I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 393 Jiangjiang little fox, reached an agreement

Chapter 393 Jiangjiang little fox, reached an agreement

Just waited a moment.

On the carriage parked in the dark wilderness, several people heard the cry of a cowering fox in the distance.

"come on."

Jiang Jiang got off the carriage and looked straight ahead.


Under Jiang He's and Hongye's surprised eyes, a little fox with snow-white fur poked its head out from a mountain, and reluctantly moved to this side step by step.

"who is she?"

Just as the two of them were wondering, Xiaotiangou jumped up excitedly, jumping up and down beside the little fox, barking happily.

"Smelly dog, go away."

The little fox cursed in a low voice, and walked towards Jiang Jiang step by step with a bitter face.

Jiang Jiang and the little fox also come from ancient times, and the connection between the two is obviously much deeper than imagined.

It only comes with a breath of breath.

So even though the little fox loved Yang Gang very much, when she knew that Yang Gang and Jiang Jiang were about to get married, she never dared to appear in front of them even once, and even moved far away from Zhenbao Pavilion.

for a long time.

Despite his reluctance, the little fox moved to Jiang Jiang.

Feel the noble atmosphere from ancient times.

She lowered her head involuntarily, put her limbs on the ground, and said respectfully: "Qingqiu Fox Immortal Su Daji, I have seen your empress."

"Qingqiu Fox Immortal?"

"Su Daji?"

Jiang He and Hongye cried out in surprise, and subconsciously looked at each other.

"Get up."

Jiang Jiang said calmly: "I have been reincarnated and rebuilt, and I have nothing to do with my previous life. You don't have to restrict the etiquette of superiority and inferiority. You can call me Jiang Jiang from now on."


The little fox's body trembled, tears welled up in his eyes.

She bowed solemnly to Jiang Jiang, then got up slowly, and asked, "I don't know why your mother called the little fox here this time?"

"I need your help with something."

Jiang Jiangdao.

"Is it to find 'him'?"

The little fox pouted subconsciously, and then said: "If this is the case, I am afraid that the empress will be disappointed. I followed the army into Jiuyou, searched this land for two months, used [-] times of luck magic power, and still found Not to Erlangshen brother."

As she spoke, she could not help lowering her head in frustration.

"Don't panic."

Jiang Jiang's demeanor was calm, and he seemed to show the aura of the mistress of a family, and said: "You return the body of Huaxian, the body and the Conferred God Platform are gone without luck and supernatural powers. This time, I will let Xiao Heavenly dog ​​helps you."


The little fox curled his lips, and said with disgust on his face: "What's the use of this stupid dog, it can only make trouble."

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

The Xiaotian dog roared anxiously at the side.

"Smelly dog, how dare you scold me!"

The little fox raised his brows, and grinned ferociously.

"Wow woof woof~~ woof woof~~~"

The Xiaotian dog stood upright with its front feet, and its back feet touched the ground. It sprayed furiously at the little fox, making Jiang He and Hongye beside him look stupid.


The little fox and the Xiaotian dog stared wide-eyed and refused to give in to each other.

"stop fighting."

Jiang Jiang's calm voice made both of them pause, and then they lay obediently on the ground with their ears pricked up, not daring to make any mistakes.

"If this is done, I will allow you to move back to Zhenbao Pavilion. As long as it doesn't disturb our life too much, you can be a neighbor for the rest of your life. What do you think?" Jiang Jiang put forward her conditions.


The little fox immediately cheered up, his eyes sparkling.


Jiang Jiang looked at the distant sky and nodded calmly.

A little fox who was bestowed by her in ancient times, she thought she could still control it.But let Yang Gang and Han Xiang stay in Jiuyou, the two get along day and night, who knows what will happen?

In contrast, Jiang Jiang obviously believed that Hanxiang was a greater threat.

"Thank you madam!"

The little fox was overjoyed, and nodded again and again: "I have a way, I have a way, and I will definitely be able to find Brother Erlangshen! As long as this stupid dog has a good nose, I will be able to calculate the approximate area where Brother Erlangshen is!"

"Don't force it."

Jiang Jiang suddenly said something.

As the reincarnation of the descendants of Mother Earth, she always has a trace of kindness in her heart.Even if the person in front of me may compete with her for a man in the future...


The little fox nodded, but a determined look flashed in his eyes.

She has nothing to rely on now, and she has no power to rely on. Even with the assistance of Xiao Tiangou, she must pay a huge price to find out where Yang Gang is.

But as long as she can return to Yang Gang, she is willing to accept no matter how high the price is!

This is the Lord's approval!From tonight onwards, she no longer has to be timid, and can stand beside Brother Erlangshen in an open and honest manner!
thought here.

The little fox looked at Jiang Jiang with a look of gratitude.

She didn't dare to compete with Jiang Jiang, but it didn't mean she didn't have fantasies about Yang Gang in her heart.

this moment.

Countless beautiful pictures of the future have already turned countless times in her mind.

"Luck and supernatural powers, Fengshentai listen to my orders!"

A scolding sound.

Above the void of Jiuyou, a phantom of a dilapidated Conferred God Stage unexpectedly condensed out of thin air.

'wang wang wang'

The roaring dog roared excitedly.

Jiang Jiang looked at the familiar building calmly, his eyes were as deep as the stars and the sea.

And the ginger river and red leaves on the side.

I was already stunned by the conversation between Jiang Jiang and the little fox.

The IQs of both of them are not low, and from the words, they can tell that the strange vixen in front of them is the charming and charming proprietress Su Ji.

But they couldn't understand the words "Niangniang", "Fengshentai", "Qi Luck Magic Ability" at all.

But it doesn't prevent the two from hearing a strong sense of gossip from their conversation.

Hongye's eyeballs rolled around treacherously.

Looking at the back of the little fox, it seems that he is already planning some ulterior secrets.


The empty Conferred God Platform silently shone with divine light.

A force undetectable to ordinary people swept across the world, and finally landed on the little fox.The snow-white fur moves without wind, and the fluffy tail behind it is divided into nine parts, swinging and dancing in the air.

this moment.

The eyes of Jiang He, Hongye, and Xiaotiangou couldn't help being dazed, they were instinctively attracted by an amazing force of charm, and their eyes were firmly locked on the little fox.

"Howling dog."

Jiang Jiang's voice sounded.


The Xiaotian dog woke up suddenly, and roared at the little fox.

"Qianyi, Kunba, Zhensi...in the southwest, eight hundred miles, 850 miles..."

The little fox spoke with difficulty, thunder surged in the sky, and streaks of golden lightning pierced the sky.

If you touch the secrets of heaven, you will be punished by heaven!
In an instant.

The streaks of golden thunder seemed to have found their target, and crazily slashed towards the void's Conferred God Platform, and then followed some invisible fetters, descending from the void, and landed on the little fox with a bang.


She let out a mournful howl, and her fur was scorched black.

Yu Zi anxiously shouted: "850 miles away...is the Styx River! I saw them, they are under the Styx River!"

The voice fell.

The sky was full of wind and thunder, and countless golden thunderbolts struck directly.

(End of this chapter)

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