I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 361 Rodent Method, Arrow of the Peak

Chapter 361 Rodent Method, Arrow of the Peak
Just when Yang Gang and Pang Meng launched a shocking archery duel.

Han Xiang from a distance also saw this scene.

When Yang Gang took out the pendant from his bosom, when the ancient artifact turned into a flaming bow, she finally understood everything.

It turns out that Yang Gang is Yang Yi!

It turns out...he has been silently guarding himself in the dark.It turns out...it's not that he doesn't care about himself!

"Don't!" cried out in panic.

As soon as Han Xiang moved, she was about to fly over the Styx River.

She knew that without her own power of lunar moonlight, Tong Gong Suzhen could only exert half or even less power.Compared with Pang Meng, who has practiced in Jiuyou reincarnation for 30 years, the outcome may be unpredictable.

If both sides suffer losses, then... what will Jiang Jiang do in the future?
Could it be possible to go through reincarnation and go to the next life to find him?

Absolutely not!

"Don't come here." A voice suddenly sounded in Han Xiang's heart.

The voice just fell.

Two peerless divine arrows suddenly passed through the Bana Flower and the boat on the Styx River, exploding two groups of earth-shattering rays of light.

Han Xiang is also concerned about chaos.

It must be known that with her current speed, how can she catch up with those two peerless arrows?
see this scene.

Han Xiang couldn't help but froze in place, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand.

When the light gradually began to dissipate.

Everyone stared intently at Styx and Bianhua, quietly waiting for the result of this battle.

I saw above the Styx.

The leaf boat was blown into countless pieces, but there was a figure standing in the air on the spot, with his hands clasped together, a fiery red arrow pierced through his abdomen, as if blasting out a void.


The fiery red arrows flowed slowly, but they still couldn't completely penetrate his body.

"I won!"

Pang Meng raised his head suddenly, his expression froze.

at the same time.

There was an uproar from all sides in the sky.

Among the flowers on the other side, Yang Gang tilted his head slightly, the tips of his hair were fluttering in the strong wind, and he was biting a brown arrow in his mouth, and he couldn't see any injuries on his whole body.

In this one-shot attack, both sides resolved the opponent's attack in an unexpected way, resulting in a split result.It is even said that Yang Gang looks slightly better.

Catch the opponent's arrow with your teeth?

This method of resolution is not only unexpected, but even a bit of a joke.

"Such a method is too bold!"

"Such a delicate mind, seeking victory in danger, perhaps the only way to catch such a dark arrow."

Yang Gang's method makes people can't help giving birth to a kind of "Is this the Pang Meng who has practiced for 30 years?" 'a feeling of.

"The rodent law?"

Pang Meng below looked at Yang Gang with a complicated expression, and gently uttered three words from his mouth.

"It seems you still remember."

Yang Gang smiled slightly.

It should be known that his physical body is strong, and the hardest thing in the human body is not the bones, but the teeth.

This "rodent method" was created by Yang Gang in the ancient past, a hidden killer move.In archery combat, where is the archer's priority to attack?Naturally the head.

After learning this "rodent method", you will be invincible in the battle of arrows.

"Of course I remember, the humiliation of that arrow... will never be forgotten!" Pang Meng's voice came out of his mouth through gritted teeth.

He looked at Yang Gang, the shame in his eyes revived like an ancient flame.


The two sides bent their bows and arrows again, and launched the second round of duel.


"It's really exciting!"

"Unexpectedly, the duel of archery can reach such a depth! Sure enough, the road is different, and all streams are unified. Any skill in the world can be radiated with peerless elegance when it reaches the peak level!"

The onlookers were amazed in their hearts, and they were looking forward to their next battle.

And Han Xiang in the distance saw it.

Immediately, his figure moved, and he suddenly remembered what Yang Gang said just now, so he couldn't help but stop.

"Does he want to use his own strength to defeat Pang Meng? Because Pang Meng's first arrow had a chance to kill him, but in the end it turned into a mahogany stick, so..."

"The two sides are fighting in an upright manner, without relying on any external force!"

thought here.

Han Xiang couldn't help hesitating.

If I take the initiative to help Yang Gang, will it make him unhappy?

He has already spoken out...

"and many more."

At this moment, Han Xiang finally thought belatedly: "His voice...why does it sound in my heart?"

The crystal eyes fell on the coquettish Bana flower in the void.

Fairy Yuegong guessed, "Could it be... because of 'it'?"

'call out--'

'call out--'

Two peerless arrows pierced the void and collided in the air with an unstoppable momentum.

The bright brilliance is like a huge firework, which is full of everyone's eyes.

Before the light dissipated.

'call out--'

'call out--'

Another two arrows shot into the brilliance, colliding accurately in the void without any line of sight.

'call out--'

'call out--'

A third arrow followed.

Then came the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow...

Each piece shakes the netherworld, shattering the void inch by inch, manifesting pieces of grotesque worlds.

The Tathagata, the Twelve Ancestors of Witches and others were amazed and felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

These two have such archery skills.

If they really had the intention to sneak up on them in the dark before... I am afraid that half of the people present will fall on the Styx River.

This other shore flower may not be something they can covet!

Think here.

Both Fomen and Jiuyou couldn't help but retreated thousands of miles again, with tense expressions, ready to leave the place of right and wrong at any time if the situation is not good.

boom! !

Eighth Arrow... Ninth Arrow...

The gray sky was pierced by arrows, forming a deep black hole.In that weird black hole, all light, mana, and supernatural powers seemed to have disappeared.

All visible things are transformed into the most violent chaos.

Chaos, disorder.
Until the tenth arrow was born.

It seems to surpass all speeds, without any light, without any sound, and without any form.Two sharp arrows pierced through the void and collided with each other without causing any waves.

The two arrows seemed to exist in nothingness, passing through each other in an instant, and fell towards the bodies of Yang Gang and Pang Meng.

The arrow that surpassed everything did not give the two of them any time to react, and blasted their bodies into countless pieces.


Han Xiang exclaimed.

But the Tathagata and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, who were tens of thousands of miles away, seemed to have noticed something was wrong, their expressions changed, and they subconsciously moved away quickly.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is not safe enough for them!
The other shore flower blooms unprecedentedly.

The sea of ​​blood in the River Styx surged wildly, and it also set off an unprecedented huge wave.

Yang Gang and Pang Meng are dead.

However, this battle seems to be far from over.

"Nine kalpas are sanctified, and the will is immortal."

The loud voice spread throughout the void, and a little divine light condensed in the flower heart on the other side, gradually turning into an illusory human form.

Flesh rebirth, bone remodeling.

Yang Gang's physical body was reborn in nothingness!

(End of this chapter)

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