I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 466 Where did the Heavenly Emperor go?

Chapter 466 Where did the Heavenly Emperor go?

"That's it...according to the words of Taibai Shenjun."

Furious and helpless, the Jade Emperor finally agreed to Taibai Shenjun's request, allowing the Stone Monkey King to be enshrined in heaven again, and the two sides turned their hostility into jade.

It's just that such an indecisive style is really not like the sage king in the hands of the wise and powerful generals of the three realms in the past.On the contrary, it makes people feel a little useless.

Taibai Shenjun was puzzled, and many sensitive people also noticed something was wrong.But let them think about it, and they can't figure out what the current Jade Emperor and the former Great Zhou Shengjun were thinking.

When Taibai Shenjun went down to ask the Stone Monkey King to go to the sky again, his humble attitude immediately wiped out the newly rising heart of resistance in the Stone Monkey King's heart.

"Old man, did the Emperor lose his mind that day?" The Stone Monkey King asked in astonishment.


Lord Taibai wanted to say the same thing, but unfortunately he didn't have the guts.

that day.

The Stone Monkey King followed the Taibai God to heaven, and entered the Lingxiao Palace with his familiar ways. His eyes kept looking at the face of the Emperor of Heaven, as if he wanted to recognize him.The Emperor of Heaven was inexplicable for a while, and he was a little uncomfortable to be seen.

Hastily said: "Then the Stone Monkey King, come forward. Today I will make you a 'Great Sage Equaling Heaven', with a lifespan as long as the sky, and a top-ranking official. Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied."

The Stone Monkey King nodded again and again, smiling happily.To make the Heavenly Emperor voluntarily subdue is something they never did in ancient times, how could he be dissatisfied?

"Okay, let's go down. After this time, remember not to do anything wrong again." The Heavenly Emperor nodded slowly and warned.


The Stone Monkey King sang, and immediately left Lingxiao Palace swaggeringly.


He slipped outside the Temple of Judiciary, sneaked around and turned into a mosquito and flew into the backyard.

"Brother, good brother!"

A faint voice drifted into the study, "My grandson is here to see you."

"Brother Monkey?"

Yang Gang put down the book in his hand, looked up at the window sill, "Why did you become a mosquito, come in quickly."

"Ha ha ha ha"

A puff of white smoke rose from the room, and the Stone Monkey King turned around and appeared in the room, triumphantly saying, "Your Judicial Temple is too unguarded, anyone can enter at will."

"So what if I come in? Could it be that I still need protection?" Yang Gang pointed to himself and smiled.


The Stone Monkey King couldn't help scratching his head, suddenly feeling reasonable.

"Tell me, what are you doing again this time." Yang Gang sat down again, writing hard on the desk.

"Good brother, I have become the Monkey King!"

The words of the Stone Monkey King caused Yang Gang to pause, and then continued to write.The other party continued to speak enthusiastically: "You think it's strange, the old emperor of that day lost his mind for some reason. Although my old grandson's supernatural powers are strong, they are no match for the power of the ten thousand immortals in heaven. How could the emperor be willing to Subdue to me and grant me titles again and again."


Yang Gang kept pen and ink, as if he was concentrating on his own affairs, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Bro, are you listening?"

Seeing this, the Stone Monkey King couldn't help but patted the table.

"You mean... the Emperor of Heaven seems to have changed?" Yang Gang said suddenly.

"En." The Stone Monkey King nodded.

"I suddenly understood why he trapped me in this temple of justice." Yang Gang raised his head and said with a smile.

"You mean..." The Stone Monkey King's eyes lit up.

"Yes. The Heavenly Emperor in the Lingxiao Palace is just a clone." Yang Gang nodded and said, "I speculate that something may have happened to the Heavenly Emperor after Nezha's incident. As a result, he has no ability to clone, and he is worried about being killed by us." See through, so I found an excuse to ground me in the Temple of Justice."

"Perhaps... the matter of Nezha is that he pushed the boat along the way, just to lure me to take action, and finally found a legitimate reason to trap him here."

Yang Gang speculated little by little, and the eyes of the Stone Monkey King became brighter and brighter.

"This old bastard is really far-sighted, he has calculated everything! Even you..." The Stone Monkey King couldn't help but a trace of worry flashed across his face.

"rest assured."

Yang Gang said: "Being here is exactly what I want. The Emperor of Heaven is plotting against him, and I am also preparing for what I want to do. I am not inferior."

"That's fine, that's fine."

The Stone Monkey King nodded repeatedly.

Then he asked inexplicably: "But what exactly is he doing? The Holy Monarch was able to care about the political affairs of the Great Zhou even if he had hundreds of millions of clones. Now that he is promoted to the Emperor of Heaven to control the power of the Dao of Heaven, his cultivation should be improved to a higher level. Why did he become like this instead?" ?”

"Perhaps his knowledge of avatar really drove you into a hurry. If the heavens are in chaos, I will be born. When his avatar is exposed, the impact will be greater than your threat..."

Yang Gang said.

"So, what did the real Emperor of Heaven do?" The Stone Monkey King said, "Now that the court is on the verge of reaching the peak, he has also achieved his ambition. Why did he leave?"

"Could it be that there is something more important than Heaven?"


Yang Gang nodded silently, looking a bit lost.

"Brother Monkey, remember the last time I asked you 'what is the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness'."

"I remember when I said: This is the way that all the powers in the world pursue."

"You also said that although I rely on the power of the power of heaven, my supernatural powers are almost invincible in this world. However, I am not strong enough to perceive the existence of the other side. Later... I sensed it."

"It even broke the sea of ​​bitterness, allowing the water of the sea of ​​bitterness to flow into the three realms, causing the collapse of mountains and seas."

"But in the end, I still don't understand what is the end of the sea of ​​suffering and the other side of the Tao."

"Alas..." The Stone Monkey King heaved a long sigh.

"It's not just that you don't understand, I don't understand either. But once you reach the peak of the Three Realms and stand proudly on the top of the immortals, when you find that there is no way to advance in your realm, you will have endless desire for that place .”

"And now...you and I in this life are still a little behind in cultivation."

"Do not."

Yang Gang shook his head, "It's you who are missing, not me."


The Stone Monkey King was taken aback for a moment.

What this means is...

"However, I still can't feel the existence of the sea of ​​bitterness. It seems...in this world, it has completely disappeared." Yang Gang looked at the air in front of him and murmured softly.

"The Sea of ​​Bitterness disappeared? How is it possible!" the Stone Monkey King lost his voice.


Yang Gang said: "I have an incarnation in the Netherland Realm, and my cultivation has reached the realm of the emperor, and there is no room for improvement. In terms of realm alone, it may be a bit stronger than my previous life."

"It's a pity...the sea of ​​bitterness that I was able to enter easily last time, but now I can't feel it at all."

"So, the most likely reason for the disappearance of the Heavenly Emperor is to explore the other side of the sea of ​​suffering? Does he still have a way to enter the sea of ​​suffering?" the Stone Monkey King exclaimed.

"Yes. The sea of ​​bitterness has disappeared. But this time may also be the closest to the other shore."

Yang Gang put away his pen and ink, suddenly got up and walked out.

"Where are you going?" the Stone Monkey King shouted behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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