I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 391 The Coming Shura Field

Chapter 391 The Coming Shura Field
The Book of Mountains and Seas is a layout Yang Gang left in Shengjing.

It doesn't matter whether the book of mountains and seas will come in handy in the future.With the recovery of the past lives of all living beings in the world, his identity as Erlang Shen Yang Jian will be exposed to the world sooner or later, since this is the case, it is better for him to choose the time himself.

After a series of experiences, Yang Gang has reached the state of making things happen easily, and his mind and wisdom have fully matured after playing against Haotian.

Invisible pen writing.

[After the Battle of Zhuolu, the hiding place of the demon lord Chi Man became the biggest secret in the world, and only the human emperor Xuanyuan knew it.The god-man searched all over the mountains and seas, and finally found the headless Xingtian in the bitter cold of the Northern Desolation. 】

[The two sides have gone through countless battles, and finally under the snowy abyss, Xingtian was beheaded, his body and will were destroyed, and the cause and effect were cut off, making Jiuyou completely lose the chance to make a comeback. 】

"the second time……"

"In the history of ancient myths, that god-man was born as an ordinary person, and he slashed the Jiuyou Xingtian who had practiced for ten thousand years twice. He really deserves to be the pearl of mountains and seas, and the hope of the future of humanity in the evaluation of Shanhaijing!"

"Wait! So, isn't it the third time he cut off the form in the Northland?"

"Yang Jian, God of Erlang, and Yang Gang, God of Judiciary, with such great achievements, he really deserves to be my God of Humanity! Why did he get lost in the Nine Netherworld..."

A sigh sounded.

People all over the world feel sorry and sad for Yang Gang's disappearance.

"Everyone, auspicious people have their own celestial features. How can a mere nine secluded people trap my Great Zhou's judicial god?"

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist is absolutely right!"

"I just need to wait for the return of the justice god."

"So, the reincarnated body of the ancient god-man who shot and killed the Great Sun Golden Crow in the blood moon is really not him?"

"Of course! If these two people are related, I'll eat your shit on the spot!"

"Get out! Don't cheat for food and drink!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere became strangely relaxed.

The next few days passed.

Yang Gang still has no news.

And in Jiuyou, everyone saw the blood moon crashing into the reincarnation with their own eyes, so they naturally didn't believe that 'Houyi' and the goddess Hanxiang would come out so soon.

ten days later.

The Great Zhou Xianting issued an imperial decree, ordering the Doubu, Leibu, and Huobu to lead 30 troops and 80 auxiliary troops to conquer Jiuyou in the North.

This time.

Da Zhou's master was well-known, and he listed three major crimes when he took the oath.

One is that the immortal dynasty of the Great Zhou was orthodox, and the Jiuyou clan refused to accept discipline, and they were not my race, so they should submit to the majesty of the immortal dynasty.


Over the years, the Nine Nether Demon has committed countless murders, and the sky is angry and people complain, and his crimes should be punished.


It is to welcome back their judicial god, Yang Gang, the master of the three judicial divisions who has made great military exploits for the Great Zhou.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a surge of enthusiasm.

Countless cultivators from the folk and outsiders responded one after another, formed countless small teams, and gathered spontaneously to the north.

Careful people observe and find that most of these people are young people, and most of them are the mainstay of the new generation in their respective forces. The newly promoted Earth Immortal.

No one thought of it.

Yang Gang now has such a terrifying influence!
A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

This has become a flourishing age for young people all over the world to prove themselves. A sense of momentum is coming, and everyone is full of confidence and momentum.

I feel that this trip to the Northland is stable!
a few days later.

The team marching to the north was getting bigger and bigger, and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people were pouring in like a snowball.

In an ordinary carriage, there are three people sitting respectively.

A man and a woman with somewhat similar appearances opened a corner of the curtain and looked at the crowds of people on the road with different expressions.

"Jiang Jiang, the brother-in-law you found for me is amazing!"

Jiang He looked excitedly, looking out the window and talking endlessly: "Who would have thought that the humble bastard of Zhongyonghou's mansion back then would now become a great hero admired by the world, a mythical figure!"

Thinking of his past experience with Yang Gang, Jiang He couldn't help feeling more complacent.

He was a man who had helped the God of Justice, and had witnessed his rise step by step, and now the other party even made his own Bai...became Jiang's uncle.

How can I use the word honor to describe it?What an honor!


Jiang Jiang nodded calmly, looking at the crowd outside the window, a faint worry flashed across his face.

Yang Gang's past deeds are reassuring.

But the two families are not really not worried about his safety at all, that's why the siblings made this trip to the Northland.

Compared with Jianghe.

Jiang Jiang, who has much more knowledge and experience, understands that the current Yang Gang seems to have an unprecedented reputation, but he is actually being roasted on the fire.

Especially those things he did in ancient times.

The more Yang Gang's identity is exposed in the future, the more dangerous he and his relatives will be.If their final enemy is really the reincarnation of Haotian...

She didn't understand either.

Why did Yang Gang let his situation go to this point.

and also……

Others don't know, how could Jiang Jiang, who had personally experienced the catastrophe in the Land of the Rising Sun, not know that Yang Yi and Hou Yi were actually Yang Gang.

Between him and Aunt Hanxiang...

thought here.

Jiang Jiang's red lips were slightly pursed, revealing a trace of sadness unconsciously.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

Hong Ye, who was sitting like a little maid behind her, seemed to see something, her eyes turned strangely, and she said innocently: "Are you worried about the safety of the boss? Don't worry, I will ask the old Taoist priest in the temple to settle the matter before I come here." However, he is definitely safe and sound in Jiuyou Li."

"Temple, what temple?"

Jiang He interjected.

"The newly established Earth Temple in the west of the city, although the old Taoist priest is naked and babbles strangely, but it is said that the calculation is accurate!" Hongye chirped authentically.

"Earth Temple...the bald monk..." Jiang He was stunned and couldn't say a word.

'Wow woof~~'

There was a bark of dogs outside the carriage.

A big black dog, Ha Chi Ha Chi, sticking out its tongue, pulled the carriage and ran northward, the speed was many times faster than ordinary carriages, and it was very stable.

"Shoutiangou, what's wrong?"

Jiang Jiang's voice came through the curtain of the car.


The Xiaotian dog didn't stop walking, while galloping excitedly to the north, it seemed that it was very happy to see its owner, and at the same time sniffed its nose strangely, as if it smelled a certain familiar smell.

"Are there any acquaintances here?"

Jiang Jiang looked out the car window with a calm expression.

Hongye beside her trembled inexplicably, as if feeling a huge pressure.It's like the fear from the depths of your soul when facing a superior person, and it's like the majesty of the head of the family.

ten miles away.

A little fox with snow-white fur was entrenched on the treetop, with a sad face, subconsciously playing with his tail.

The cycle of reincarnation will be established, and the embryonic form of the underworld will first appear.

A storm even bigger than the Battle of the Northland, with Yang Gang as the core, began to converge towards the Northland and Jiuyou.

Whether the future will be a big victory or a terrifying Shura field, no one can predict.

(End of this chapter)

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