I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 383 One Arrow Shocks Three Worlds

Chapter 383 One Arrow Shocks the Three Realms
Hanxiang fell into a beautiful fantasy about the future.

And Yang Gang's focused arrow finally gained momentum and succeeded.

An arrow that condensed the power of yin and yang, water and fire suddenly broke through the void and across the surface of the blood moon.

"what is this?"

Pang Meng, who was going mad outside the blood moon, was startled suddenly.

The long-lasting memory came to life from the depths of my mind, ten days across the sky, the ancient god-man stood on the ground, shooting nine arrows...

'call out--'

The arrow of water and fire has arrived in front of him, shooting at Pang Meng's eyebrows at an unprecedented speed.


Pang Meng finally reacted.

But he knew that no one in the world could dodge this arrow no matter what.

Only hard resistance!

The water of the boundless Styx was mobilized and condensed in front of Pang Meng in an instant.

However, he was still half a step too late.

The advantage of an arrow lies in piercing the surface with a point, rather than speed.

That arrow easily pierced through the water barrier of the Styx River, easily broke through the many supernatural powers set by Pang Meng's instinct, easily shattered the mahogany stick, and fell on his forehead with a "ding~~" middle.


Pang Meng, who had practiced in reincarnation for 30 years, was stunned in place.

The body of the Nether Emperor, which was stolen for 30 years, fell apart in an instant, shattered inch by inch, and returned to its original appearance in the blink of an eye.

Returning from the three-thousand-foot dharma body to a mortal body, there is still an arrow between the eyebrows that circulates the yin and yang forces of water and fire.

"How is it possible...why..."

Confusion, unwillingness, fear, all kinds of emotions surfaced on Pang Meng's face.

He doesn't understand.

Why is the body of the Nether Emperor that I stole after practicing for 30 years, like a chicken and a dog under this arrow-vulnerable to a single blow!
Why can't the almost endless power of the water of the Styx River stop this seemingly insignificant arrow?
Why... I have worked hard for 30 years, but it is still not worth the years or decades of practice after his reincarnation?
"Yi! I will never admit defeat! Never—"

The power of yin and yang, water and fire exploded suddenly, blowing Pang Meng's head into pieces.

The unwilling voice stopped abruptly.

Pang Meng was completely wiped out.

Never admit defeat?He has no next chance.


Yang Gang withdrew his Tong Gongsuzhen and smiled disdainfully.

As if killing a noisy mosquito afterwards.

In his eyes, Pang Meng's existence was just a pawn with value, never posing any threat.

Now that the chess piece is useless, it can be easily destroyed.

Is his position of Nether Emperor really so easy to steal?

Yang Gang thought about it.

Immediately, the Styx surrounding the blood moon rose automatically, and flew back to its original position.

Endless waves of ups and downs.

The river flowing to the depths of samsara has regained its former calm, just like it has been for hundreds of millions of years.

"So... Styx is actually under his control?"

"Why does Yi's control over Styx seem to be infinitely more proficient than that mysterious Pang Meng?"

This scene.

It deeply shocked the prying eyes one by one.

Whether it is the Jiuyou family, or the Buddhist sect outside of Jiuyou, or the holy king sitting high in the holy capital, they don't know why.

Their footsteps lasted up to ancient times.

Naturally, little is known about ancient things.


Han Xiang lay lazily in Yang Gang's arms and asked softly.

"It's done."

Yang Gang nodded casually.


A trace of disappointment flashed in Hanxiang's eyes, and she got up immediately.Suddenly, a big hand wrapped around her waist and pushed her back.


Han Xiang snorted suddenly, her face flushed, and she gave Yang Gang a white look.

Softly said: "Let me go."

"Auntie~~ You were a little bold just now, did you think I was a wooden person without feelings?" Yang Gang whispered in her ear.

"Bad guy, I'm your aunt~~"

Han Xiang was as weak as a shivering little white rabbit.

Yang Gang knew that she was just pretending.

"I am your aunt" in this life has completely inspired his inner desire.

"the last time."

Yang Gang shook her body gently, felt the soft touch through the clothes, and closed his eyes slightly.

"Kill Pang Meng, we can leave here. After going out..." He hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say.At this moment, his heart was full of regret.

Not only for Hanxiang, but also for Jiang Jiang.

Once something happens once, there will naturally be a second and third time.

I can only blame myself for not being able to control my desire, I can only blame the current Hanxiang for being too attractive...

Han Xiang understood what he meant.

The strange thing is that she didn't say anything, and quietly rubbed into his arms, letting him manipulate her body.

'It's not that easy to get out of here...'

for a long time.

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they both let out a long sigh.

Separate slowly.

Han Xiang's eyes were as silky as silk, as if she had opened a certain valve, she boldly put her arms around Yang Gang's neck, and offered her red lips.

"Here... not good."

Yang Gang blocked her with difficulty.


Light laughter sounded.

Han Xiang didn't seem to care, she didn't look disappointed.

This made Yang Gang feel a little strange.

"Let's go."

He took the initiative to help the woman in his arms, Han Xiang stood up straight, but suddenly her feet went limp, and she almost staggered and fell.

"Are you okay?"

Yang Gang supported Han Xiang and said concernedly.

"Well, my feet are a little soft."

Han Xiang nodded slightly.

"Then take a break?"



After half an hour.

The two walked out of the Guanghan Palace hand in hand, like a pair of fairy couples in the legend.

At this time, Jiuyou was peaceful.

Ever since Yang Gang shot Pang Meng with a shocking arrow, those prying eyes never dared to look here again.The water in this huge Three Realms is very, very deep, and no one knows when they go out and encounter the reincarnation of ancient gods and men.

If the other party has a bad temper...


Yang Gang took Han Xiang's hand and flew up, running to the outside of the blood moon.

Han Xiang next to her was smiling, as if she was expecting something to happen.

Farther and farther away from the barren land of Guanghan Prison, Yang Gang gradually felt a strange resistance that seemed to pull him back to the ground.

He couldn't help but change his face.

Looking at the smiling Han Xiang beside her, he finally understood why she behaved so abnormally.

"You knew a long time ago that we can't go to Guanghan Prison?" Yang Gang's face was a little ugly.

It's not because of Han Xiang's concealment.

Instead, he thought about the wedding a few months later, and thought that there were still many people and things waiting for him in the outside world.

If trapped in this Guanghan Prison, tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years...


As soon as Yang Gang gritted his teeth, his expression suddenly became firm.


A strange momentum rose suddenly, and part of the power of life and death left over from the ancient times broke out completely.

He held Han Xiang's hand, and his figure suddenly accelerated several times, trying to escape the gravity of the blood moon.

With a bang.

The bloody moon trembled inexplicably, and unexpectedly burst out with unprecedented power, firmly restraining Yang Gang and Han Xiang's figures, and dragging them back little by little.

"how is this possible?"

Yang Gang couldn't help but change his expression.

With his current strength, how can he not have the power of Guanghan Prison?

What the hell is this place!

(End of this chapter)

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