Chapter 444
All eyes were on Li Nezha.

Sympathy, indifference, banter, regret...thousands of people have different faces.

In a trial that affected the three realms, the different positions of the gods present were all unified under the will of the Jade Emperor.

"Bring it up."

Yang Gang sat at the head of the high platform, his expression was as cold as a piece of ice that has been frozen for thousands of years.

"The prisoner, Nezha Li, comes forward." A three-legal official shouted.


The prison burst open.

Two heavenly guards pressed Li Nezha's shoulder blades, brought him under the high platform and forced him to kneel down.

"My lord, bring the prisoner Li Nezha!"

"Uncle Yang—"

A roar of disbelief echoed across the shore.

Li Nezha stared blankly at Yang Gang with a stern expression on the high platform, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.


The person in charge of judging him was actually Uncle Yang, who taught him his best.

In his mind, the most powerful God of War in the Three Realms—Judicial God Yang Gang.

"Master Xuan sues Fang Donghai Dragon Clan."

As if he didn't recognize Li Nezha, Yang Gang spoke indifferently.


"Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the little god, has met the Judicial God."

In the eyes of countless people, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, rose from the sea, stepped ashore on the waves, and then stood under the high platform, saluting Yang Gang respectfully.


Yang Gang nodded slowly.

Ao Guang carefully looked at Yang Gang's face, his heart became heavier and heavier.

No rage, no resentment.

It was as if everything that happened today had nothing to do with him.

Yang Gang, who was so sharp and aggressive back then, has changed. He has become deep and restrained, making people feel even more terrifying.

"The witness comes forward."

Yang Gang continued to drink heavily.


The sound of rushing water sounded.Aquariums from the East China Sea, shrimps, crabs, fishes and dragons appeared on the coast. They were all the people who witnessed Li Nezha tortured and murdered Ao Bing, the third prince of the East China Sea that day.

"All aquariums?"

"The situation is not good today!"

"Do you think the judicial gods will still favor Li Nezha in this situation?"

People's hearts fluttered, and the gods who came to watch were talking secretly.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

The Taishang Laojun's eldest disciple, a young Taoist priest in Tsing Yi, stood on the high platform and came to witness on behalf of the Immortal Dao.His lips moved slightly, but he didn't see any sound, talking to an existence outside the Nine Heavens.

"Alas... a calamity!" In Tushita Palace, the Taishang Laojun guarded the Zijin Eight Diagrams Furnace, and heaved a long sigh.

"Judicial God is just, and he is the most impartial person in the Three Realms. He is in charge of the law. If Li Nezha is really wrong, he will definitely not favor others."

"What if he was framed?" the young Taoist asked.

"The facts are already in front of us, that Ao Bing paid the price with his life, even if there is something tricky in it, I'm afraid..." Taishang Laojun shook his head.

Looking at the blazing fire, he frowned deeply.

Now the immortal way is at its peak, occupying half of the immortals in the heavenly court.However, in his eyes, it was like cooking oil in a raging fire, reaching the very edge of danger.Just like the situation Yang Gang is facing now.

" will you break the situation?"

"Xuan's family members came in to witness."

Yang Gang's voice spread all over the East China Sea.


The crowd suddenly parted.

In front of Chentang Pass not far away, Li Jin came with his wife and family.The strange thing is that at this time he is wearing a battle armor, holding the pagoda in his hand, and Wu Yangyang is following the brigade Chentangguan soldiers behind him.

It seemed that he was not here to witness a trial, but was about to go on an expedition.

There was a slight commotion among the people around, and many people were secretly vigilant, for fear that Li Jin would make trouble at this juncture.

"Chen Tang Guan Li Jin."

Yang Gang's voice was steady and majestic.

"I'm humble."

Li Jin cupped his fists and saluted Yang Gang.

"Today's trial by the three courts, why did you come here in armor?" Yang Gang looked at Li Jin with a stern face.

"Go back to God."

Li Jin stood under the high platform with a straight posture.

He replied in a loud voice: "In a lowly position, first he was Chen Tang, a subordinate of the Heavenly Court, and then he was Li Nezha's father. I came here today not to intercede for my son, but to represent me in Zhenhai Tianyu to witness this trial." .”


Li Nezha looked stunned, staring blankly at Li Jin, who was just and ruthless.

He is the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, representing the rule of the Heavenly Court over the East China Sea.But he is also his father... Why, why is this happening?Is it true that for the sake of so-called power, their own lives really don't matter to them?
Could it be that their eyes, can be sacrificed?

Father is like this, so is Uncle Yang...

Since when did it all become like this?

"Husband, do you really think so?" Mrs. Li looked at Li Jin blankly, feeling that he was so strange at this moment.

"To the god of justice."

Li Jin stood up straight, without looking at Nezha's mother and son, and said: "Nezha's troubles in the sea are all because of Li's incompetence in teaching his children. Li is to blame for the conflict between Donghai and Zhenhai Tianyu. This time The trial is still a fair trial by the gods, and there is no need to care about the existence of Li."

"Today, there is only Li Jin, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, but not Li Jin, the father of Nezha."

The voice fell.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone looked at Li Jin with surprise eyes.

"it is good."

Yang Gang knocked down the gavel with a bang.

"The trial begins."

"Witnesses come forward."


Immediately, the group of aquariums entrenched on the bank of the East China Sea tremblingly stepped forward, facing a group of top powers from the Three Realms, and stammered about what happened that day.

After a while.

In the sigh of regret.

The head of the Sanfa Division presented the testimony, and the Shui people below drew one by one and handed it to the high platform.

"Nezha Li."

Yang Gang glanced at it and nodded slightly.

"In the."

Nezha raised his dull gaze, and Yang Gang's figure was reflected in his bewildered eyes.

this moment.

He suddenly regretted it.

If I hadn't awakened the so-called dragon power, if I was still blind... how good would it be?In this way, you can't see the dirty things in this world, and you can't see those greedy people.

You don't have to face the person who once cared for you, but now judges you with a cold face.

"Nezha Li."

Yang Gang's face sank like water, and he said quietly: "Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, sued you to torture and kill his son. The third prince of the East China Sea, Ao Bing, has all the witnesses and material evidence, and the evidence is conclusive. Do you have any objection?"

"No objection."

Nezha lowered his head, disheartened.

His fists were tightly clenched together, and red flames all over his body were steaming and surging, turning into the shape of blossoming lotus flowers.

A blue light flashed.

The laws of heaven and earth flashed past like the rules of heaven and earth, like invisible shackles blocking all the power in his body.

this moment.

Nezha's heart was ashamed, looking at the indifferent faces around him, he felt... no one in the world.

He knew that he had no chance to stand up again.

No one in this world would plead for him.



"Nezha, there is no crime!"

A crisp dragon chant came from outside the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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