Chapter 416
Outside the Hall of Lingxiao, in the sky of Shengjing, there were bursts of thunder and thunder.

Countless people around Shengjing raised their heads subconsciously, their faces paled in horror.

who is it?

How could such a vision be caused in the sky above Lingxiao Temple?
next moment.

They know the answer.

On Qingyun Mountain, a phantom of a magnificent school emerged out of thin air.

The shadow of an ancient sage condensed in the void, saluted towards the location of Lingxiao Temple, and called him 'Fellow Daoist'.

In the sky above the nine heavens, a half-broken huge book flashed past.

"This is……"

"It is the sages and scriptures that have appeared in the world, which aroused the resonance of the Dao!"

"This... Yang Jun's national policy has been recognized by heaven and earth! He is going to become a contemporary sage!"

"It's been so many years. It's a big event that I've never seen before! It's really an honor for me to witness the sages gaining enlightenment and write books!"


"But what?"

"But why do I think... this is a bit like the records in the ancient books, the recovery of the sages?"

"Look, that half of the classics is clearly an unfinished way."

"On the contrary, I feel that the judiciary gods have penetrated the ancient times, and the art of war has mastered the gods. Now they are about to gather the essence of the past generations into a great success, and become holy in this generation!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but there was still no accurate conclusion.

It can only be concluded that no matter what, this is definitely a happy event for Da Zhou.At this juncture when troops are about to unify the Three Realms, a contemporary soldier saint has emerged from the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is definitely a symbol of good luck.

"Everyone, let's stop arguing. We don't know whether the sages have recovered, but don't the saints of Qingyun Mountain All Saints Academy know?" An old scholar-like official Nian Xu said.

"Not necessarily. After all, the sages of Qingyun Mountain are not alive, but they are the embodiment of ancient and modern principles..." an official retorted.

"Bold, your remarks are really suspected of blasphemy!" The old scholar was furious.

"Don't dare, dare not!" The official was terrified, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

In this era, the words of sages and sages have become the most reasonable, precisely because they are not living people, and they are respected by all living beings in the world.Anyone who dares to blaspheme the sages will definitely not be able to stop the people of insight from all over the world from verbal criticism.

Even the sages must respect the sages and make relative concessions on some things.Just like before, the saints dispatched to escort Yang Gang's reasoning.

The vision on the vault of heaven continues.

An ancient auspicious beast, Bai Ze, condenses in the sky, carrying books on its back, and suddenly bursts with colorful and dazzling divine light.

"Bai Ze's death is indeed the sage's classics!"

"I don't know what this book should be called?"

The cyan dense culture is floating.

The half-broken book was slowly opened, and the words Yang Gang said in Lingxiao Palace were recorded one by one.Among them, Dou, Huo, and Lei, the three eight gods, the names of Shengjun, Wang Zhiqiu and others also appeared on it one by one.

Seeing this, Shengjun couldn't help showing joy.

Divine Lord Taibai immediately stepped forward and congratulated loudly: "Congratulations to the Holy Lord, congratulations to the Holy Lord. The Ming Lord asks the virtuous, this action has been recorded by the world, and it will surely become a beautiful thing that will be passed down through the ages!"

"Hahahaha" the sage laughed heartily, as did the three gods.

But aside.

Wang Zhiqiu, the Minister of the Great Zhou who was also recorded in the Book of Heaven and Earth, looked completely ashamed.

Compared with the good name of the holy king and the three gods, he will bear the infamy of thousands of generations from now on!From now on, whenever future generations mention this classic, they will definitely curse Wang Zhiqiu's name severely.

Against the sages, he finally turned his life into a buffoon in a book!
people present.

Only Yang Gang looked a little strange.


As the person said before, the appearance of this vision of heaven and earth is really strange.

On the understanding of the art of war, Yang Gang became a generation of sages after he experienced Shanhai I and asked himself seriously.

But just relying on his few classics on Sun Tzu's art of war in Lingxiao Temple, can he really be recognized by the world and become a generation of sages?

It should be noted that today is different from the Dharma-ending era.

The principles of the heaven and the earth for 1 years in modern times have been written by the sages of the past dynasties.As a result, although latecomers stand on the shoulders of sages, it is difficult to create another person who has opened up his own "path".

The world can't see through it, so can't the saints in the All Saints Academy see through it?
Or are they hiding something? ?

"Wait, could it be that..." Yang Gang suddenly remembered a life-rank 'Bei Di Guan Yin' in his previous life, "Could it be that I left something behind in the Dharma-ending Era?"

The vision of the sky suddenly converges.

The ancient Bai Ze's figure completely turned into substance, he nodded and bowed to Yang Gang, and then carried the half book generated by heaven and earth on his back and threw it to Qingyun Mountain, staying in the sky above Qingyun Mountain together with "Shan Hai Jing".

It seems to be quietly waiting for the opportunity, waiting for someone to complete the books on its back and become the eternal classics.



"Hahaha, God of Judiciary, Marshal of the Great Zhou Army, future sages and great virtues...everyone, the days to come will be even more exciting!"

This statement came out.

Everyone looked at Yang Gang with deep respect in their eyes.

What kind of wisdom and talent can create such a genius?No, genius!Ghost!It seems that these words are not enough to describe Yang Gang's achievements, you must know that he is a bastard who came out of the Marquis Mansion!
for a long time.

Manchao civil and military turbulent mood finally gradually calmed down.

Shengjun made a decisive decision and announced Yang Gang as the Grand Marshal of the Great Zhou Bingma, temporarily in charge of the three points of Jiuyou, and established a new order of reincarnation in the underworld for the Great Zhou.

This is a false name, although it is above the Eight Departments, it does not have the authority to govern the Ministry of War and the Eight Departments of Heaven.

But everyone knows that once the great war starts in the future and the Great Zhou conquers all directions, Yang Gang will immediately skyrocket and become the well-deserved number one real power figure of the Great Zhou.

This time, no one can stop him!

Shengjun turned his head slowly.

Everyone followed his gaze and looked at the ashen-faced Great Zhou Shangshu Ling Wang Zhiqiu.


Shengjun didn't speak, but let out a disappointed sigh.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty."

Wang Zhiqiu knelt on the ground with a plop.

He knew that at this time, being soft was the best choice.If Shengjun is allowed to speak on his own initiative, everything will be over.

"This subject deserves death. Unknowingly trying to prevent Da Zhou's future national policy, it's really a trick of lard. I was confused for a while, and almost led to confusion for the rest of my life. My crime deserves death, crime deserves death." !"

He kowtowed continuously, his forehead flushed red.

"Prince Wang."

Yang Gang didn't speak, neither did Shengjun.It seems that Wang Zhiqiu, whose ambition has been defeated, is no longer worth wasting their words.There was a strange voice from outside the hall.

Jiang He leaned against the palace wall, and said lazily: "I remember your old man said that if Yang Gang dares to show up and confront him, and give a reason that convinces everyone in the will hit the front of Lingxiao Palace to death!"

"Boy, dare to ask Wang Xiang, can you fulfill your promise now?"

(End of this chapter)

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