I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 355 Arriving in the Northland, Entering Nine Netherworlds

Chapter 355 To the Northland, Entering Nine Serenity

"Yang Jian...Yang Jian..."

A tragic roar echoed in the depths of the Daxue Mountain.

Boom boom boom!
Countless beams of Buddha's light, vajra, lotus platform, orbs, Buddha's handprints... were crazily thrown towards a snow abyss in the snow mountain.A headless god of war marched backwards, beheading a Buddha from time to time.

Then he yelled the name of 'Yang Jian', and was violently blasted into Xueyuan.

"Xing Tian... is worthy of the name of the ancient god of war. Even if he is headless, he will recover after tens of thousands of years, and there will be an unstoppable trend. Tens of thousands of Buddhist disciples, thousands of Bodhisattvas, plus..."

The snow peak in the distance.

Standing on the observation deck, Han Xiang looked at two powerful Buddhist auras below the Xueyuan, and they fought fiercely with the god of war Xing Tian from time to time.

However, it has been two days since she arrived in the Northland, and the two sides still have not decided the winner.

Although Xing Tian, ​​the god of war, was defeated, he became more and more brave as he fought, and he was extremely crazy.

But the oriental Medicine Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha of Buddhism have supreme mana power, so they have to avoid the edge for the time being when facing Xing Tian's reckless fight.

"With such an existence, who can decapitate him and leave an eternal grudge? Yang Jian... Is he the god-man who received the divine weapon from his mother in the Book of Mountains and Seas?"

Han Xiang has never experienced the ancient Shanhai period.At that time, she may have been buried in Guanghan Immortal Prison, or she may have long since fallen.So I don't know the magnificent story...

Except for Jiang Jiang, Lan Caiyi, Stone Monkey King and others, almost no one can be sure that Yang Gang is Yang Jian.

I don't even know his mythical actions at that time.

"Leader Hanxiang."

A voice floated in the wind and snow.

"General Liu, but there is another mission?" Han Xiang didn't move, still staring at Xue Yuan in the distance.

"The next task is sent by the superior. The Buddhism of the Nine Nether Lands needs the help of the Doubu to break through the defense of the water of the Styx River." In the wind and snow, a general wearing a golden armor slowly emerged.

He looked at Hanxiang, and said in a deep voice: "Fairy Han has outstanding abilities. Not only is she excellent in swordsmanship, but I heard that she is also good at water skills. This time, why don't you lead the team and sneak into Jiuyou to assist the Buddhist sect."


how is it?

Shangfeng has a life, how dare you not obey?The end of disobeying the military order must be better than going to Jiuyou to take risks.

Hanxiang nodded slightly, "Hanxiang has orders, let's go immediately."

"Hahahaha, cheer up!"

That Liu Shen will throw a paper order with a wave of his hand, and then disappear into the wind and snow.

Han Xiang stood quietly, as if she had no intention of opening the book at all.

This Divine General Liu is one of the pillars of the Liu Clan in Doubu, and there is also Liu Xianjun on top of him, who is in charge of supporting the arrival of the Northland.Because of Yang Gang's matter, the only remaining members of the Liu family hated those related to him very much.

This is how Hanxiang was arranged at the closest position to the Xueyuan battlefield.

Two days passed, seeing that it was not effective, they made another plan and wanted to send Hanxiang to the more threatening Jiuyou.

"My friend~~~"

Han Xiang sighed in a low voice, a trace of melancholy flashed between her brows.

She doesn't blame Yang Gang.

It's just that this time going to Jiuyou is unpredictable, thinking that I might not even be able to attend their wedding, the goddess from the Moon Palace couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

She had planned before that it was best not to go to their wedding, so as not to add to the sadness.

It might be impossible to go now, but she wants to go again.

There was a sound of footsteps stepping on the snow from below.

"I have met Commander Hanxiang."

A young soldier held a spear and saluted Hanxiang respectfully.

He looked at Hanxiang who was so preoccupied and ignored him, and said again: "Commander Hanxiang, General Liu Shen has arranged the team for this expedition, please set off with your subordinates."


Han Xiang lightly taps the head of the gnat.

With a flick of his figure, he passed the side of the young soldiers and went straight down the mountain.


Han Xiang froze.

Turning her head to look at the young soldier beside her, Qiongbi sniffed softly, and a look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"What's your name?" She asked coldly.

"Return to Commander, the name of this subordinate is Yang Yi."

The young general remained calm and replied respectfully.

"Yang Yi?"

Han Xiang's heart trembled.

He looked at the face of the young soldier more and more carefully, but he still couldn't see any resemblance between him and the person in his heart.Just a lingering sense of familiarity in my heart...

"Commander Hanxiang, why do you look at your subordinates like this?"

Yang Yi seemed a little uncomfortable to be seen, he stepped back quietly and asked with an embarrassed smile.

"Well, it's fine."

Han Xiang's expression returned to her coolness, she turned her head and walked straight ahead, no longer interested in the people behind her.

Although Han Xiang has a kind heart.

But except for Yang Gang, she actually kept a distance from any man in the world.Or... the same goes for women.

"Commander Hanxiang, wait a moment, my subordinates will take you to the barracks."

Yang Yi, who was behind him, trotted to keep up with the steps, with a strict look, and seemed to be very disciplined.

Han Xiang could feel that he did not seem to have any malice towards her.

After all, going to the Netherworld is almost the same as sending to death.The members of the Liu family probably wouldn't arrange for their cronies.

As for the 'Yi' in the opponent's name, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Han Xiang thought about it.

After a while.

The two came to the Doubu barracks behind the Daxue Mountain one by one.

A team of thousands of soldiers has already lined up and waited.

Han Xiang nodded, turned and left the barracks without saying a word.The cold and lonely aura on his body seemed to be a little deeper, colder than the ice and snow on the Daxue Mountain that has not melted for thousands of years.

far away.

General Liu Shen, who sent the military order before, and the old man with an old face but very black hair beside him, laughed silently together.

They didn't dare to let Hanxiang die in Beidi openly.

But this is Northland, they have many, many opportunities.Even if Yang Gang came in person, with military orders like mountains, he would never want to take Hanxiang away!

Take their Liu family and kill [-]% of their Liu family's male population.

This kind of blood and blood enmity will last forever!

After half an hour.

Hanxiang led a group of Doubu soldiers through the Jiuyou Gate controlled by Da Zhou, and quietly entered the Jiuyou Land.

Dim light.

A scorched earth.

Everything is gray and black in Jiuyou, which seems to exist in the depths of the ground for thousands of miles, and there is no trace of the breath of the living.

"Is this Jiuyou already?"

It was the first time for Hanxiang and the other soldiers to set foot in Jiuyou, and they looked a bit at a loss.

"Advance to the River Styx."


Following the order of the general named Yang Yi, everyone stepped forward without flying or using any spells. They saw the corpses of Buddha Gate and Jiuyou by chance along the way, and they had no desire to take a look at them.

Everything is for the sake of not attracting the attention of the Jiuyou clan.

they know.

This is only the outermost part of the Nine Nether Lands.

Across this area, there is the Styx River ahead, the endless water of the Yellow Spring, the Naihe Bridge that is difficult for immortals to cross, and the legendary Road to the Yellow Spring that exists behind the core area of ​​the Nine Nether Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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