I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 342 The Liu family is implicated, the future of the new law

Chapter 342 The Liu family is implicated, the future of the new law


"Does he know what he's talking about?"

"The fetish is in front of you, and you actually give it up! I'm so pissed off, it's so irritating!"

The whole Shengjing was in an uproar.

Everyone was shocked by Yang Gang's choice.

Some people couldn't help but their eyes were red with jealousy, it was a fetish they couldn't ask for!But in the eyes of the other party, is it so insignificant?

In Yang Gang's eyes, the Shan Hai Jing written on the few pieces of animal skins he picked up at the beginning is really not worth mentioning.

For him, this was actually a surprise.

When Yang Gang came into contact with the Classic of Mountains and Seas with his own hands, he suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

Although this thing has been turned into a divine object through the ages, it is of no benefit if it falls into his hands.

Because this is not a capital preservation piece built for combat.

On the contrary, putting this treasure that Shengjun coveted on Qingyun Mountain not only reassures him.As the future scenes of the ancient past are revealed, it even has the ability to gather the fate of all people and collect the power of heaven.

It's just that no one except Yang Gang himself knows the karma.

"Yang Qing, do you really decide to do this?"

Sheng Jun fixedly looked at Yang Gang's face, his deep eyes did not know what he was thinking.

"Return to Your Majesty, I have made up my mind."

Yang Gangyi said sternly: "Placing the Book of Mountains and Seas on Qingyun Mountain, so that all living beings can observe the aspirations of the ancient ancestors, is the best use of this sacred object. Putting it in the hands of the minister will only make the sacred object dusty, and it is really a wasteful act." .”

"it is good!"

Shengjun responded immediately on the spot, raised his head and laughed heartily, "Well, you Yang Gang, you have lived up to my expectations, you truly care about the world, and you are selfless. Hahahahaha"

The laughter kept echoing between the heaven and the earth, and many people laughed so that their faces changed.

For thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, how many of them have seen the Holy King smile so happily?No, not a single person!
Yang Gang is so favored by Shengjun, there is really no one who can compete with him in the future.Even the few gods who went to the eight departments that day, I am afraid they can't...

Standing in the sky of Qingyun Mountain, Yang Gang also laughed silently.

Smiling with him, there are also the saints of Qingyun Mountain with gratified faces.

Yang Gang has become the hub of relaxation between them and the emperor, and it will be of great benefit to future reforms.


The meaning of Yang Gang's smile is different from theirs.

This kind of you know everything and make arrangements in front of others.However, because the other party lacks key memories, the information difference advantage generated is really a wonderful feeling.

He is the supreme sage of the Three Realms.

Because of the isolation from ancient times to today, it is impossible to awaken the memory of all the mountains and seas.

Let Yang Gang take advantage.

After a while.

When Yang Gang returned to the ancestral square of the Great Zhou Dynasty, all the officials saluted him with respect from the bottom of their hearts.Such a selfless character is worthy of everyone's respect, and no one will be able to speak of his post as a judicial god from now on.

"Liu Xi."

Shengjun suddenly turned his head.

Everyone couldn't help shaking their hearts.

Yang Gang's grievances have been cleared, and now... it's time to settle!

"His Majesty."

Liu Xi's body trembled, and he knelt down slowly.

The people of the Great Zhou Dynasty can not kneel to the sky or the ground, and they can worship their ancestors instead of worshiping them.But if you commit a crime, the laws of Dazhou will tell you what justice is!

"Framing the Judiciary God of the Great Zhou Dynasty, fabricating false evidence, assaulting ancestor sacrifices, deceiving the emperor..." Shengjun listed the charges one by one, each of which made people shudder, and Liu Xi's face darkened every time he uttered a word one cent.

After saying the crime of 'deceiving the emperor', he was completely paralyzed and fell to the ground as limp as if he had no bones.

capital offense.

Every crime here is a capital crime.And the crime of deceiving the emperor is enough to cause Liu Xi to die ten times.

Adding all the crimes together, it is not an exaggeration to ransack the family and exterminate the whole family.

This is the way of the king.

When Yang Gang and Liu Xi did not decide the winner, Shengjun didn't say a word.When the result was clear, he directly listed Liu Xi's crimes and directly drove him into the endless abyss.

"Yang Gang."

Just when everyone thought Shengjun was going to pronounce the sentence on the spot, he suddenly changed his voice.

"The minister is here."

Yang Gang stepped forward and said.

"As a judicial god, why don't you hand over Liu Xi's crimes to you?" Sheng Jun's voice contained a hint of a smile.

"Sir, accept the order."

Yang Gang saluted, then straightened his back.

"Liu Xi listens to the sentence."


Liu Xi trembled all over, looked up at Yang Gang who was standing tall in front of him, and couldn't say a word anymore.

"Liu Xi framed the Great Zhou Judiciary God, fabricated false evidence, assaulted ancestor sacrifices, deceived the emperor, and was punished for several crimes. He should be sentenced to death. He was pushed out of the holy capital and divided into five horses..."

"Your Majesty!" Liu Xi cried out sadly, prostrated himself on the ground, and looked at Shengjun with pleading eyes.


All he got back was a ruthless side face.

"The Liu family should be implicated..."

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Liu Xi deserves death!" Liu Xi hurriedly screamed, he knew that he would die, but if he kept quiet, his family business and the Liu clan that had multiplied tens of thousands of people would be implicated. , completely vanished in the Great Zhou and in these three realms.

He quickly said: "But please your Majesty, Nian Zaichen has worked hard for the Great Zhou Dynasty for 300 years, generations of Liu's children have served in the court, please let them go! Your Majesty, please... Your Majesty!"

With tears in his eyes, Liu Xi kept trying to crawl to Shengjun's feet.However, an invisible pressure made all his efforts in vain in the end, and he fell to the ground with miserable cries.


Shengjun never made a sound, standing quietly with his hands behind his hands like a stone sculpture.It seems that the affection of the past 300 years cannot shake his heart at all.

"The Liu family should be implicated..." Yang Gang's voice did not stop, but what he said was beyond everyone's expectations, "From now on, we will thoroughly investigate all members of the Liu family. Noble nationality, sent back to Liu's ancestral land."


"If guilty, sentence, if not guilty, release?"

"What is this Yang Gang talking about?"

"Why can I understand every sentence, but can't understand every sentence!"

Everyone around was stunned.

Yang Gang's so-called "involvement" is not to kill Liu's family from top to bottom, but to discuss their own crimes!

Even Liu Xi on the ground stared blankly, looking at him incredulously.


Shengjun's majestic voice came, and there seemed to be a little puzzlement.

"His Majesty."

Yang Gang respectfully said: "I don't have any sympathy in my heart. I just pronounce the sentence according to the new law. Most of the Liu family are guilty, and there are also many innocent people. If the whole family is exterminated because of this, many innocent people will be implicated. Life, I'm afraid it will damage His Majesty's benevolence."

"Therefore, I have the courage to petition. The trial of Liu's case should be based on the new law, and it will be tried as a new law."


Shengjun stood where he was, seemingly thinking, seemingly noncommittal.


Nod slowly.

"Then leave it to you."

Say it.

With a wave of his sleeves, he left first.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yang Gang raised his head, a strange smile appeared on his face.

Hit a stick and give a candied date.

He wanted to see if this new law could implement the Three Realms and turn things around little by little.To change the reincarnation of countless beings in the nine heavens and ten places from generation to generation, and the old thoughts engraved in the depths of the soul.

"What was old in the past is rotten. What is new in the future will come."

"The future games will be very exciting!"

Yang Gang looked at Shengjun's back and said silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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