I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 441 Turning Zhou into Tang Dynasty, Emperor Feng Zen

Chapter 441 Turning Zhou into Tang Dynasty, Emperor Feng Zen


Countless gods and gods in the sky subconsciously turned their heads to look at the streamer in the distance.

I saw a ray of brilliance, hitting the sky at an incredible speed, and crashing into the Lingxiao Palace where the Holy Monarch is.

The strong power of heavenly power erupted, smashing the entire sky into pieces.


The melodious bell rang, enveloping two terrifying forces, forcibly collapsing most of the majestic and magnificent Lingxiao Palace.

The figure of Shengjun flashed.

Flying out of the treasure hall, looking at the distant sky, his face was gloomy.

The crowd reacted.

That strange power seemed to be almost exactly the same as the power of heavenly authority carried by the holy monarch.

At this time, the surging power of heavenly authority on Shengjun's body was hit by this force, and most of it collapsed in an instant, turning into fireworks all over the sky and scattered in countless corners of the Three Realms.I don't know how much effort it will take to reunite.

"Demon Emperor, how dare you!"

Yang Gang violently waved the magic weapon in his hand, and slashed towards the distant Eternal Demon Realm, his expression furious.


The world is ethereal, and everything is lonely.

The supreme blade drawn by the three-pointed and two-edged knife cut across a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, and only shattered mountains in the Eternal Demon Realm without causing other damage.

The real body of the Demon King of the Eternal Demon Realm is still elusive.

At the most critical moment, the Demon Emperor finally appeared.

But he only brought the power of heavenly power that he had condensed for tens of thousands of years.

At this critical moment when the world is recovering and returning to the ancient times, at the moment when the Supreme Heavenly Court is about to be established, nearly half of the power of the Heavenly Dao under his control will be blew up!

This is beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only did Shengjun not expect it, Yang Gang also had some surprises.

The two sides have been operating in the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years. Although the Demon Emperor is not as good as the Sage King, there is not much difference.

He knew that when the sage became the master of the three realms, he would completely unify the nine heavens and ten earths.The authority of heaven that he controls will naturally tilt like a balance and become the possession of the sage.

So with the mentality of not being able to get it and not letting others take advantage of it, he directly blew up the power of heaven and power.

This is very Donghuang!

in this way.

Although the sage has the orthodoxy of heaven and earth, he established the supreme heaven.But for a period of time in the future, without the blessing of the power of the power of heaven, it is impossible to completely rule the three realms, and it is hard to say whether the heaven will last forever.

Because in the three realms, apart from the Demon Emperor, there is another person who can challenge the Holy King.

A trace of worry flashed across Yang Gang's face.

He has already sensed the gaze cast by Shengjun, and vaguely felt a hint of danger.

The Demon Emperor has sacrificed tens of thousands of years of precipitation, and he is included in the calculation!

Only [-]% of the power of heavenly authority is left.

Shengjun no longer has the confidence to suppress Yang Gang.

When he fully awakens the memories of Shan Hai's last period, then he...will definitely be regarded as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

' What a fucking headache! '

Yang Gang couldn't help helping his forehead, secretly hating the Demon Emperor for disrupting his plan.

At the same time, I feel a little relaxed in my heart.

Throughout the ages, no one has completely controlled the power of heavenly authority.Even the ancient Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, could only control [-]% of it.

No one dares to imagine how terrifying the Holy King who controls the power of all the authority of heaven is.Now this situation may be a good thing!

He soothed himself.

Since then.

The formation of the Heavenly Court continued.

It's just that with the addition of the Demon Emperor, many people's hearts can't help adding a bit of haze.

Shengjun waved his hand.

The Lingxiao Palace was reunited, with no visible damage on the outside, and without saying a word, he drove the Palace into the Nine Heavens, smashing the wreckage of the Sun God Palace to pieces.

The divine light of the Lingxiao Palace shone brightly.

