I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 344 Yang Gang is engaged, and ten thousand immortals observe the ceremony

Chapter 344 Yang Gang is engaged, and ten thousand immortals observe the ceremony

"Submit three books."

Yang Gang was dressed in a festive uniform, and saluted in the direction of Jiang's residence in a graceful manner.Then he turned and waved to the guard of honor.

Immediately, a servant presented a rectangular red gift box.

Open the gift box.

Inside lay three vermilion seals quietly.

"Please take a look at the celebrity."

Yang Gang took out three calligraphy posts with both hands, and handed them over to Lord Taibai Xing.

"it is good."

Mr. Taibaixing was all smiles, he took the three letters, and began to read the contents of the second "Book of Rites", "The Yang family is offering a dowry gift, nine pieces of brocade and silk, three heads of livestock, fifty catties of fish and meat, and dried fruits. ..."

According to ancient rituals, a man and a woman need to prepare three books and six rituals when they get married.

The three books refer to the letter of appointment, letter of ceremony, and letter of welcome.

The letter of appointment is the book of engagement, which is used by both men and women to formally conclude a marriage contract.Before that, Yang Gang's mother, Lan Caiyi, had already made an appointment with Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

The book of ceremonies read out at this time is the book of rites, the list of gifts for the betrothal gift given today.

The final marriage letter should be written by the two newcomers after today's marriage engagement, and it will be used by the bride on the wedding day.

That is, the book of marrying the bride.

Today's appointment ceremony is also called Nazheng among the six rituals.

When the two parties make a complete decision on their marriage on this day, they can choose an auspicious day and wait for the wedding date to come.

Following Taibai Xingjun's voice fell.

A small voice of discussion gradually sounded around.

The value of these betrothal gifts... can only be called ordinary.

Really ordinary!
With Yang Gang's current status, not to mention the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, at least gold, silver and jewelry are indispensable.But why... choose these mundane things?
But the people of insight present all showed smiles.

Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, and Yang Gang's mother, Lan Caiyi, had already stood in front of the gate of Jiang's residence with a smile on their faces, looking at Yang Gang and others below.

Show a satisfied look.

Yang Gang's appointment today is based on the ancient etiquette.This also means that once the two parties conclude a contract, there will be no separation in this life.

For them, this is the most solemn etiquette in the world!
"Please take a look at the girl's parents."

Taibaixing Jun turned the corner of the book of ceremonies to Jiang Jiang's father, Jiang Shusheng, with a smile.

The old father took the letter of ceremony and kept nodding his head, his face seemed to be bursting into laughter, and he became more and more satisfied with Yang Gang.

long face!

Jiang Shusheng has never felt that he has such a long face!

In front of so many powerful people in the Three Realms, Yang Gang was willing to make a letter of engagement to marry his daughter with the ancient ritual, Jiang Shusheng was definitely more respectable than anything else.

My heart is really comfortable!
"General Jiang, I wonder if there is anything that needs to be added or subtracted from this ritual book?" Taibaixing Lord's voice awakened Jiang Shusheng who was immersed in joy.

"Cough cough~~"

He couldn't help coughing twice, cleared his throat, and said seriously: "No problem, just move the betrothal gift in."

"Master Xie Yuezhang."

Yang Gang immediately cupped his hands and saluted with joy on his face.

He finally passed the test of the old father-in-law, and he was relieved.

After a while.

The gongs and drums in Jiang's mansion are loud, and the fireworks are in full bloom, which is full of festive colors everywhere.

Lucky bags wrapped in red cloth poured out from Jiang's house in an endless stream and fell into the hands of people watching the ceremony on the street.The other distinguished guests were invited into the mansion to drink tea, and everyone also received a lucky bag symbolizing good luck.


In the Jiang Mansion, the two parties began to conclude a contract and write a letter of welcome.

The pedestrians surrounding Jiang's mansion gradually dispersed.

Although they saw many big people who were rare to see on weekdays today, the imaginable big scene did not appear, and they always felt a little lost in their hearts.

But just when they just turned around.

"Please write a welcome letter for the newcomers on both sides!"

Taibai Xingjun's voice spread from the Jiang residence to all directions.

next moment.

Numerous anomalies appeared in the sky.

Yang Gang and all the guests stood in the courtyard, looking up.

