I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 418 Temple Yan Luo, 5 ghost emperors

Chapter 418 Yama of Ten Palaces, Ghost Emperor of Five Directions

Day three.

Yang Gang led the officials of Dazhou and set off for Jiuyou, preparing to formally sign a tripartite agreement with Buddhism and Jiuyou to jointly form a new order of reincarnation.

The signs of heaven and earth returning to ancient times are becoming more and more obvious!
With the implementation of the new decree, many old-school dignitaries no longer dare to be as unscrupulous as before.The younger generation of practitioners began to bloom with vigor, and every place in Dazhou showed a new look.

Everyone can feel that an unprecedented era of cultivating immortals is about to begin.

Everyone can practice, and all living beings have the opportunity to become immortals.

In the future, however, the power of the human world will inevitably continue to weaken, Qingyun Pavilion, the Eight Departments of the Heaven, etc., which are completely composed of immortals and gods, will rise in power.

And the beginning of all this must start with the establishment of the Nether Order.

The time soon came to the agreed tenth day.

Under the Nine Netherworlds, there are eighteen floors of hell.

Numerous members of the Jiuyou clan stood densely on the ground, with shaggy faces and fangs, showing a trace of the aura of the ancient survivors.

Eighteen layers of hell entrance.

Thousands of monks and Buddhas formed a team, each of them sat on a lotus platform hanging in the sky, with holy Buddha light blooming all over their bodies, faintly confronting the aura of the Jiuyou clan.

The atmosphere seems to be a little condensed.


The brilliance of the nine heavens shines brightly.

A three-pronged blade sliced ​​through the sky, leaving a huge hole.Then a silver-armored god will step out, and behind him, thousands of immortal lights shine like stars.

The figures of immortal gods followed closely behind Yang Gang, standing on the nine heavens.

A monstrous aura descended from the sky, dispersing the aura of Jiuyou and Buddhism.

this day.

Destined to be engraved in history.

Since Jiuyou and Fomen have put all their strength on the table, Da Zhou will not show his timidity.

This time, not only six gods from the Eight Divisions came, but also Celestial Master Yuan of Qingyun Pavilion, senior officials from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites, and many gods from the fairyland, earth immortal, and even the realm of fairy kings, all came to the scene.

The luxurious lineup stunned the two sides of Buddhism and Jiuyou on the spot.

Right now.

On the dark sky, a huge phantom loomed faintly.The solemn aura immediately weighed on everyone's hearts, heavy.

"It's the Nether Emperor!"

"He is here, such a coercion is really extraordinary! The choice of the judicial god that day was correct!"

Since then.

A blood moon emerged from reincarnation, sprinkled scarlet moonlight on the Nine Netherlands.

"It's that Fairy Hanxiang!"

"She brought God Houyi here!"

"It's so strong! Although this breath can't be compared with the Nether Emperor who merged with Jiuyou, it feels more sharp."

"Yes! The demeanor of the ancient sun-shooting arrow still trembles when I think about it now!"

As soon as the two auras appeared, a confrontation immediately started.

Suddenly, the mutation happened again.

The people in Jiuyou only felt a strange breath in the distant void, like the thickness of the ancient earth, and like the source of all things encompassing everything.

"One and who?"

"At least it is also a Supreme!"

"Besides the mysterious Emperor Youming and God Houyi, the supreme beings in this world are only..."

"Demon King!"

"Could it be that there are still variables in today's discussion?"

The crowd exclaimed.

Yang Gang looked at the sky, his gaze seemed to penetrate the darkness, and he saw the distant Eternal Demon Realm.

All eyes were subconsciously focused on Yang Gang.

However, his expression was calm, as if he had expected such a situation, and he did not show any panic.

next moment.

A faint aura of majesty instantly spread throughout the three realms, seeming to press on everyone's head, countless creatures subconsciously had the idea of ​​surrender, and looked at the sky in horror.

When this aura appeared, the aura far away in the Eternal Demon Realm suddenly became stronger several times like boiling water, as if they had found an opponent, they rushed towards Da Zhou.

Countless immortals, gods and demons who had achieved success in cultivation subconsciously turned their heads and looked in the direction of Dazhou Shengjing.

how many years.

Is the supreme being known as the most powerful in the Three Realms, the Great Zhou Sage, finally showing his majesty?
Lingxiao Palace.

Sheng Jun sat high on the cloud, looking at the Three Realms with a calm and ethereal expression.

When the demon emperor's aura came here, and he did not see any movement, hundreds of millions of the same aura suddenly emerged from all directions, nine heavens and ten places, and gathered towards the eternal demon domain in an instant.

The vast sky was instantly cloudless.

A towering figure like a mountain manifested above the deepest part of the Eternal Demon Realm.

"Holy Monarch."

A heavy voice came from the Demon Palace.

"The Demon King."

In Lingxiao Palace, Shengjun smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time, old friend." The two voices spoke in unison, as if there was a tacit understanding.

for a long time.

The two of them smiled at the same time, and the heavy breath disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

In the Eternal Demon Realm.

Countless monsters stared blankly at the Supreme Dharma Image of the Holy Monarch who disappeared above their heads, not knowing what happened.


"This day is finally coming soon!"

Inside Lingxiao Palace.

Shengjun quietly looked at the void in the distance, his expression was calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Since then.

A few days ago, Yang Gang's words were repeated in his ears again, "Your Majesty wants to follow the example of the ancient underworld and create a new order of reincarnation. I have another idea in my mind, which may speed up the speed of unifying the Three Realms to a greater extent."

"Before coming here, I had a talk with God Houyi in reincarnation, and learned about the composition of some ancient hells."

"My minister proposes to set up the ten halls of the underworld, and set up the ghost emperors of the five directions on top of them. They are supreme and supreme, with names but no rights. This can divide the power and check and balance the power of all parties to the greatest extent. But it also satisfies the needs of all parties just right... ..."

"In this way, all parties are used by my Great Zhou. My Great Zhou is the supreme immortal dynasty that embraces everything. It should not exclude dissidents, but accommodate all ethnic groups, so as to show the magnanimity that will never fall into heaven."

"Compared to the legendary ancient Heavenly Court of the Monster Race and the ancient Heavenly Court of Immortal Gods, it is even better. They all failed back then, but now... we will definitely succeed."

"The only way to reach the other side of the avenue is to be inclusive!"


Looking at Yang Gang, who is upright and dignified.

Shengjun showed a generous smile and praised: "Yang Jun's words are intended to last forever. If this is done, you will share the Three Realms with me!"

"Sir, I don't dare."

Yang Gang lowered his head deeply.


Jiuyou, eighteen layers of hell.

Dazhou, Fomen, and Jiuyou felt the sudden disappearance of the two auras, and they were also a little confused.

Only Yang Gang showed a smile.

Slowly falling from the sky, he shouted loudly: "The Nine Nether Discussion, start!"

"Following the heavens, the holy king said:——"

"From now on, the Underworld Yin Division will be established, transcending the three realms, with independent powers and responsibilities, and the Nether Emperor will rule the Jiuyou, and the new law of the Nether will be established, and the outside world will not be able to touch anything."

"Establish the 'Ten Palaces of Hades', which will be in charge of Dazhou Shinto. Establish the 'Eighteen Hells' prison, jointly managed by Jiuyou and Buddhism. Set up life and death impermanence, bull's head and horse face, power interspersed with ten palaces of justice..."

"Establish five ghost emperors to check and balance all parties. Candidates are selected by Buddhism, Jiuyou, Dazhou, Yaozu, and the world's fairy mountains... Each of the five parties chooses one person, escapes into the nether world, and becomes a ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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