There are bursts of rays of light everywhere in the heavenly court, and the treasure is soaring.

A natural Dao rhyme circulates in it, and the buildings built by the immortals of the Taisui tribe with countless painstaking efforts seem to exist in the first place, perfectly fitting with the ancient heaven.

As for the remains of Emperor Jun and the corpses of the Twelve Witch Ancestors that Yang Gang and others encountered in the ancient heaven, they never appeared again.

"It's done!"

"It's finally done!"

Yang Ren, the righteous god of the Tai Sui Department, watched all this, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

The master craftsmen standing behind him were also weeping with joy, their bodies glowing with a strong fairy light.The golden light of merit and virtue fell from the sky and merged into their bodies, the golden light flashed, and the flesh and blood reorganized.

In just a moment, the 'curse' that offended the sky by reversing the sky and the earth was all eliminated by the golden light of merit.

On this day, the history of mythology has turned a page full of color.

The following months.

The entire Shengjing ushered in unprecedented changes.

The eight divisions of the heavens withdrew, and the gods from all walks of life in the three realms and four directions, after leaving some dojos, ascended to the heavens and became immortals.Except for some of the gods who reside in the world who enjoy the incense of the divine way, those who do not enter the fairyland are all evildoers.

If there is any dissatisfaction, the gods of the eight tribes will immediately attack them with the force of thunder.

The four divisions of the human world control the power of humanity, and the Three Realms no longer have the name of "Great Zhou".

A brand new human dynasty was established.

The new emperor of the world is the blood of one of the billions of clones of the holy king.

It is for the 'Son of Heaven'.

The first month of the year.

The emperor offered sacrifices to the heavens and enshrined Zen, and asked the judiciary god the name of the new dynasty.

Yang Gang held his hand behind his back silently, and finally left a character of "Tang", and flew up to the Heavenly Court to return to the Jade Emperor.

half a month later.


A mountain standing against the water.

Here is Yang Gang's selected human dojo, named 'Guanjiangkou'.

At this time, Yang Gang's family had already moved here and lived a semi-reclusive life.

Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the Three Realms have been overwhelmed.

In just a few months, the entire Three Realms and the Heavenly Court entered into full-scale construction, and countless earth-shaking changes took place.But Yang Gang, the judiciary god and general of the world's soldiers and horses, seemed to be idle suddenly, and seemed a little idle.

It gives people the feeling that he is about to withdraw from the stage of history.

Yang Gang could feel that Shengjun seemed to have taken some precautions against him, and he no longer asked his opinion on many important matters.He has never been informed of the dispatch of the eight troops and the conquest of some stubbornly resisting forces.

On the surface, Yang Gang no longer needs to do these small things.

In fact, it is clearly weakening Yang Gang's authority.

Today, his meritorious deeds are overwhelming, and there is no seal or reward.Not only has it been respected by the eight righteous gods and countless immortals, but it is even more prestigious in the world, and the people have spontaneously built countless ancestral halls for it.

Yang Gang understood what Shengjun meant.

You have accomplished great deeds for the Heavenly Court, and you have achieved great success. It is time to retreat to the second line.From then on, you and I will not violate the river water, and we will never forget the ancient grievances.If you don't have any crooked thoughts, the three realms will naturally accommodate you.

If you dare to move your heart...


Yang Gang stood in front of Guanjiangkou with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky with a sneer.

The current Jade Emperor can accommodate him.

What about him who will completely awaken the last memory of the ancient times in the future?

It is not Yang Gang's character to gamble on a person's bottom line with his wealth and life.

"It seems that in the end... we still have to fight!"

Yang Gang grabbed a fallen leaf in the wind.

Indifferently said: "Fortunately, I have made all the preparations, how about you? My dear uncle."

"In order to re-condense the power of heaven, balance the power of heaven, and suppress immortality. Journey to the West... is about to start?"

(End of this chapter)

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