is simply an unworldly achievement!"

Everyone looked at the books in the sky, and Yang Gang, who looked surprised, discussed in low voices, all with admiration.

On the other hand, Liu Xi, Wang Zhiqiu and others' faces completely darkened.

Today's dirty water can't be poured on Yang Gang at all.

Even today's scene may be recorded in history.The more powerful the gods born in the future will be, what they did today will be mentioned repeatedly, becoming an unforgettable infamy forever!

Such a result was unacceptable to the two of them anyway.

But reality is always more amazing than they imagined.

Only in the sky.

The book gradually bloomed with a vast divine light, like a thousand layers of waves, waterfalls, and water mist visions manifesting in the sky, and scenes of ancient scenes appeared in it.The battle of Zhuolu, the battle of the land boundary, the catastrophe of conferring gods, the collapse of mountains and seas, the catastrophe of Mara, the end of the era...

Scenes of stories that happened in the ancient mountains and seas, and magnificent myths, are finally revealed to the living beings of the Three Realms bit by bit today after tens of thousands of years.

The tragic and magnificent scene deeply shocked everyone's hearts.

It turns out... In ancient times, their ancestors experienced so many hardships.

It turns out...there are so many epic stories and so many respectable people in this world.

They are braver than the ancient sages, more passionate than the current soldiers, and more tenacious and unyielding than any living beings.They are a group of... respectable ancient ancestors!
Countless scenes flashed by quickly.

In the end, the thick blood light, like the countless blood shed by the creatures in the ancient mountains and seas, gathered into three big characters.

this moment.

Earth shakes.

There seems to be a boundless breath from the distant nine heavens, under the boundless earth, from every corner of the world, which seems to have been hidden for countless years, frantically rushing into this world where the avenue is not visible.


"The Dao of Heaven is revived, return to the ancient times!"

"It's going to change..."

(End of this chapter)

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