I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 403 The Holy Monarch lowers his eyes, the blood moon is in the sky

Chapter 403 The Holy Monarch lowers his eyes, the blood moon is in the sky

Just at this critical moment.

A gaze fell from beyond Jiuyou, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.

"Huh? This is..."

"Holy Monarch!"

"Your Majesty's eyes have finally noticed this place!" The three gods of Da Zhou were overjoyed.

The deepest part of hell.

Yang Gang naturally also felt that gaze that brought great pressure to people.

However, this is the Nine Netherworld.

It is the site he has operated for hundreds of thousands of years!
If Shengjun really wants to come...

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he looked up at the sky.

Having just obtained the body of Emperor Youming, Yang Gang was about to try his own strength.

Shengjun may be very strong, but unless the real body comes in person, there is really no way to win him under Jiuyou.

The scarlet moonlight fell silently.

Suddenly, a black gap opened in Jiuyou's sky, and a blood moon emerged out of thin air.

"The blood moon is in the sky!"

"That one is here!"

People who followed the battle were in an uproar.

What happened today?
The demon lord Chi Kui, the ancient demon god, the Buddhist patriarch, the Great Zhou Judicial God, and even the mysterious and powerful Three Realms Supreme Great Zhou Shengjun all lowered their gazes here.

Now... the great god Hou Yi who once killed the ancient ghost emperor Pang Meng with one arrow also appeared!
Is the affiliation of the Nine Netherlands really that important?

Yang Gang looked at the blood moon above his head, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

Others do not know.

But he knew that it was not himself who drove Guanghan Prison to break the boundary at this time, but Hanxiang who stayed in Styx Water Mansion.

"What is she here for?"

The eyes of countless people were affected by the sudden appearance of the blood moon.

The blood moon floated in the sky, like a fetish of heaven and earth that had existed since ancient times, it hung quietly high in the sky for nine days and remained motionless, as if waiting for a certain opportunity.

"Is she waiting for me?"

Yang Gang understood what Han Xiang meant.

The opponent was worried that this battle would not be successful. After all, the enemy he was about to face was the most powerful and mysterious Great Zhou Sage Monarch in the Three Realms, so he immediately parked Guanghan Prison above the [-]th floor of Hell, ready to respond at any time.


Yang Gang secretly sighed.

The beautiful woman is very affectionate, so what can I do.

Thinking of this, Yang Gang changed his mind.

"Now is not the time to break with Shengjun. The foundation of me and the people around me are still too weak. In this case..."

His mind moved.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand suddenly changed shape, turning into a bow and plain tangled with the power of water and fire.


Yang Gang's figure flickered, and a phantom appeared, transforming into Yang Yi's appearance.

"The blood moon is in the sky, and Hou Yi's body will be in this calamity."

"It seems that today is destined to be my stage alone!"

The voice fell.

With a thought in Yang Gang's mind, Hou Yi's body holding the Tong Gong Su Kui disappeared in place, and appeared on the blood moon through the connection of the Bana flower.


Yang Gang felt that he bumped into a soft and crispy body, and subconsciously hugged it.


Han Xiang blushed and struggled slightly.

"Yeah." Yang Gang let go of his hand and looked around, "This is..."

At this time, they were actually on the blood moon, not in the scarlet Guanghan Prison.

"This is the crack in the space on the Guanghan Prison. It is covered by the power of the blood moon, so that people can't find us, and we can control the blood moon to the maximum extent so as not to fall into the Guanghan Prison. It's just compared to being in the Guanghan Prison. In prison, there is always something going wrong." Han Xiang explained in detail.

"Enough is enough."

Yang Gang couldn't help smiling, scratched Hanxiang's nose, and praised: "Auntie is so smart! I was worried that we would fall into Guanghan Prison again, so I kept my real body and entered here as a clone. I didn't expect you to think more than me Still thoughtful!"

"Are you afraid that I will trick you in?" Han Xiang rolled her eyes at Yang Gang, her expression was soft and charming, which gave people a sense of amorous feelings.