I saw the wind and clouds surging in the eastern sky, the rays of light were shining, and real dragons circled and danced from the clouds and mist, with festive red ribbons wrapped around their heads, and they uttered dragon chants.

a time.

Everyone was stunned.

One hundred, three hundred, one thousand... Countless dragon shadows danced in the sky, each one was of pure blood, and there was not a single chilong or horned dragon!
This is... has the entire East China Sea Dragon Clan come?
Just to congratulate Yang Gang alone?
"Hey hey, good! Good, good, good! Hahahaha" a burst of laughter came faintly.Yang Gang's eyes fell on the cloud and mist, and a golden-haired monkey with thick hair was scratching its ear and cheek with a very excited expression.


All this is from the handwriting of the Stone Monkey King.

He wanted to send out the entire Dragon Clan of the East China Sea to congratulate Yang Gang on his engagement, who would dare not obey?


Yang Gang shook his head helplessly, then smiled.

I want to keep everything simple.

But many people seem to be unwilling?

The real dragon has not yet set in the eastern sky.

I saw auspicious fairy lights appearing again in the western sky.In the meantime, there are faint figures, and it seems that there are immortals riding clouds and mists from outside the world, riding various fairy and rare beasts...

"and also?"

Outside the Jiang Mansion, every place in Shengjing saw this dazzling scene.

all of a sudden.

I don't know how many women are envious of it, wishing to replace it.

If they can marry such a man in the future, and have such a beautiful wedding, let the gods of the three realms come to congratulate them... How great would that be?
"Hundred Profound Cave Heaven, Qingling Cave Heaven, Longevity Blessed Land, Wangwu Blessed Land, Mingtao Water Mansion, Southwest Sword Region, Qingzhou Heaven Region, Qindang Heaven Region, Nanling Heaven Region, Aolai Heaven Region... one hundred and eight worlds away Immortal mountain and blessed land, congratulations on the engagement ceremony of the judiciary god."

"I wish the two newcomers a happy marriage for a hundred years and a bond for eternity!"

The neat voice resounded through the heaven and earth, shaking the hearts of countless people in the holy capital.

Not only the Dragon Clan from the East China Sea came, but even the immortals from the Paradise and the Paradise, who have no dispute with the world, also came to the scene to offer their blessings to Yang Gang.

What kind of glory and what kind of face is this?

In Jiang's mansion, Jiang Shusheng's face was already full of smiles, and his mouth could hardly be closed.

Today he really swelled up a lot!
If you get a son-in-law like this, you can't ask for anything else!
Mrs. Jiang on the side also smiled happily, snuggling up beside her husband with a happy expression on her face.

this moment.

Even Jiang Jiang in the boudoir couldn't help raising his head to look at the sky.

"For today, he has spent a lot of thought, right? I don't know how long he has been preparing..." Her heart had already flown out of the boudoir, and she wished to see the sweetheart who brought her countless surprises immediately.

I can't wait...to marry myself to him right away!

The appearance of the dragon clan and the fairy mountains outside the world seems to have started a trend.

Immortal gods and great powers with extraordinary identities emerged from the void and congratulated Yang Gang thousands of miles away.There are hundreds of heavens in the big week, countless fairy mountains outside the world, and heaven and earth everywhere. I don’t know how many immortal gods and powers have been hidden for tens of thousands of years.

Almost all of them appeared at this moment, congratulating in the direction of Shengjing.

Even in many regions outside the Great Zhou Dynasty, even in the Eternal Demon Realm, there are many neutral monster clans and immortal gods showing their traces, manifesting auspicious visions in the sky.

no way.

Now that someone has started this trend, everyone is naturally not to be outdone, and one after another you will sing and I will appear on the stage.Otherwise, if you came but I didn't come, wouldn't it appear that you are 'disrespectful'?
In the future, the general trend will be the same, and the three worlds will be turbulent. This judicial god is definitely the most important leader.

Not to mention deliberately pleasing him, at least he can't lose his position at this time!
The congratulations from all over the sky lasted for a full hour.

It has shocked the hearts of all living beings in the three realms again and again.

Thousands of immortals watch the ceremony, and the three realms congratulate.

Being able to marry such a man must be the happiest thing in the world, right?

At last.

The main event is finally here!
I saw the sky in the imperial city of Shengjing suddenly radiant and thunderous.

(End of this chapter)

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