I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 485 In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Journey to the West or the Northern Expedition?

Chapter 485 In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Journey to the West or the Northern Expedition?
"If you want to distinguish, it is naturally a fairy tale." Taoist Tongtian replied subconsciously.

"Then... what about after the medieval fairy tales?"

"Middle Ages?"

Taoist Tongtian was completely astonished.

Why medieval?instead of now?
What kind of perspective does Yang Gang use to view this world?

He let himself cut himself a sword.

What is it for?
"Don't ask, don't think, when the time comes, fellow Daoists will understand. Since you don't care about your own cultivation, why don't you listen to me and cut out a sword of self-determination, maybe in that sword, you can see through the true meaning of swordsmanship. peak."

Yang Gang's smile is somewhat mysterious, as if he has seen through many things in the future.


Taoist Tongtian fell into deep thought.

"Fellow Daoist is the pinnacle of kendo throughout the ages, don't you want to see the scenery at the highest place?" Yang Gang's words shocked Tong Tian.

He finally raised his head slowly, with a somewhat inexplicable expression on his face.

a long time.

Taoist Tongtian changed the subject, and suddenly said: "If today's emperor comes back from chasing and killing the demon emperor, and won the most treasured East Emperor Bell, no one in the three realms can pose a threat to him. But the outside world is rumored that in order to gain the trust of the emperor, you must stabilize yourself. status, betrayed his own brother, stepped on the body of Emperor Shi to ascend to the throne. I wonder what Jun Yang thinks about the rumors from the outside world?"

"What others think, it's up to them. I, Yang Gang, stand in the Three Realms, not by others, but by my own hands, a knife, and a head. And... I have never been ashamed of my relatives and friends, and my heart of heaven and earth."

Yang Gang turned his back to Tongtian, and his voice was extremely calm.

'Ashamed of relatives and friends, worthy of heaven and earth.But there is no mention of heaven...'

Taoist Tongtian savored Yang Gang's words silently.

Finally nodded slowly, "Okay, I believe you."

I don't know if this sentence of "believe" is a response to Yang Gang's previous request, or an affirmation of his last well-deserved words.

Taoist Tongtian finished speaking, turned around and left the Judicial God Hall with the long sword on his back.

Then his figure turned into a beam of sword light, fleeing towards the fairy mountain in the lower world.

It's just that the originally gloomy sword light seemed to have a strange vitality.

"The last step is finally settled."

Yang Gang stood silently in the study, let out a long breath, and felt a big stone fall from his heart.

the following days.

Heaven began to develop rapidly.

More and more immortal gods have ascended from the lower realms and are among the immortals.And the journey of Buddhism to the east is also in full swing, quickly encroaching on the living soil of immortality in the Tang Dynasty with the momentum of raging fire.

However, after all, Immortal Dao has developed in the Three Realms for many years, permeating every aspect of this world.

If Buddhism wants to gain power overnight, it needs a major event that will affect the Three Realms.

'Thing' is called 'potential'.

Controversy over orthodoxy is not the same as a struggle for force.

Buddhism has established a firm foothold in the heavenly court, but to surpass the immortal way in the world, it needs a "wind" that leads the tide of the Three Realms.

So ever.

A 'journey to the west' began to brew slowly among the heavenly court and the Buddhist gate.

In the blink of an eye, the 13th year of Zhenguan came.

This year seems to be the turning point of fate.

Shi Huang was still suppressed under the Liangjie Mountain.Yang Gang still couldn't find the entrance to the sea of ​​bitterness, and lived in seclusion in the heavenly court.Nezha hid in the Middle East of the Three Realms, hiding his name and struggling to survive.

Also in this year.

The envoys of Buddhism went to Mount Luojia outside the South China Sea to look for the real Cihang who was hiding from the world.

And brought the Buddha's decree, and ordered Cihang to be the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, so that he could restore his ancient name and help Buddhism open a world of great controversy.

When Master Cihang saw the words in the Buddha's decree, "Going westward to Lingshan, seeking Mahayana scriptures...", he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Didn't you say that Journey to the West will not start?"

"I believe in you so much, I thought that everything has nothing to do with me, why should I get involved in the disputes of the three realms?"

"Worshiping the Buddha and restraining the Tao, what kind of cause and effect is this... If I agree, the road of thousands of years will be destroyed. If I don't..." Master Cihang thought of the Jade Emperor who had already ruled the Three Realms, and thought of the supernatural power gradually approaching the emperor. Tathagata Buddha.

Can't help but sigh deeply.

"Yang Jun, please tell me how to have both this time?"


It is said that since the Great Zhou ascended to nine heavens, the Great Tang inherited the legacy of the Great Zhou, the four seas were peaceful, and all directions paid tribute.Although there is no longer the tendency of thousands of immortals coming to court in the past, there is a scene of peace for all generations.


After the separation of man and god, the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and there is no hidden worry about the past in the world.

But this day.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty suddenly issued a conscription order.

It is only said that there are strange demons rising in the north, and soldiers need to be recruited as the backup of the heavenly court, so as to eliminate worries for the three realms.But those who can make meritorious deeds can be exempted from all crimes.

The implication is that there is a taste of amnesty for the world.

When the people heard the news, they were overjoyed.

In this era of peace in the world, this is a great opportunity to make contributions!

Immediately there were responses, and within half a month, 300 million people were recruited.

At the same time, another edict was promulgated, which was an article for recruiting talents, saying: From now on, from all states and counties, regardless of military or civilian people, but those who have studied Confucianism, are determined to make progress, have clear writing, and are proficient in the three games, go to the Shengjing took the exam and was awarded an official by the virtuous.

Such a combination of civil and military skills demonstrates the virtues of the sage.

Obviously, in the eyes of a certain supreme being, besides Buddhism and Taoism, there needs to be a way that exists at a lower level but is more in line with the wishes of the ruler.

Thanks to Yang Gang's previous law and new policy.

Over the years, mortal talents have emerged in large numbers, and quite a few people are like dragons, which is a sign of the enlightenment of people's wisdom.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Datang to recruit these civil and military talents.

When the 300 million army trained for three months and set out to go outside the northern region, the literature examination in the Tang Dynasty was also in full swing.

History seems to have come to a strange corner again.


When a middle-aged man with disheveled hair, sour smell and half-white hair saw the densely packed army in the distance, he couldn't help showing a dazed expression.

"You, you, you... and you, you seem to have some strength. You have all been conscripted, and you will go out with the army to perform corvee service." An officer waved a long whip at a group of people working in the ice and snow waited to drink.

"My lord, my lord, we..."

"Do not talk nonsense."

The officer lashed down with a whip, "It is the order of the Holy Spirit that anyone who builds outside the territory will be able to make up for their crimes and be exonerated. The opportunity to stand up is at hand. Go. Or not?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Let's go!"

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, Mr. Jun!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

Those who can be assigned to Beizhou have all committed serious crimes in the past, or they have offended people who should not be offended.Now that they have the name of the Holy One, they immediately saw the hope of resurrecting their lives.

in the corner.

The sour-smelling middle-aged man couldn't help but raise his head, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go back...I must go back!"

"Wars, isn't that what Li Jin is best at? Even if I don't have the strength, I can definitely do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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