Chapter 459

"The poor monk dare not, the Buddhist sect is subordinate to the heavenly court, and there is absolutely no such intention."

Tathagata heard the words and quickly expressed his attitude, not daring to accept this pot.


But the God of Fire Virtue said: "Heavenly Court is the top of the Three Realms, and His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is suppressing it. What kind of storm can a mere Nezha cause?"

"Oh?" Yang Gang said: "You mean, a mere Nezha needs His Majesty the Emperor to do it himself?"


Lord Huode was speechless again.

If at that time Nezha really makes a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and no one can control it, forcing the Heavenly Emperor himself to take action and make the Heavenly Court lose face, wouldn't it appear that they are completely incompetent?

"I have a way to solve everyone's worries."

Seeing this, Yang Gang finally revealed the purpose of his trip.

"What method does Yang Jun have, tell me quickly." Tathagata Buddha asked very cooperatively.


Yang Gang said seriously.

"What, persuasion?"

Everyone froze on the spot when they heard the words.

This is simply a big joke.

Not to mention the will of the Emperor of Heaven, to persuade Nezha to surrender?With his violent and perverse personality, coupled with the deep-seated grievances with Li Jin, how could he be willing to listen to Yang Gang's words and be surrendered to the heavenly court?
"Please trust Yang Gang."

Yang Gang chuckled, "Fellow Taoist Tathagata has great powers, and he is capable of destroying the karmic fire of the red lotus with family affection. As long as Nezha is willing to surrender and voluntarily let go of everything, and fellow Taoist priests use the way of family affection to impose a Buddhist ban on him, so what? Are you afraid that he will make trouble again in the future?"

"This...seems feasible." Tathagata thought for a while, then nodded.

"But..." The Lord of Fire Virtue still wanted to speak.

"Could it be that Lord Huode has a better way?" Yang Gang's voice suddenly became heavier, and the prestige that had been accumulated in the past resurfaced, and everyone suddenly realized that this is also an unambiguous master.

Going against his wishes, none of the people present seemed to have the guts to do so.Don't you see that the Tathagata Buddha, who had just attained the Dao, was also polite when facing Yang Gang, and he did not dare to show any disrespect.

Although they don't know whether Yang Gang is an Earth Immortal or an Immortal Lord, he is a miracle, and his strength and wisdom cannot be measured by his realm.

All the immortals in the heaven were caught in a dilemma for a while.

Yang Gang's status is too high, except for the will of the emperor, the people present really have no confidence to confront him.

"Since you all have no objections, please ask the Tathagata Buddha to release Nezha." Yang Gang stood with his hands behind his back, very strong in front of the immortals in the heaven, and then added, "Don't worry, there are a few of us here. Zha can't make any waves."

"it is good."

Before the gods and kings of heaven could speak, Tathagata Buddha agreed first without knowing why.

The Linglong Pagoda suddenly buzzed and trembled.

Cast a ray of Buddha light.

"Huh!" Nezha looked down subconsciously, with a happy expression.With a flash of figure, it turned into a red lotus and rushed out.

Then Dangkong turned into a body with four heads and eight arms, hitting anyone he saw.


A muffled sound.

Yang Gang grabbed the fire-pointed gun with one hand, and held the trembling handle of the gun with unparalleled physical strength. Nezha's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't pull out the fire-pointed gun.

"It's you!"

He raised his head in shock, and then burst into anger.

Staring at Yang Gang viciously, "Back then you sat and watched Li Jin order me to be killed, but today you want to stop me from taking revenge! Yang Gang..."

"Shut up, Nizi!"

Li Jin was suddenly furious, "You can call Uncle Yang's name directly?"

Seeing this, the surrounding heavenly gods couldn't help being stunned.

This Nezha's appearance...why doesn't it look like acting at all?Could it be that the person behind his current achievements is not the judicial god Yang Gang?
So, who is the mysterious person standing behind him?

Yang Gang waved his hand, signaling to everyone not to mind.Then he said in a deep voice: "I ask you, if you are willing to be surrendered to the heaven. If you are willing, I can be the master and forgive your past sins."


