I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 448 The Most Selfless Feeling in the World

Chapter 448 The Most Selfless Feeling in the World

Nezha didn't know how long he walked in the cycle of reincarnation.

It seems like ten years, 20 years, or a thousand or 1 years.It seems that from the boundless years of ancient times, through the whole life, through the long years, finally came to the real life of this life.

Just when he felt there was no end to the road ahead.

In the darkest moment of his life, he finally saw the front, and there was a faint light.

"Three Lives Stones?"

"Is there really a three-life stone in this world?"

Nezha was overjoyed and subconsciously accelerated forward, unaware that after walking this long road, under the dim light of the Sansheng Stone, his illusory body had already acquired a somewhat solid texture.


Nezha stood in front of the Sansheng Stone, stretched out his hand cautiously, but hesitated.

"Master, are you there?"

He raised his head and shouted.

But the silent reincarnation did not respond.

"The last time, the last time I believe in people. If..." Nezha gritted his teeth, after all, the kindness deep in his heart prevailed, carefully stretched out his right hand, and lightly touched the surface of the Sansheng Stone.

A soft light rippled and gradually enveloped Nezha's body.

Nezha's consciousness suddenly became hazy, and countless grotesque images flashed before his eyes.There were the boundless days of ancient times, where he saw the ancient human emperor making fire from the flint, saw the shadows of countless immortals and gods in the mountains and seas, saw the great formation of ten thousand immortals in front of Chaoge City, and saw the peerless battle in front of Buzhou Mountain... …

There were hardships for the human race in the Dharma-ending era, each sage and great virtuous expounded the truth of heaven and earth, and each ancestor overcame thorns and thorns...

Life after life.


The memory suddenly became extremely clear.

In the Jiangnan water town, the 'father' who killed an official and pretended to be a post, and the big koi encountered in the river...

In the ice and snow of the Northland, he worshiped the Sword Demon as his teacher, broke through the Ice Demon Villa, and invited to fight the Northland Heavenly Sword, leaving a legend for a lifetime...


Nezha's closed eyes suddenly slipped two lines of hot tears.

In the experience of this life, he felt a strong master-student relationship, and felt a more selfless emotion than a family relationship.

He finally believed.

Besides Ao Shuixin, there are people who really care about him in this world!

In the depths of reincarnation.

On the Sansheng Stone, a huge figure of the emperor is like a sky, quietly looking at Nezha below, with a gratified smile on his face.

This is Yang Gang's body of the Nether Emperor.

In fact, there is no real Taiyi in this world, everything is just fabricated by him, just to arouse Nezha's desire to live.

And where is his real body at this time?


Kuaiji Fairy Mountain.

In this land of conferred gods that has been in ruins for many years after the catastrophe of the Virgin Mary of Shuanglian, a tall and straight figure stood quietly on the top of the mountain, and opened his mouth against the mountain wind.An illusory divine body soared against the wind and merged into a tall statue in front of him.

It was a majestic statue with a resolute face, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, one foot on the ground, one foot lifted, stepping on a flying green dragon.

It was when Yang Gang was in the south of the Yangtze River that Wanmin spontaneously made the statue of Erlang Xianshenjun for him.

And today.

He will use his spiritual body heritage to gather the divine Tao incense left over from Juiji Xianshan to reshape the dharma body for Nezha.

Let Nezha walk in reincarnation before, and secretly use the mana of the Nether Emperor to strengthen his soul for him, which is to prepare for all this.


The wind was blowing, and the thunder was rolling.

It seems that a huge vision is about to appear.


Yang Gang's vertical eyes on his forehead suddenly opened a gap, and he looked at the sky coldly.The terrifying majesty shocked the world, as if once that golden vertical eye was fully opened, a catastrophe would happen.


The thunder calamity, the wind calamity and the yet to appear fire calamity dissipated in the air without a sound, without attracting anyone's attention in the end.

The statue of Erlang Xianshengzhenjun in front of him buzzed and trembled, cracking gaps.

At the same time, the surrounding void blurred for a while, as if it was bordering on another world, and there was a faint light flickering on the other side of the dark passage.

If there is power at this time to observe with divine eyes.

You will see on the other side of the endless void passage, a slowly rotating stone exuding a faint light, and standing in front of the stone is the figure of an immature and stubborn young man.

The sculpture of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun completely collapsed, like a pool of water melting into the void.The two worlds are connected by the Sansheng Stone, gradually transforming into a boy, and then returning to reality.

When the statue was completely condensed, it had suddenly changed into the appearance of Nezha in front of the Three Lives Stone.


Yang Gang let out a long breath, and the pressure in his heart suddenly dissipated.

Looking at the void, looking at Nezha in front of the Sansheng Stone, he said softly: "My child, I have done everything I can do. Next, it is up to you..."

The voice fell.

The figure disappeared without a trace, and even the statue of Nezha disappeared.

The land of reincarnation at this time.

Nezha is also experiencing a mysterious incident.

When Sanshengshi's memory gradually faded away, and the illusory past returned to the real present, he felt that his mind suddenly went through a strange tunnel and saw a familiar figure.

'Is it coming? '

'Who will you see in your dream?Master, it's still Shuixin...'

But when he saw the figure lying on the bed clearly.


Li Nezha couldn't help shouting.

"Huh?" Mrs. Li frowned slightly, as if hearing something in her ears, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Little Yuer... is it Xiao Yuer?"

She subconsciously looked left and right, but found that there was no one in the empty hut. Looking out the window, there was no moonlight, no stars, and the outside world seemed to be dead.

"Mother, it's me! Mother!"

Li Nezha broke down and cried, and the deep admiration buried deep in his heart finally burst out completely.

It turns out that the person I care about the most in my heart is my mother!


Apart from Ao Shuixin who cared about him, and Master Taiyi who suddenly appeared, there is still one person in this world who has been silently protecting him.

But he always took it for granted.

Perhaps because of Li Jin's indifference, he neglected his mother's care.

In this world, she should be the one who mourns her death the most, right?

Looking at Mrs. Li who was so haggard as if she had aged ten years overnight, Nezha felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

The most selfless feeling in this world, and also the feeling that is most easily overlooked by people... is maternal love.And she committed suicide on impulse, she should be the most sorry person.

If it wasn't for Master, if it wasn't for the existence of the Three Lives Stone, I would never have thought of it once in such a long time...

"Mother, it's Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu is back! Mother!!"

Nezha Li galloped forward, carefully hugging Mrs. Li's body.But he found that his figure didn't seem to exist in this world, and his arms passed directly through her body.

"Mother~~" He couldn't help but burst into tears, so he could only hug Mrs. Li's figure with his arms, the tears bursting down his face.

"Mother is here! Child, mother is always here!"

Madam Li seemed to feel something, slowly opened her arms, and embraced the air in front of her.

Just like countless times in the past ten years, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the position of the back of the boy's head in the air.

"Mother, my son is sorry for you!"

Seeing this scene, Nezha completely collapsed.

The kindness of nurturing for more than ten years, in exchange for his own flesh and blood to return to his mother, he never cared about his mother's feelings.

For the first time, he felt that he had done something wrong.

Big mistake!

(End of this chapter)

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