I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 374 Chang'e Flies to the Moon, Nine Babies

Chapter 374 Chang'e Flies to the Moon, Nine Babies

Hundreds of millions of thunder surged, resounding through the heaven and earth like an ocean.

The magnificent vision shocked the nine heavens and ten earths, attracting many strange eyes.

under the watchful eyes of countless people.

Stepping on the moonlight, a magnificent goddess rises from the earth, her sleeves fluttering, and her posture is stunning. The stars and the beautiful moonlight gather on her body, as if gathering the spirit of heaven and earth, and gathering the beauty of mountains and rivers.

Just like that, she stepped on the moonlight and ran straight to the Moon Palace, to the legendary Lunar Star that was able to compete with the Sun God Palace in the beginning of ancient times and gathered the most beautiful women in the world.

boom boom boom

Thunderbolts fell on Su'e like raindrops.She didn't seem to care, the bright moonlight was shining on her body, and she easily resisted the bombardment of countless thunders.

Su'e looked up at the brighter moon in the sky, her face was filled with endless joy when she regained her peerless beauty.

The elixir gave her endless divine power, and she couldn't help but soar towards a higher world.But it was not a heaven full of monster races, but the lunar star that he was thinking of.

This scene also made many people in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths feel incredible.

Some people have already recognized this goddess who flew away to the moon as the goddess of Taiyin who shot the sun with Dayi back then. Knowing that she made such a commotion, the catastrophe in the nine heavens is obviously extraordinary.

And amazed by its ease of defense.

Until an exclamation came from afar, "It's the elixir of immortality! It's the legendary elixir of immortality in the hands of the Queen Mother of China and the West. There are only two copies of the elixir of immortality left in the world!"

"Queen Mother Xi's elixir of immortality!"

"How could the divine object that was said to come from the beginning of the ancient times fall into the hands of an ordinary goddess?"

"There may be big changes in it!"

"Have you all forgotten that the person who accompanies her is that great difference between heaven and earth—Yi."

One voice converging in the void.

Many great powers hidden in the world seem to be having a tea party at this moment, with expressions all over their faces.

"Two copies?"

The sound came into Su'e's ears.

But she grasped the key two words.

"No. Four copies?"

For some reason, a trace of uneasiness suddenly surged in her heart.

"No, it must be a misunderstanding. Even I was deceived by him, let alone other people who don't know..." Su'e comforted herself in this way. At this time, she had flown over hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and flew to a majestic and majestic land. above the mountains.


Su'e lowered her head subconsciously.

Looking at the top of the mountains, in a pool filled with immortal energy and divine light, there stands a majestic and kind woman, who looks like a human being, with leopard tail and tiger teeth, like a woman from the beginning of the sky. Innate gods.

'Western Queen'

For some reason, a thought flashed through Su'e's mind.

I saw the woman standing in the pool full of blossoming congenital snow lotus, smiling slightly at her who was rushing to the moon, the smile seemed to contain endless deep meaning.

Su'e's heart skipped a beat.

The feeling of uneasiness grew stronger.

The dome of the sky cracked, and sudden changes occurred.

A long dagger resembling a dragon and snake twined, pierced through the void, shattered the clouds of calamity, penetrated all things, and stabbed straight at Su'e who was rushing to the moon.


A terrifying phantom followed closely behind, emerging from the void.

Its nine-headed snake body is shaped like mountains, covering the sky and covering the sun, exuding a majestic aura like a world-destroying demon flame.

"Nine infants!"

"One of the Ten Great Demon Saints in Heaven!"

"It's broken! Su'e flew to the moon, and it really attracted the Heavenly Court."

"I knew they wouldn't let this happen! With this blow, Su'e will definitely die!"

The terrifying movement attracted everyone's attention.

this moment.

In the three realms and nine heavens, hundreds of millions of eyes focused on the sky at the same time, as if the wind and clouds gathered when the ten days turned across the sky.

It is also because of this magnificent woman.

It is also the two major forces of the yin and the sun.

The only difference is that now the Taiyin is receding, and the legendary Dayi, who was cursed by the Heavenly Emperor and weakened in power, has long since disappeared.

In this world, who else can help Su'e?

You must know that there are only ten people who have the name of the demon saint today, and each of them is the saint of the demon clan, which is completely different from the title of the demon saint in later generations.

Don't give everyone a chance to react.

The long spear that has penetrated through the ages has descended in front of Su'e.

Under the attention of all the people, the goddess was fearless in the face of danger, she rallied her divine power, and a white moonlight bloomed in her hand, which turned into a clear and white sword and handed it forward.

The melodious sound of weapons clashing floated into the ears of all living beings in the nine heavens and ten places.

Awaken countless sleeping figures from their dreams.

The package was originally in the hut, and Yang Gang's brows gradually eased.


A sigh sounded.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, he said with a wry smile: "Sure enough... there is still a calamity."


The huge sound seemed to be delayed, resounding through nine days.

Countless astonishing vigor erupted in the void, setting off bursts of auspicious clouds and colorful lights.

The demon saint Jiuying's Changge turned upside down in the air and fell back under his body, wrapped around by a slender snake tail.Chang Ge was shocked, shaking off the energy of the void, and aimed at Su'e below again.

"Some skills, but unfortunately not many, all from external forces."

The Demon Saint Nine Babies grinned grimly.

A terrifying murderous intent suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"not good!"

Su'e's heart sank, and she felt an unprecedented crisis.

However, at this time she couldn't help herself, the power of the elixir of immortality had not been fully digested, and she was engulfed and flew towards the moon, trying to organize forces to fight against this famous demon saint in the three worlds?

At this moment, no one in the Three Realms was optimistic about her.


On the top of the mountains, that innate god slowly raised the golden hairpin in his hand.

at the same time.

From the distant Nine Heavens Mountain, there was a faint warning aura.

That was a deterrent from Di Jun, the lord of the ancient heaven.

However, this did not stop the gods on the top of the mountains from doing what they were doing.

But at this time.

Her movements stopped suddenly.

His eyes slowly dropped, looking towards the far end of the earth.

'call out--'

A long arrow pierced the night sky, crossed the endless distance silently, penetrated the void under the astonished eyes of everyone, and suddenly appeared in front of the demon saint Jiuying.

"How brave!"

Jiuying shouted angrily.

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, "How dare a mere mortal dare to kill a god?"

The arrow collided with Chang Ge.

Suddenly, a shocking divine light burst out, a trace of astonishment flashed in Jiuying's eyes, the spear in his hand was shattered inch by inch, and that ordinary wooden arrow seemed to contain incredible power, piercing through his weapon and his flesh.

It emerges from the back of the body that is as thick as mountains, and shoots into the distant sky.

With just one arrow, the Nine Infant Demon Saint fell into the void.

"Who is it! Who is it!"

His nine heads roared in pain, all of them looked in disbelief.Then, one after another, they were broken one after another, as if they couldn't bear this seemingly ordinary arrow at all.

According to the legend, the nine infants, the demon saints in the heavenly court, have no soul and no soul, but only nine ancient life orders.As long as one life is still alive, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth can be collected to restore it.

And now...

(End of this chapter)

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