I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 381 The Prelude to the Lich Tribulation

Chapter 381 The Prelude to the Lich Tribulation


Yang Gang suddenly sneered.

"You have a long life, you obviously want to find me a socket!"


The long river of fate is flowing, as if it is responding to Yang Gang's words, and it seems to be a vision caused by deduction to a critical moment.

Yang Gang looked thoughtful, with a sneer on his face.

The operation of everything in the world is a cause and effect.

There is a cause and an effect.

Yang Gang's life in Guanghan Immortal Prison was completely changed by him, completely deviated from the original track.But just like the "fate" of the Northland back then, Song Youque, the Heavenly Sword, was forcibly resurrected.

In order to be "reasonable" for future generations, the follow-up of this life must deduce a reasonable path among countless possibilities.

Let Pang Meng fall into reincarnation.

Let Yang Gang and Su'e have an intersection.

Let that flower of the other side, which connects the two people's body and mind, appear in the netherworld reasonably.

This is a bit like the chicken-and-egg paradox.

However, the existence of Changhe is an anomaly. If he wants to know how "it" works and how it exists, Yang Gang may only be able to see through everything if he takes the step beyond the other side.

"Let me see what kind of moth you will come up with next!"

Yang Gang continued to read.

[Fifth thousand and 100 years.The friction between the two clans of liches increased day by day, and Pang Meng finally passed away. Having enjoyed a fulfilling life, he had just stepped into the Netherworld, and when he heard the name of the Netherworld Emperor, he froze in place...]

[It's a pity that you have already left Nether at this time. 】


Yang Gang was at a loss.

In the derivation of the long river of destiny, he did not explain his whereabouts. Why did the timeline suddenly jump to 100 years?

What have you been doing for the past 100 years?
"The lunar star is anchored, and the blood moon is in the sky. I understand a little bit... Since the distant lunar star can anchor my position, as the coordinates of returning to the Three Realms. Then I can naturally sense the feeling in the dark... "

Yang Gang continued to read.

The follow-up content of Mingjie Changhe is about Su'e who ascended to the Moon Palace.

[In the first year, Su'e stood on the barren land, looking at the bloody moonlight in the air, and couldn't figure out where she was. 】

[The 100th year.She traveled all over the so-called lunar planet, but still found nothing. 】

[The 500th year.Su'e found a palace in the depths of the earth, with the word 'Guanghan.' written on the incomplete plaque. 】

[She gradually began to plant trees, and spent the long and lonely years with the Jade Rabbit, which was condensed with divine power. 】

[Countless years have passed. 】

[Su'e tried to leave this world time and time again, looking for the reincarnated you, looking for the hope of revenge... However, this world is like a huge cage, trapping her in it to death. 】

[Countless days and nights have completely broken the heart of the Goddess of Taiyin.She changed her name to Chang'e, immersed in regret day and night, and paralyzed herself with boring practice, leaving only deep-seated hatred in her heart. 】

[Day after day, year after year, Su'e has already forgotten how many years she has spent in the 'Lunar Star'. 】

[Until the 5000th year. 】

[A strange figure sets foot on this barren land. 】

"finally come!"

Yang Gang's spirit was refreshed, and he concentrated on watching the derivation of the long river of fate.

[The god-man who claims to be Wu Gang, after setting foot on the Taiyin star, he doesn't say a word and spends all day logging.When Su'e planted one, he cut it down.The two seem to have formed some kind of strange tacit understanding, adding a touch of color to Su'e's monotonous life. 】

[Until this day. 】

【The god-man Wu Gang finally felled all the way to the gate of Guanghan Palace, and uttered the shocking words: "Guanghan Palace, isn't it the Guanghan Prison of Emperor Yuetian's house?"]

Endless moonlight erupted suddenly in the depths of the moon palace.

In the long river of fate.

Yang Gang was also shocked, and there were waves of waves around him.

"Guanghan Palace? Guanghan Prison?"

"It turns out...all this is a conspiracy?"

"Su'e, who has fulfilled her mission, is doomed to be imprisoned in this desolate world forever. Why is this happening? Is it the work of Emperor Yuetian? Because of me?..."

"Then she's...too stingy."

Yang Gang was full of thoughts in his heart, and there were bursts of wry smiles on his face.

This seems to be a battle between two women across the timeline, and the mysterious Queen Mother of the West also got involved in it for some reason.

Talk and go.

This seems to be his own pot?

Yang Gang patted his forehead and suddenly felt a little headache.

"It seems that I made the right choice to keep my distance from my aunt!"

Don't look at the fact that Jiang Jiang and Han Xiang are very harmonious now.

If the conflict between the two women surfaced in the future, with Jiang Jiang's strong character, he might not know what he would do.

That Hanxiang has really become a bitter woman through the ages!
Thinking of this, Yang Gang couldn't help feeling a little distressed.She was trapped in Guanghan Immortal Prison and endured 30 years of loneliness. In the future...


Yang Gang couldn't help but sighed.

"At least here, and 'Wu Gang' has been with her for 30 years..."

He can already be sure that the Wu Gang who appeared inexplicably in Guanghan Prison should be the change after he left reincarnation.

At least an avatar of himself.

Although it is impossible to reveal her identity, being by her side silently for 30 years can be regarded as making up for a little debt in Yang Gang's heart.

[Time is leisurely. 】

[From that day on, Goddess Su'e seemed to be insane. She never planted a tree again, and she only knew how to practice, practice, and practice crazily every day...let the rabbits in Guanghan Prison run wild and devour each other , Gradually the nine most powerful individuals remained, with eyes like blood, tyrannical and vicious.]

"Nine rabbits?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but think of the scene where the nine rabbits pulled the coffin.

"Doesn't that exist in the real Lunar Star? Could it be... Su'e, who later became Guanghan Emperor, finally left Guanghan Immortal Prison and went to the real Lunar Star in her heart."

"In the end... left behind his physical body and was buried with Emperor Yuetian, while his soul was reincarnated and reborn, waiting to reunite with me under the arrangement of fate?"

Everything is connected.

But facing the woman who cared so much for him, Yang Gang felt even more headache.

How should he refuse?

Or... accept?
The world is safe and sound, and he really can't think of a compromise.In this life of Guanghan Immortal Prison, she finally tried to make Su'e hate because of love, but it also failed in the end.


[5000 years passed in a blink of an eye. 】

[In the 1th year, Su'e is still practicing silently in Guanghan Immortal Prison.Pang Meng, who was in the nether world, was still under the shadow of Dayi, unwillingly trying to overtake. 】

[And the witch clan living on the earth will also face an unprecedented challenge.The Twelve Witch Ancestors began to plan for the position of Emperor of the Earth, and the first choice was the Houtu Witch Ancestor who fit the land.Little did he know that there was a person who stepped into the Lord's Nether one after another, and became a ghost emperor in that uninhabited world. 】

[A catastrophe of liches affecting the three realms is about to kick off. 】

(End of this chapter)

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