I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 469 Mysterious Queen Mother

Chapter 469 Mysterious Queen Mother

"Anything else?"

Yang Gang stopped, but didn't look back.

"What are you looking for?" The gentle female voice asked cautiously with a hint of timidity.

"Nothing to do with you."

Yang Gang turned his back to the Qinglong sculpture.


The green dragon sculpture gradually melted, turning into a dragon girl with a blue dragon tail behind her.

Yang Gang said indifferently: "I have untied your restriction and cut off the ancient fetters. From then on, there will be no more debts between you and me. Let's go and live the life you should have lived."

"But, what you cut off is only your own love." Bai Suqing's face was mournful. Although she was reborn, she seemed to no longer have the calmness and vitality of the past.

"so what?"

Yang Gang finally turned his head and faced Bai Suqing, "Your Bai family was destroyed because of me, don't you hate me in your heart?"


Bai Suqing said: "But I am not reconciled."

"What are you unwilling to do?" Yang Gang asked.

"I'm not reconciled that everything just ended like this. I'm not reconciled that I was the one who was wrong from the beginning to the end. I am not reconciled that the me who was doted on by thousands of people in the past is like a speck of dust in your eyes now!" Bai Suqing was a little excited.

The more Yang Gang appeared to be downplaying, the more easily he let her go, the more unwilling she felt.

Another green dragon sculpture on the side was trembling, and it seemed that it would wake up later and join the crusade against Yang Gang.

"Okay, I'm not in the mood to play childish games with you here."

Yang Gang shook his head boringly, turned around and waved his hands and said 'goodbye'.

The figure disappeared directly in front of the Hongchen Diaoyu shop.


The second blue dragon sculpture shattered, and a dragon girl in blue jumped out and landed beside Bai Suqing. Her face and figure were exactly the same as hers.


Bai Suqing lost her soul, she only felt that her heart was empty.

"Sister~~ I'm sorry. It's all my fault, it's all my fault..."

Bai Huaxian supported Bai Suqing, her face was full of guilt, and two lines of clear tears rolled down her face.

Time passes day by day.

The day of the Pantao Festival is getting closer.

Yang Gang searched thousands of mountains and rivers, but finally found nothing.

Although history has been changed, it has not changed much in the end.

The Pantao Festival opened as scheduled.

That is on this day.

The "Queen Mother" who has never shown her face in front of the world and has been hidden behind the scenes for tens of thousands of years finally appeared in the fairyland of the Heavenly Court to preside over the feast of flat peaches where thousands of immortals gathered.

"The Queen Mother?"

When Yang Gang heard the news, he couldn't help being shocked.

Then immediately rushed to the heaven.

Could this deeply hidden Queen Mother be the same person as the Queen Mother of the West in ancient times?
Why in ancient times, never heard of the existence of such a person.

If they are the same person.

She has been dormant for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, what is her purpose?
Thinking of the "grace of giving medicine" back then that made him and Su'e almost reincarnated forever, he felt as if he had fallen into an eternal conspiracy that had been arranged since ancient times!
I couldn't help but feel a little more urgent.

Seeing that the heaven is getting closer.


A voice came from the void ahead, "Yang Jun...where are you going in such a hurry?"

"It's you."

Yang Gang stopped and looked up at the sky.

His expression suddenly became solemn.



At this time, the Yaochi was extremely lively, with thousands of immortals gathered together.

The Queen Mother sits tall and dignified.

A group of immortals gathered below, including immortals from five directions, five elders and all walks of life, eight gods, 28 constellations, as well as the nine shining star officials and confidential officials of the heavenly court.Ordinary immortals cannot get the honored seat in Yaochi, so they have to stand outside Yaochi and quietly observe this grand gathering.

But the Jade Emperor, the supreme being of the Three Realms, has not appeared for a long time.

Can't help but make people a little puzzled.

At the same time, there is still a question in everyone's mind: What important news does His Majesty the Emperor want to announce this time?

at the same time.

On the other side, the Stone Monkey King and Nezha also started their own plans.

"Uncle Monkey, here, here!"

Nezha waved his hands in front of him, poking his head furtively.

"Shh, be quiet."

The Stone Monkey King put his index finger in front of his mouth, and looked around carefully, "Is this the Peach Garden?"


Nezha said affirmatively: "The flat peaches are extremely precious, and they must be picked on the same day to be the most delicious. One day later, the immortal energy will be lost. We must hurry up, and the Yaochi female fairy should be on the way."


The Stone Monkey King nodded repeatedly.

During the conversation, the two had bypassed the guards of Pantaoyuan and quietly entered the yard.Looking at the fairy peaches filled with fairy air, the Stone Monkey King couldn't help but shine his eyes even though he knew that these things were not clean.


There was a crisp voice in my ear.

The Stone Monkey King turned his head to look, and found that Nezha had already picked one, and was biting it so hard that the juice splashed everywhere.

"You child, why are you more impatient than me!"

The Stone Monkey King slapped him on the forehead and said angrily.

"Aren't I hungry? Uncle Monkey, here, these peaches are really delicious." Nezha picked one and handed it to the Stone Monkey King.


The Stone Monkey King rolled his eyes, took the flat peach and began to crunch it, and it was really fragrant and juicy.With one bite, the whole body is transparent, and the limbs and bones seem to be gushing out endless immortal energy.

"Is it delicious?" Nezha said with a smile.

"That's right." The Stone Monkey King glanced at him with a half-smile expression.

This flat peach is cultivated with the flesh and blood of all spirits.

He is a natural demon, and has no psychological barriers to cannibalism.

But Nezha is human!

He was already looking forward to Nezha's expression after he knew the truth for a while.

After a while.

The two frantically swept through the peach garden, gnawed all the ripe peaches, and only took a bite of the most tender part of the peach tip when they couldn't eat any more, fully interpreting the word "waste".

"Okay, it's time to get down to business." The Stone Monkey King dropped the last flat peach in his hand and said with a smile.


Nezha nodded when he heard the words, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Together with the Stone Monkey King, he took out his weapons and aimed at the stretches of flat peach trees.

"By the way, there is one more thing." The Stone Monkey King suddenly turned his head and said.

"What?" Nezha asked.

"Half of the [-] flat peaches you ate just now were poured out of human flesh." After the Stone Monkey King finished speaking, he suddenly shouted 'rise'.

The golden cudgel was thrown out fiercely.

Plow out countless ravines in the land ahead.


Nezha looked down, and saw countless white bones exposed in the ground after the flat peach trees fell.


He reacted immediately, his stomach convulsed instinctively, and then leaned on the weapon and vomited loudly at the bones on the ground.

"What movement!"

"No, someone destroyed the Pantao Garden!"

There were bursts of shouting from outside.

The heavenly soldiers and generals stationed in Pantaoyuan have heard the movement and are rushing over.

"Come on!"

The Stone Monkey King grabbed Nezha, who was vomiting violently, and flew away from the spot.

"Uncle Monkey, you lied to me!" Nezha looked up pitifully.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The Stone Monkey King laughed loudly, looked up to the sky and said triumphantly, "The Peach Garden is gone, let me see how you, the Emperor of Heaven, have the face to hold the Peach Blossom Festival!"

(End of this chapter)

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