I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 453 Twins and pedicles, karmic fire lotus body

Chapter 453 Twins and pedicles, karmic fire lotus body


Nezha finally heard the long-lost voice and was overjoyed.

Dao after wave of golden light continuously melted into his remnant soul, and his muddled mind suddenly regained consciousness.

"Apprentice, don't panic. As a teacher, I have already calculated that you will have this catastrophe, so I will come here in the human world and wait for you for a long time." The Taoist smiled heartily.


Nezha froze in place in surprise.

Master, he...has he already arrived?Then why did he still let himself condense the golden body of the divine way, and made his mother work hard day and night, and now it is even more...


'Taiyi Zhenren' sighed, "All these are predestined catastrophes. You have the red lotus karmic fire in your body, but you have not experienced this catastrophe. There will be more catastrophes waiting for you in the future."

"Now that all the lead is washed away, it is the end of all hardships, which is exactly the meaning of rebirth from the ashes."

"Rise from the ashes?"

Nezha could not help but feel that every sentence of the master's words was full of mysterious meaning, so he nodded foolishly.

"Come with me as a teacher. Now I will shape the rebirth for you, and live a wonderful second life." Master Taiyi stood up and waved his long sleeves, and suddenly a gust of wind pushed the figures of the two into the depths of the Golden Light Cave. and go.

After a while.

Nezha's remnant soul gradually became clear under the golden light, and it was as if it had been washed away. He was surprised to find that he could gradually see the surrounding things.

Looking at the ethereal back of the Taoist priest in front of him, he couldn't help showing reverence.

"Master~~~" Nezha's eyes turned red with emotion, his father didn't ask him, but he felt it from the person he met for the first time.

There was a sound of rippling water in front of him.

Through a fairy mist, Nezha saw a colorful lotus pond.One of the bright lotus flowers is in full bloom, and it is actually a variety of colors such as red, yellow, blue, and green.

"The name of this place is Five Lotus Pond. I borrowed half of the lotus pond water from Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to cultivate it. Today... you can reshape your body in this lotus pond and be reborn from Nirvana!" the voice of Master Taiyi ringing in the ears.

However, Nezha's eyes are firmly attracted by a strange twin lotus in the center of the lotus pond.I saw that the lotus flower was black and white twins, extremely strange, it was clearly planted in the lotus pond, but there was a layer of flame-like breath on the surface.

"This is..." For some reason, Nezha's heart beat wildly when he saw the twin lotus flowers, and he felt an urge to become one with them.

"It's you, and it's not you."

Master Taiyi stood by the pool, looked at Nezha's puzzled expression, and smiled, "This is a pair of twin lotuses on the head of the red lotus master of your previous life in ancient times!"

"What!" Nezha was shocked, "Is this part of my body in ancient times?"

"Of course."

Master Taiyi raised his head and laughed.

Not bad.

That twin lotus was the Virgin of Twin Lotuses captured by Yang Gang when he beheaded Yang Tianyou in Kuaiji Mountain.

He deliberately asked Nezha to reshape the Shinto golden body, in fact, it was all in preparation for today's scene.

The Virgin of Shuanglian fits the divine way, and after tens of thousands of years of practice, she finally attained the Tao.Nezha wanted to take back part of his past body, but based on the divine way, his close relatives shattered the golden body to stimulate the karma in his heart.

Only then can one strand of the purest seed be left behind, and be reborn to reshape a lotus golden body.


Yang Gang asked Nezha to prepare, picked the twin lotus flowers that had been cultivated in the five lotus ponds for a long time, and took three lotus leaves and placed them in human shapes on the ground. The joints spread the petals of lotus into the image of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

Finally, I took a requiem pill obtained from the Taishang Laojun and placed it in the middle of the lotus root.

Taking three steps back, he suddenly pushed Nezha, who was staring blankly, into it.


Nezha subconsciously exclaimed, and then his vision was blocked by the dazzling golden light.

"The universe is turned upside down, and twins live side by side!"

"The art of recovery from the past—start."

Master Taiyi murmured something, and suddenly pointed at the person on the ground.Immediately, a golden light shot out from his two fingers and landed on Nezha's lotus root.

Boundless golden light shines everywhere.

It even reveals a golden light hole, spreading towards the surrounding mountains and rivers.People nearby raised their heads one after another, seeing the light that was even more dazzling than the morning glow, but they were all accustomed to it.

Because at this time in the past, they often saw this scene.

Today is just a little brighter, which is not surprising.


Under Yang Gang's ingenious means, Nezha started the magical road to resurrection in the Golden Cave.

a day later.

The lotus root gradually gave birth to the flesh and blood of a living person, filling the whole body little by little.

Three days later.

The golden light turned into a big cocoon, wrapping Nezha's figure in it.

Ten days later, the golden light gradually faded.

But Nezha was inside, but there was no movement.

"Red lotus karma, in charge of karma in the world. Nezha, think about why you are here." Yang Gang suddenly reminded.

In the dark.

Nezha, who was feeling a little restless, heard this sentence, and suddenly remembered all the misfortunes in the past, Chen Tangguan before returning his father, the golden body on Cuiping Mountain was broken... Uncle Yang's ignorance, his father's indifference...

"Oh no!"

Nezha suddenly roared, a ray of flame hidden in the deepest part of his heart was completely ignited, and the surging black and white karma formed a lotus heart in his heart, beating wildly.

The endless stream of red lotus karmic fire circulates around the body, limbs and bones, and flows into the deepest part of the blood vessels of the bones.He immediately felt the existence of his limbs, and had the illusion of being born again.

Do not!
This is not an illusion!
"My Nezha...is back!" Nezha jumped up suddenly.

The big cocoon in the lotus pond shattered into pieces, and a living person jumped out. It was Nezha who had been reborn and reborn.

Looking at his appearance, he has changed from the immature youth in the past to a handsome guy with a height of six feet and a supple and fair skin.

His face is as white as powder, his red lips seem to be painted with vermilion, and his eyes are shining. He is no longer a mortal body, but the body of the supreme lotus flower.The body contains infinite power, which is almost comparable to the body of Yang Gang who became a saint after nine calamities.

"Nezha, pay homage to Master."

The first thing Nezha did after landing was not to look at his physical body, but to bow down to the 'Taiyi real person' Yingying, thanking his master for the grace of re-creation.


Yang Gang looked at the rejuvenated Nezha and smiled with satisfaction.

This kind of Nezha, standing with Ao Shuixin's full-bodied dragon girl, is the real couple of golden boy and jade girl!There is no sense of disobedience in the small horse-drawn cart before.

"Master, Nezha wants to ask you one thing."

Nezha knelt on the ground and raised his head, speaking seriously.

"You want to keep it?"

Yang Gang asked.

"En." Nezha nodded heavily, hatred emerged in his heart, and strange red lotus karma burst out of his body.

"It's not urgent."

Yang Gang laughed and said: "Now your father is the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court, and you have just recovered your supernatural powers in the physical body. You have not practiced any martial arts, and you can only display one or two of the ten levels of strength. I will send you to a place to grind Practice it before you can be born."

"Where are you going?" Nezha suddenly showed a look of anticipation.

Yang Gang smiled slightly and spit out three words.


(End of this chapter)

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