I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 420 Six manifestations, the end of the immortal way

Chapter 420 Manifestation of the Six Paths, the End of the Immortal Dao

Three months after the establishment of the underworld.

Something magic happened.

Visions are born from all over the Nine Netherlands, and the golden light of heavenly merits and virtues falls and merges into the bodies of the Ten Palaces of Hades, Black and White Impermanence, and Bull Head and Horse Face.

They were surprised to find that their mana seems to have a power of heaven and earth, and they have the ability of immortals and gods to change.

No matter how weak the magic power is, it also carries a ray of regular power, which can subdue the soul and restrain the existence of all primordial spirits and spirits.


The golden light of merit and virtue falls on the top of the ten halls, falls on Naihe Bridge, Huangquan Road, and the [-]th floor of hell, turning it into a place of justice in the nether world, with its own rules.

At last.

The mysterious land of reincarnation revolved abruptly, manifesting six deep black holes.

The way of the gods, the way of the human world, the way of Shura, the way of hell, the way of hungry ghosts, the way of animals...the bright brilliance emerges from the depths of samsara, and it seems that there are peerless gods hidden in it.

The blood moon is in the sky.

A strange three-life stone is located between the six realms, connecting the passages of the six realms of reincarnation.

Seeing this, the world was shocked.

Also on this day.

The figure of Yang Gang emerged from the cycle of reincarnation, with golden light on his feet and a canopy of merits and virtues on his head.

Announced in front of countless ghosts and gods in the Yin Division of the underworld: "Reincarnation is established, the six realms are born, and the netherworld——Enlightenment!"

The sky and the earth shake, and the golden light shines.

It immediately attracted countless eyes from the Three Realms.

Even the Holy Monarch sitting in the Lingxiao Palace couldn't help casting his gaze, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The noise made by Yang Gang...is it too big?
The Underworld and Yin Division finally began to operate.

The first group of human souls, under the custody of black and white impermanence, entered the ten halls, and were first judged by the major judges, and those who were good and evil were personally tried by Yan Luo in the ten halls.Then, escorted by the bull's head and horse face, they stepped across the Naihe Bridge and walked through Huangquan Road.

Enter the six samsara reincarnation.


In the world, outside the world.

A cloud-shrouded hill.

"I thought the sage would rule the three realms, and we, the immortals, could still have a little bit of freedom. Sigh..." An old Taoist held a whisk in his hand, quietly watching the thunder looming in the void.

Sighing: "Now it seems that the world has really changed..."


A sword light descended from the sky.

Transformed into a middle-aged black-bearded Taoist, standing in front of the old Taoist, "Have you decided to enter the world?"

"There will be constant disputes in the future, and we can't escape from the world. We can only have a glimmer of life if we follow the trend..." The old man looked sad.

"I didn't expect to end up going through this."

The middle-aged Taoist shook his head.

"When I became enlightened in the late stage of the end of the Dharma, I was instructed by that expert to prosper the immortal way. Now, I have come to the world of cultivation as he said... I just don't know, how much of my immortal way will remain in the future?"

The old man still couldn't help sighing.

"Brother, why should you be persistent?" The middle-aged Taoist stood with his sword in his hand. "Everything in the world is evolving. The purity of immortality and the complexity of cultivation will eventually be submerged in the torrent of time."

"Do you still remember the time when the divine way was gloomy in ancient times and the immortal way rose?"

"Naturally remember."

The old man looked serious.

After the two recovered from heaven and earth, they continued to awaken ancient memories.They were all key figures at the time, and they were naturally deeply impressed by the events of that period.

"that person……"

The middle-aged Taoist's complexion changed, he seemed to be frightened, revered, and he seemed to have some taboos. He sighed: "He intersperses ancient and modern times, and is the protagonist in every era."

"Now that he recovers one step ahead of everyone, he will definitely take the lead and lead the trend of this era."

"I'll wait... just follow in his footsteps."

"What the younger brother said makes sense."

The old man nodded slowly, his face still unable to hide his worry, "He is a huge rock standing in the torrent of time. However, how many people who followed him back then have been washed away by the years and turned into dust."

"How does the dust on the ground compare with the clouds in the sky? We... can't compare to him!"

"Senior brother already has an idea in his heart." The eyes of the middle-aged Taoist who knew the old Taoist very well, his eyes lit up.

The old man looked at the sky in the distance.

Slowly said: "The Supreme Immortal Dynasty is about to skyrocket, but there is still a cornerstone missing. Let me be the foundation stone of the Immortal Way of the World!"

"Brother, you—"

The middle-aged Taoist narrowed his eyes, as if realizing something.

"As long as the old Taoist stays in the Heavenly Court for one day, the incense of immortality will never be extinguished..." The old Taoist smiled slightly.

"Brother, you want to sacrifice this body and be completely robbed?" The middle-aged Taoist turned his head suddenly.

"It's okay."

The old Taoist waved his whisk, got up and stepped into the clouds, "My heart is outside the world, and my body is like floating dust. In my last life, I walked on the opposite side of him... In this life, I believe in him!"

The middle-aged Taoist stood on the top of the mountain for a long time.

Finally sighed.

"Do you believe it?"

"Brother, but this time, even I can't believe it..."

"The underworld is established, reincarnation is orderly, the Great Zhou Dynasty completely controls the six realms of reincarnation, and all living beings in the three realms are within the rules. With a swipe of the sage's pen, even the qualifications for reincarnation can be deprived, and the true spirit can be annihilated..."

"In this life, if he still wants to go down that path, then how should we deal with ourselves?"

The middle-aged Taoist slowly drew the sword on his back, but found that his wrists were trembling slightly.

Scenes of the last battle in ancient times emerged in front of my eyes.


Too tragic!

Countless souls fell under the catastrophe, mountains and seas collapsed in the catastrophe, everything...

And this time.

How far will the rivalry between them go?

the most important is.

This time.

Once you fail and die, there is no chance of reincarnation!

Two patriarchs of the immortal way worried and planned in the fairy mountains outside the world.

On the other side, Yang Gang seemed a bit leisurely at this time.

At this time, it was already a few days after the manifestation of the six realms.

Yang Gang left Netherworld and returned to Shengjing for the first time in three months.

Now that everything is on the right track, the underworld is established, and the new law is unblocked, he, the person in charge, has nothing to do and starts a leisurely life.

of course.

One month later is July [-] wedding.

He won't be able to relax for long.

In the eyes of the world, Yang Gang has now completely achieved fame and become the most dazzling new star in the Great Zhou Dynasty.What he was going to do, no one except His Majesty Sheng Jun dared to ask.

Yang Gang was so idle, carving fish and playing every day, and took Jiang Jiang, Hongye, and little fox to walk around the surrounding scenery of Shengjing.Only when the moon was high in the middle of the night, he occasionally disappeared mysteriously for a period of time, and no one knew where he went.

But Dazhou's unification of the Three Realms did not stop because of this.

The Eight Departments of the Heavens began a large-scale military training, and the gods and gods who had been hidden for many years came out one after another, continuing to grow the power of the Eight Departments.A huge gunpowder is about to fill the Three Realms...

June eighteen.

A secret edict from Lingxiao Temple was sent to Yang Gang, with the word "Heavenly Court" written on it.

"Finally... it's here!"

Suddenly, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in Yang Gang's mind.

The names of "Hell", "Book of Life and Death", "Kishitigarbha" and "Huaguo Mountain" flowed in his heart.

Before Yang Gang opened the secret edict.

Suddenly a servant came to report, and there was an old Taoist with great powers outside the door asking to see him.

"Extremely powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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