Nezha laughed angrily, "What a joke! You actually want me to surrender to the Heavenly Court and be a cow to you bastards? Impossible!"

Say it.

He struggled hard and finally got the fire-pointed gun out of Yang Gang's hand, and he wanted to fight again.


"Monsters don't know how to repent!"

Tathagata, Huode Shenjun and others shouted angrily as if they were facing a big enemy.


Yang Gang looked disappointed, "Now, don't you know how to repent?"

"Little Nezha, stop."

The Stone Monkey King finally spoke out at this moment and walked out from behind Yang Gang.

"Are you going to fight with me too?"

Nezha suddenly realized that the Stone Monkey King had also arrived here.All of a sudden, the past flashed before his eyes. The Stone Monkey King on Huaguo Mountain taught him unreservedly, and he practiced hard every day...

"Uncle Monkey~~~"

Nezha froze in place for a moment.He hated Li Jin terribly, and was terribly disappointed with Yang Gang, but facing the only few people in the world who treated him well, he couldn't do anything to him no matter what.

"Uncle Monkey, why do you want to stop me?"

"I'm here for your own good."

The Stone Monkey King sighed, and said slowly, "Son, don't be impulsive. Listen to your Uncle Yang's words, descend to the Heavenly Court first, resolve this catastrophe and save your own life."


"To burn jade and stone together is not a smart person's choice. Have you forgotten your master's teaching?" The stone monkey king's eyes flashed golden.


Nezha subconsciously looked at the people around him.

Li Jin, the three gods in the eight parts, the Tathagata Buddha, Yang Gang, the real Cihang...Facing so many great talents, can he really win?

Nezha's gaze stayed on Yang Gang's face.

For some reason, his eyes were illuminated by the golden light in the eyes of the Stone Monkey King.

I felt my vision was blurred for a while, Yang Gang's handsome and resolute face seemed to be changing, and gradually overlapped and blended with the face of my respected and beloved master in my deepest memory.

Nezha was shocked and blurted out in horror, "Master..."

"Cough cough."

Yang Gang suddenly coughed twice, and asked solemnly: "I'll give you another chance to surrender to the Heavenly Court, have you thought about it?"


Nezha was stunned for a long time, finally endured the turbulent emotions, and slowly knelt down in front of Yang Gang, "Nezha, I would like to surrender to the heaven."

"it is good!"

Yang Gang smiled.

The people around were also overjoyed, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The headache-provoking devil boy agreed to join him, finally solving a big problem.

They can also go back to report to the Emperor of Heaven.

As for whether doing so without authorization will attract the blame of the Emperor of Heaven, this is Yang Gang's business, and it is no longer under their control.

"Then, I ask the Buddha to take action and leave a restriction on this child, so that this naughty boy will not cause trouble in the future." Yang Gang said to the Tathagata Buddha with a smile.

"Follow the true king's decree."

The Tathagata Buddha also had a bright smile on his face.

They looked at each other with Yang Gang, each with a light of wisdom shining in their eyes.


In front of all the immortals of the Three Realms, Tathagata began to impose Buddhist restrictions on Nezha.


Just as Nezha was about to struggle, Yang Gang said, "My child, trust me."

He hesitated for a moment, and finally let go of his body, allowing Tathagata to hold back his body.I saw the exquisite pagoda spinning in the sky, casting Buddha's light and leaving Buddha marks on Nezha's body.

"This pagoda is bound by family love and blood, and it is the exclusive treasure of Li Tianwang. From now on, if this devil boy dares to do evil again, the heavenly king can suppress it without the hands of others." Tathagata clasped his hands together, and the treasure looks solemn.

"Thank you Buddha!"

Li Jin was overjoyed immediately, and stretched out his hand to catch the Linglong Pagoda falling down from the sky.Through Yang Gang's various inconceivable methods and catastrophes, under the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, their father and son really passed this test!

Nezha turned his head away and snorted dissatisfiedly.

(End of this chapter)

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