I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 378 The end of the calamity, the opportunity of chaos

Chapter 378 The end of the calamity, the opportunity of chaos (pseudo)
Su'e stood alone on the barren land, looking at the bloody moonlight in the air.

Some don't understand the situation.

"Isn't this the lunar star? Why is it so empty..."

She begins to explore the world.

One year passed, ten years passed, and a hundred years passed... Su'e traveled all over the 'Lunar Star', but did not find any trace of living beings.Only withered osmanthus trees silently tell the loneliness of the years.

"Master... where did you go?"

Hundreds of years later.

Su'e found a dilapidated palace with the word "Guanghan." deep in the earth.

This made her very happy.

Although she found no trace of life in the palace, she did find a small bag of laurel seeds.

Bored, she started planting trees.

Later, with the ever-increasing divine power, he condensed a snow-white jade rabbit to accompany him.

Her divine power gradually became stronger and stronger, and she began to advance towards an unknown realm.

It's just that every time her strength improves, she tries to leave this lonely world, only to find that this 'Lunar Star', which is completely different from what she remembers, is like an incomparably huge cage.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't leave half a step away.

Years go by.

Endless emptiness. Accompanied by endless loneliness.
Su'e lives alone in this deserted world, her heart is getting colder and colder, she gradually forgets the time and the meaning of her existence, she just stands under the osmanthus tree every day, looking at the bright future in the distance of stars.

It seems that there... is her real hometown.

Every day and night, she is chanting a name.


The direction of the heart is the other shore.

But the hometown in her heart, the other shore of her soul, has long since completely disappeared in this world.

For her, for her ridiculous wish, she died on that ordinary hillside.

Countless years passed.

Countless days and nights, the loneliness that seems to never end.

Finally completely defeated the heart of the Moon Palace Goddess.

"Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihaiqingtian is heartbroken every night...Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, Bihaiqingtian is heartbroken every night...Is this God's punishment for me?" A faint sigh sounded in the empty world.


"From now on, Su'e, let's change my name to Chang'e..."

The goddess, who was about to be driven mad by the endless coldness and loneliness, finally completely despaired.She began to practice frantically day and night, trying to paralyze herself with practice.

The only motivation that supported her to live was nothing but hatred.

Perhaps one day in the future, when her cultivation reaches an unprecedented height.

This deep lunar star will not be able to trap her.

But because of that person's death, her heart has already been trapped here forever.

That once tender heart will always be as cold as the surface of the lunar star.

after many years.

The solitary goddess finally repaired the dilapidated palace, and added the word 'palace' after the word 'Guanghan'.

Since then.

Guanghan Palace will stand forever on this empty land in the long years to come.

after many years.

The osmanthus trees spread out their branches under the moonlight, blooming white osmanthus flowers.

Jade rabbits run on the ground.


Their agile figures and pairs of blood-red eyes only have bloodthirsty murderous intent, without any spirituality at all.

Want to create real creatures?

Perhaps...the only way is to wait for Su'e's divine power to reach the height of the Great God Nuwa at the beginning of the ancient times.At that time, this cold and lonely "Lunar Star" will not be able to trap her anymore.

But at that time, I don't know whether to wait 10 years or 100 million years?
And the person who existed in her heart had already been reincarnated many times... Will he still remember himself?
after many years.

Finally, a figure stepped onto this empty, dead land.

He held an ax as if he had no intelligence.

After entering here from the outside world, they silently cut down the flourishing osmanthus trees, tirelessly.

Su'e, whose divine power is getting deeper and deeper, naturally has already discovered his existence.

But always indifferent.

Years of loneliness had already made her heart as cold as the moonlight, and she was no longer interested in anything.For men in this world other than that person, I instinctively hate them from the bottom of my heart.

She understood better how illusory it was to want to leave here.

Counting on a god-man without wisdom?

A fool's dream.

Until this day... the tireless man of God felled in front of the gate of Guanghan Palace, stared at the plaque above his head, and muttered silently: "Isn't Guanghan Palace the Guanghan Prison of Emperor Yuetian's family?"

Sitting cross-legged in the depths of the palace, the goddess was shocked and suddenly opened her eyes.


[The goddess has a dream of eternal life and tears, and the sun burns the sky for eternity. 】

[Guanghan Immortal Prison - The End of Tribulation]

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Entering ancient times, experiencing eternal love, comprehending the indestructible will and the mysteries of the beliefs of all living beings, and finally becoming a ghost emperor under the Nine Netherworld.Evaluation: Arbitrary Eternal (Pseudo)]

[Has transformed a chaotic opportunity (pseudo)]

"Chaos chance, fake?"

Above Jiuyou, in a blood moon.

The two figures quietly embraced each other.

Yang Gang's consciousness gradually recovered, and he was surprised by the information in Mingjie Changhe for the first time.

Such an evaluation, he has gone through reincarnation again and again, and he has never seen it before.

"What is this, half a step of arbitrariness? Half a step of chaos?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but smile wryly.

But this at least made him understand that on top of the three-color chance, there is also a chaotic chance!
Accompanied by his recovery of consciousness.

A bunch of chaotic forces in the body seemed to have found their source, rushing towards Yang Gang's sea of ​​consciousness.

in a blink.

He regained control of his body and gradually regained his sense of touch.


Feeling the soft touch in his arms, Yang Gang opened his eyes in surprise.

Immediately, he met a pair of eyes that were as cold as frost, but tender as water.

It's hard to describe this pair of eyes.

It is even more unimaginable how such two completely different emotions and temperaments can appear in the same person.


Yang Gang just wanted to speak out.

A red lip was printed on his mouth suddenly, blocking all his follow-up words.

"You are... right? Yi~~~"

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Han Xiang's soft body lay on top, looking at Yang Gang quietly.

Her expression was cold, but her eyes were burning with deep affection like flames, giving people the illusion that her body and mind were separated.

Maybe... that's not an illusion.


Yang Gang couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Hanxiang, you put it on first..."

"Don't worry, nothing happened to us." Han Xiang said coldly.


Yang Gang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and felt a little empty in his heart.

"But it's only the last step." Han Xiang continued, her expression still as cold as frost.


Yang Gang's voice froze.

Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar Han Xiang in front of him, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

this moment.

Yang Gang couldn't wait to know what happened in Mingjie Changhe's subsequent derivation.

The development of things is not as I imagined. It seems that something is wrong.

 I originally wanted to start adding updates after I came back, but I was tired these days, and my waist started to hurt again, and I couldn’t sit in a chair. Today, I wrote these two chapters squatting on the ground, what a pain!
  Sorry to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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