Chapter 434 Ci Hang
The thousand-eyed magic circle slowly rotated like a huge millstone, scattering streaks of black light.

Between the sky and the earth, there are gusts of wind and smog.The creatures within a range of thousands of miles couldn't help but cast surprised glances at this place, and then quickly evacuated to the distance.

"Ridiculous." Li Chunyun said coldly.

The colorful sword light broke through the thick fog and black light, and penetrated the body of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord with a firm attitude.His expression changed at that time, showing a look of shock and unpreparedness.

next moment.

"Ah—" Under the surprised gazes of countless creatures in southern Xinjiang, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord raised his head to the sky and let out a scream, his body was pierced by the colorful sword light, leaving a huge hole.

A large piece of dark magic eyes on it has completely disappeared.

"What kind of magic weapon is this!" The Hundred-eyed Demon Lord looked at Li Chunyun in disbelief, and then the colorful sword light behind him suddenly turned back, pierced through his back again, and shot out from his left chest.


The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's body fell from the air weakly.

Immediately, it was engulfed by a colorful sword light, and fell flat in front of Li Chunyun, and the thousand-eyed magic circle in the sky also disappeared, turning into little particles and falling back into the body of the hundred-eyed demon king.

His gray expression suddenly eased.

Just as he was about to raise his head, a fairy sword was already at his throat.

"Now...have you taken it?"

Li Chunyun asked lightly.

"Submit! Submit!"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord trembled all over, bowed obediently and bowed his head, "I beg the sword fairy to spare my life, spare my life!"

Immediately with a shake of the body, it turned into a three-foot-long pitch-black centipede, with hundreds of eyes under its belly, lying obediently on the ground like a straight chopstick.


"Ha ha ha ha"

Li Chunyun snorted coldly, the Stone Monkey King laughed out loud behind him, and Yang Gang and the others couldn't help smiling.

This old devil was arrogant and tight just now, but now he appears to be more well-behaved than any pet in the world. The phrase "He who knows the current affairs is a hero" was carried out vividly by this old thing.

"Brother Yang, this centipede spirit is one of the five poisons in southern Xinjiang. It has been here for thousands of years, and no one dares to provoke it. It was he who protected the three-legged bird before and fought with me for thirteen years. Its poisonous miasma is the most powerful in southern Xinjiang, and it drove me to run more than [-] li."

Li Chunyun turned to Yang Gang and said, "Now that I have the power of the seven treasures to subdue him, what can you ask me?"

"Well, thank you, Brother Li, for your hard work."

Yang Gang nodded, stepped off the carriage, and stood in front of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.


The centipede spirit on the ground looked at the pair of feet that landed in front of it, and remained motionless, not even daring to raise its head.And the horror in my heart has already swept away like a strong wind.

It turns out that the person in the carriage is the rightful owner?
How noble is the status of a person who can even be driven by Qingyun Sword Immortal... If he had known this, why would he be struggling!
"Hundred-eyed Demon Lord?" Yang Gang said.


The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord trembled, and raised his head cautiously.

"Let me ask you, have you ever sheltered a three-legged bird in southern Xinjiang before?" Yang Gang asked.


The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch secretly thought 'here we come', and it really was the disaster that that idiot brought to his family, he hurriedly said: "I don't know that beast has offended the Immortal, please be generous with the Immortal, and spare the villain's life."

"Hehe~~" Hongye couldn't help laughing seeing what the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord said was interesting.

This centipede spirit is a monster, but it is dressed as a Taoist priest, and it calls the same kind of beasts, and I don't know what it is thinking.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord could hear the mockery in that laughter.

However, as a prisoner now, how dare he offend Shangxian's family?Didn't even dare to look up.

'A single carelessness today will destroy ten thousand years of practice!The three-legged bird missed me!regret!regret!regret! '

"I asked you."

Yang Gang picked off a few leaves on the side and asked, "Do you know where the three-legged bird came from and what are its heels? Why did you come to this southern border to seek refuge?"

"The little one doesn't know, no, no, no, I know a little bit, I know a little bit!" The Hundred-eyed Demon Lord blurted out first, and then quickly changed his words: "The three-legged bird flew from the east thousands of years ago. Little can cure it. Xiaodao trapped him with the thousand-eyed magic circle at that time, and finally surrendered."

"Then arranged a cave to be adjacent to it."

"In a chat, I once heard him mention that he came from the East China Sea. There is a fairy island called 'Yu Yuan'. To be precise, it seems to be located in the sea area where the East China Sea and the South China Sea meet."

"As for what he has followed, and why he came to the southern border to seek refuge, Xiao Zhen doesn't know at all."


Yang Gang nodded slowly when he heard the words, as if he believed it.

Then he flicked his wrist.

A leaf slid down like a blade, and cut off more than a dozen of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch's abdomen. The wound was smooth, and it took a long time for the stinky black blood to flow out.

"Ah!!!" The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord realized it later and let out a shrill roar.

"To tell the truth, the leaves in my hand are enough to cut off your whole body."

Yang Gang squatted down and looked into the eyes of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord with a very gentle smile.

"Yes, yes, I don't dare to hide anything anymore!"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch felt a chill in his heart.

Finally, he knew that the person in front of him was probably a hundred times and a thousand times more ruthless than Qingyun Sword Immortal, but he hated the three-legged divine bird that brought disaster even more in his heart.

Tremblingly, he said: "The flat-haired beast actually didn't have any heels, but got Taoism after being contaminated with some of the ancient Golden Crow's blood. Xiaodao ventured to guess that the Shangxian came because of the Golden Crow's blood?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Li Chunyun warned.


The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord said shyly: "The blood, magic treasures, and fairy arts obtained by that flat-haired animal are all kept in the Supreme Secret Treasury. In fact, he has also helped me a lot these years, so that Xiaodao was able to transform demons into Taoism and practice the ancient immortal way method."

"It's just... it's just that where the secret treasure is, and where the 'Yu Yuan' fairy island is, has always been the deepest secret in the beast's heart. I have tried many ways over the years but have not been able to."

"Until that unruly beast provoked Qingyun Sword Immortal, and was beheaded in the sky with a single sword."

The three-legged divine bird is good at flying, and no one in southern Xinjiang can rule it.Li Chunyun is also a swordsman. Over the years, he has traveled everywhere, and his ability to escape and hurry is as pure as fire.

When the two sides met, it was like meeting their nemesis.

It can only be said... people really can't be too arrogant, there will always be enemies stronger than you in this world.

"Then, which powerful person did he offend in East China Sea?" Li Chunyun asked.

"This..." The Hundred-eyed Demon Monarch hesitated for a moment.

"Don't you know?"

Yang Gang stroked the leaves in his hand with his fingers, making a rustling sound.

"Know, know!"

The centipede shivered all over, and his figure gradually changed into the appearance of the previous Taoist. He kowtowed miserably on the ground, "Xiaodao told the Shangxian everything, and I just ask the Shangxian to remember that it is not easy for me to practice for thousands of years, so I can forgive Xiaodao today." One life!"

"Please forgive me!"

"Please forgive me!"

"Quickly, what are you talking about!" The Stone Monkey King clicked and grinned.

The powerful mana of the demon clan exploded, immediately adding a layer of pressure to the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's heart.


He said with a bitter face: "This sentence, that bastard only made a slip of the tongue once when he was drunk, and the name of that powerful person is——Master Cihang."

(End of this chapter)

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