I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 407 Extreme burning, the last glory

Chapter 407 Extreme burning, the last glory
【Xing Tian】

The ultimate move of Xingtian, the god of war in Jiuyou, was actually named 'Xingtian'.In the eighteen-level hell in the depths of the Nine Nethers, where punishment will be set up for all beings in the three realms in the future, this name can be said to complement each other.

The boundless cage fell, enveloping Yang Gang.

This is Xing Tian's original "killing" style.

Immediately after, countless identical cages fell down, like blocks of grids filling up the surrounding space, and then layer upon layer squeezed toward the center where Yang Gang was.

He suddenly had a feeling of being unable to move.

The magic ax continued to chop.

Under the action of invisible force, the earth cracked, and the place where Yang Gang was was completely turned into nothingness, and there was no place to stay.

This is Xing Tian's 'destroying the earth' style.

The magic ax was getting closer and closer, and the giant black shadow pierced through the void, just like a god-opening axe, and a force that could kill heaven and earth flowed on the blade of the axe.

This is Xingtian's "Zhutian" style.

Combining the three styles into one can be said to bring together Xing Tian's lifelong martial arts into one!
"What a move Xing Tian!"

Yang Gang raised his head high, his eyes full of agitation.

"I admit that this move is very strong, but... if I use what I have learned all my life to 'Fentian, Shanhai, Yuanshen, Zuowang, Mojie, Qingyun, Hongchen', how will you deal with it?"

Before he finished speaking, the three-pointed and two-edged saber in his hand had already taken a step forward, cutting forward in the air.

This knife.

Yang Gang actually planned to confront Xing Tian head-on!
The atmosphere became extremely dignified at this moment.

Eighteen floors of hell, the Great Zhou Shengjing, all places in the Nine Nethers, one place in the Three Realms, one in the otherworldly fairy mountains and blessed lands, the Eternal Demon Realm, the Western Region, the Styx River Water Mansion... Countless people's eyes are fixed on the two peerless gods who are about to collide. soldier.

A sudden burst of will never admit defeat.

A powerful force suddenly gushed out from the three-pointed two-edged knife, as if left over from ancient times.Yang Gang's temperament suddenly changed, from the high-spirited youth, gradually covered by a layer of vicissitudes of life and sophisticated temperament.

He seems to have grown from the god of war Yang Jian in his youth to the ancient god of war at his peak in his middle age across the timeline.

this moment.

Yang Gang's aura is not inferior to that of Xing Tian who has surpassed the peak.

The melodious sound of metal clashing resounded through the world.

The three-pointed double-edged knife and the magic ax shot fierce flames, and were immediately annihilated by the terrifying force. It seemed that an invisible black hole was formed between the two weapons, absorbing all the surrounding light.

"Xing-Tian!" Nine Nether God of War Xing Tian once again roared.


The spiritual light gathered on his neck, and each thought turned into a tangible existence, gradually condensing into the shape of a head.

This scene shocked countless people.

Yang Gang also showed a look of surprise.

Xing Tian re-condensed a head with his immortal will!
Wisps of gorgeous flames burn.

Everyone immediately knew why Xing Tian wanted to condense this head.

The flame burned from Xing Tian's head from the inside out, as if to completely burn his immortal will.Suddenly, a frightening aura emerged out of thin air, and the huge magic ax erupted with terrifying power.


Xing Tian roared hard and slowly.

The scene of Senluo's punishment in eighteen levels of hell reappeared.This time, the rules of reincarnation are not manifested by the body of Emperor Youming, but by Xing Tian, ​​the war god of Jiuyou...

In the shocked eyes of the world.

Xing Tian's immortal will burned wildly.

The visions in the eighteenth floor of hell are also evolving rapidly. Countless faceless figures appear in the execution grounds of hell, suffering the most terrifying punishment in the world one after another.

Since then.

Countless pictures suddenly merged into one.

Countless figures whose faces could not be seen clearly merged into one miraculously, gradually giving birth to a face.

It is Yang Gang who is at the center of the [-]th hell.

That 'figure' hangs high in the sky, in the darkest space of the Three Realms, exuding brilliant light all over, like the only true god in the world.

Right now.

A huge magic ax fell from the sky and slashed straight at the god of the world.

in reality.

Xing Tian held the magic ax and made the same movement at the same time.

This axe.

It is full of some kind of inexplicable meaning, as if even the "heaven" high above can be killed!

If the sky is guilty, it will be with Xingtian.

This axe.

It was Xing Tian who completely burned his immortal will.

Because he knew that he might not be able to defeat Yang Jian in his life.The only way is to burn yourself in despair, sublimate in extreme destruction, and voluntarily give up everything in the last waking time of your life.

Only then can the most brilliant brilliance of this life be revealed.

This axe.

This is the true form of [Xing Tian] Axe!

Strong wind floats.

Xing Tian's heaven-defying ax finally descended on Yang Gang's head.

Yang Gang seemed to be completely stunned, and seemed to be restrained by an invisible force, unable to react at all. He just stood there blankly, looking at the magic ax that was about to fall overhead.

Suddenly a majestic divine light erupted from Yang Gang's body.

The indestructible will runs automatically, and suddenly bursts out with incredible power, which surpasses everyone's cognition, including Yang Gang.A ray of three-inch golden light burst out from the vertical eyes between the brows, abruptly propping up the huge magic ax that was close at hand.

'Life', 'death', 'yin', 'yang', 'heaven', 'human'... every word flew through Yang Gang's mind.


Yang Gang smiled gratifiedly, "Xing Tian, ​​you are an indispensable part of my journey to becoming a sage. Without you... Yang Gang will never see the endless peak in his life."

Immortal summit, proud of the world.

At this moment, he seemed to realize a certain strange state.

The three-inch golden light fell down.

Yang Gang's immortal will and Xing Tian's crazily burning immortal will also changed from intangible to tangible, like a knife falling on a three-pointed and two-edged knife.

The sharp blade cut out.

Unremarkable, without any trace of power.

However, that blade seems to contain the most terrifying edge in the world. It cuts through the void, judges life and death, reconciles yin and yang, and reaches between heaven and man.

Chop the head of that completely burning will.

The three-pointed two-edged knife cut down.

The indestructible body of the ancient demon god was cut into four parts with a single knife.

Xing Tian, ​​the God of War of the Nine Serenities, who was so powerful that he burned himself to the extreme, was finally defeated.



An extremely satisfied sigh, a sigh full of regret, resounded from the consciousness of Xing Tian and Yang Gang, as if affecting reality, in the void, the hearts of countless people resounded.

"Yang Jian...does this knife have a name?" Xing Tian's voice was exceptionally relaxed at this time, as if he had lifted the heavy burden that Wan Gu had carried, with a slight smile of satisfaction.

"life and death."

Yang Gang looked at the empty sky seriously, with a regretful expression on his face.

It was as if he had lost the most respectable opponent in his life.

"Inclusive of life and death, transcending life and death. Your immortal will has already gone ahead of me. I am not wronged if I lose to this sword." Xing Tian laughed loudly, as if he was extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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