Chapter 397
This night is very short for some people, and it seems that they will never enjoy enough tenderness for a moment.

But for some people, it is very long.

Hanxiang used her mana to open up bedrooms for Hongye, Jiang He and others to rest in the water mansion, but she stood outside the water mansion, watching the scarlet moonlight through the undercurrent of the Styx.

I don't know what I was thinking, and I didn't move for a long time.

And the little fox who woke up in the middle of the night had no choice but to pretend to be asleep, and his eyes were full of water.

this moment.

She felt that she should be in the carriage, not under the cold bed.

The long night is finally over.

Yang Gang dimly felt slight movements coming from around him, and the source of the fragrance gradually receded. It seemed that Jiang Jiang had quietly left in advance to avoid embarrassment when he bumped into other people.


Yang Gang exhaled, his mind gradually cleared up.

I just felt refreshed like never before, as if the anger that had been suppressed for a while was vented.


There was a weak moan in his ear.

"Huh?" Yang Gang turned his head strangely, only to see a figure lying on his stomach in the corner of the bedroom.She was covered in snow-white fur, and was slowly opening her eyes, raising her head to meet Yang Gang's gaze.

"Why are you here?"

Yang Gang's expression froze.

"I... I was there the whole time last night." The little fox said firmly.


Yang Gang suddenly thought of a possibility: "Did you see it last night?"

"Looked a little..." The little fox blinked aggrievedly and said: "I am weak in spirit and body, I woke up once in the middle of the night, and then... fainted." Her words seemed to have more meaning.

The little fox wanted to say that he was fainted halfway by you, and felt that it was not good, but he didn't know what to say for a while, and felt more and more wronged.

Brother Erlangshen can be like Hanxiang, like Jiang Jiang, why can't he be like himself...


Yang Gang's face froze immediately.

The little fox fell into a coma last night, and the two of them checked it out and concluded that her soul was weakened, as if it had no roots.Ordinary means can't help her recover, but it's not possible.

The two of them never imagined that she would unexpectedly wake up once in the middle of the night.

Also saw...

Embarrassed now.

It doesn't matter if you have a thick skin, if you are seen by the little fox, you will see it, after all, she is also a woman.But if Jiang Jiang knew about this, how would she dare to be intimate with her in the future with her face?

At least before getting married... no, there are still a few months before getting married, absolutely not!

"Little Fox."

Thinking of this, Yang Gang put a smile on his face, got out of bed and squatted down in front of the little fox, and gently stroked her head, "You know this, don't tell others, okay?"

"Hmm~~" The little fox narrowed his eyes, showing an expression of enjoyment.

She was about to say yes.

Suddenly reacted and asked, "Why?"

"Because Jiang Jiang is thin-skinned, she will be embarrassed." Yang Gang explained helplessly.


The little fox rolled his eyes, flashing a hint of cunning.Immediately nodded obediently: "The little fox listens to Brother Erlangshen. But—"


Yang Gang said anxiously: "You promised me, don't go back on your word!"

"of course."

The eyes of the little fox flickered, and he said with a smile: "I agreed to what happened last night. But... the little fox is not just you and Jiang Jiang~~~" She elongated her voice, seeing Yang Gang's expression suddenly changed, Immediately smiled proudly.

"What else did you see?"

Yang Gang asked anxiously.

"What do you think?" The little fox evasively said, "My luck and supernatural powers have been used to the extreme, and I have almost the ability to calculate the secrets of heaven. Sometimes I accidentally see some pictures that I shouldn't see. As for you... ..."

"Don't tell me."

Yang Gang covered her mouth, lifted the little fox up, and said viciously: "No one is allowed to talk about this matter, do you understand? And...and we didn't do anything at that time, just lying on the bed, lying on..."

"The little fox naturally listens to brother Erlangshen."

The little fox was held up by Yang Gang, his weak body had no power to resist, and said weakly: "But... Jiang Jiang is the reincarnation of the empress, and the little fox would never dare to disobey her orders."

"If she asks..."

"Don't say it either!" Yang Gang said with certainty.


The little fox nodded first, then made a bitter face, "But..."

"How many more do you have?" Yang Gang anxiously shook the little fox's small and exquisite body.

"Oh~~It hurts so much."

The little fox suddenly cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry, I tried too hard." Yang Gang quickly let go, hugged him in his arms and coaxed him: "Little fox, please promise brother not to tell anyone about this, okay? There is a misunderstanding here, and if outsiders know about it The consequences are serious."

His tone was like coaxing a child.

The tens-thousand-year-old baby fox was lying in Yang Gang's arms, squinting its eyes bent into crescents, feeling an unprecedented sense of happiness surrounding the whole body, subconsciously wanting to nod.

Fortunately, the natural vigilance of the fox family made her react.

Continuing to say with a sad face: "But... the little fox made an oath back then, and everything he said to his mother is like a sacred order. If he violates it, he will be punished by heaven and earth. If I lie... the consequences will be very serious."


Yang Gang was a little embarrassed, "Tell me, what are your conditions. If you want to threaten me, forget it... Don't think I don't know, even if there is that oath, Jiang Jiang has reincarnated many times, and the oath does not restrict you much. "

"But he hasn't been reincarnated after all~~~" The tens of thousands of years old baby fox was in Yang Gang's arms, clutching his collar and coquettishly saying: "What if something happens? Unless..."

"Tell me your terms."

Yang Gang looked at the door subconsciously, for fear that Jiang Jiang would barge in at this time.

"Unless Brother Erlangshen promises not to drive me away in the future!" The little fox looked at Yang Gang pitifully.

"That's it?" Yang Gang couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yeah." The little fox nodded affirmatively, "As long as Brother Erlangshen doesn't drive me away from now on, even if I stay by your side like a roaring dog, I'm willing..."

"Is it really that simple?" Yang Gang asked uncertainly.

"Su Daji swears to God..." Seeing that Yang Gang didn't believe it, the little fox raised his little furry paw seriously.

"Okay, I believe it."

Yang Gang pressed her paw.

After getting the guarantee he wanted, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Good luck!

At least the little fox is still under his control. If that scene was seen by other people, he might have to 'kill his mouth'!

Yang Gang didn't notice it.

The little fox lying in his arms quietly had a triumphant smile on his lips.

Jiang Jiang promised to move back to Zhenbao Pavilion, and Yang Gang promised to stay by his side.The most important thing is that with such a small condition, in exchange for Yang Gang's goodwill in his heart, he no longer has to worry about being hated by Brother Erlangshen for the wrong things he did before!

With such a double guarantee, the little fox feels that he is the biggest winner of this trip to the Nine Netherworld!
If it is not attached to Yang Gang's warm embrace.

She couldn't help but want to laugh with her hands on her hips.

And this time.

A war related to the future of the Three Realms also kicked off under the [-]th floor of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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