Yang Gang rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly.

The two were talking to each other on the blood moon, but the atmosphere of the [-]th floor of hell was extremely grim.

Since Shengjun's eyes fell, and the blood moon carrying the "Sun Shooting Hero" was in the sky, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Neither side said a word.

Everyone couldn't figure out their purpose, let alone which side the ancient reincarnated 'Hou Yi' would stand on.

The more this is the case, the more frightened everyone feels.

The future... in what direction will it develop?
waited a long time.

Finally, a vast aura from ancient times rose from the sky above the blood moon.

Since then.

A heroic and majestic man with a bow and bow on his back showed his figure from the surface of the blood moon.

His eyes first glanced at the direction of the gaze hanging from Da Zhou above the nine heavens, and then he looked at the majestic Emperor Youming in the dark sky.

He opened the mouth and said: "You Ming, you and I should not have appeared in this world. You have calculated the ages, you have calculated Pang Meng, and now you want to intervene in the affairs of this world, what exactly do you want to do?"


The Emperor Youming in the sky had a deep voice: "Are you really trying to block my way?"

"Your way exists in reincarnation, not in Jiuyou, let alone in this world." Hou Yi stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"The way is different, don't conspire with each other." Emperor Youming said: "Since that's the case..."

"Then let's fight!" Hou Yi shouted.

boom! ! !
An arrow pierced the sky and shot fiercely at Emperor Youming.

Immediately kicked off a prelude to a shocking war.

No one expected that the final battle of the Nine Nether Calamity would be fought by the mysterious Emperor Youming and the ancient hero Hou Yi.The world would never have imagined that the two fighting at this time were actually Yang Gang's avatar singing the double reed!
Da Zhou, Sheng Jing.

The towering and majestic Lingxiao Palace.

"Your Majesty~~"

Taibai Shenjun bowed and stood in front of Shengjun, and asked softly: "Then Hou Yixian is already on our side, do Babu still need to send reinforcements? Do you... still need to take action?"

There was silence above.

for a long time.

The sage sitting high in the clouds withdrew his gaze, looked at Taibai Shenjun, and smiled lightly.

"I've turned into hundreds of millions, and the road has not yet been accomplished. Since they want to make trouble, let them go!"


Taibai lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

I just feel that Shengjun's smile seems a bit intriguing.

Does he want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?
Can't guess.

Taibai Shenjun, who has served the holy monarch for thousands of years, feels that he still can't figure out the mind of this supreme supreme being.

at this time.

Under the Nine Serenities, the battle on the eighteenth floor of hell begins again.

Countless divine arrows passed through the void, and were then resolved one by one by the Nether Emperor with incredible means.Compared with Dizang and the ancient demon gods, their battles have advanced to a level that ordinary people cannot understand.

And the other side.

Seeing Houyi 'drag' Emperor Youming.

Ksitigarbha and the three gods took advantage of the situation and wanted to take the lead in killing the ancient demon gods before the two sides decided the victory, so as to gain the greatest credit for this battle.


Since Yang Gang took everything into account, how could he allow others to pick the fruits of victory?
The Nether Emperor in the sky did not see any movement.

A strange vision suddenly appeared in the void.

The myriad phenomena of the eighteen levels of hell suddenly appeared around Patriarch Ksitigarbha.

Mountain of knives, pan of oil, steamer, pool of blood... Countless horrific phantoms are acting strangely on Patriarch Ksitigarbha.

The eerie scene scared countless spectators of this battle.

"What is this?" Patriarch Ksitigarbha let out a sharp roar, his expression changed slightly, "Illusion? Hmph, the mere illusion also wants to restrict this old man!"

"Break the imprint!"

A Buddha seal emerged from his palm, twirling and spinning, as if it was in the illusion of eighteen levels of hell around him.

A miraculous scene happened.

At this moment, the Buddha seal, which is clearly a substance, is like a mud cow falling into the sea, as if its existence is illusory.
(End of this chapter)

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