Chapter 495 War?Yes and?
"Brother, what do you want him to do?" Shi Huang said: "The old man has calculated from ancient times to the present, can you believe that he has really settled down? What kind of boat of heaven, don't waste the power of the three realms in the end to marry him alone Clothes."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Nezha nodded again and again, "The Heavenly Emperor is ruthless and caused my father and son to kill each other. I don't believe that such a person can have the Three Realms in his heart. Uncle Yang, give the order!"

"As long as you give an order, Nezha will take the head of the Emperor of Heaven for you today!"

With his chest upright, he is valiant and high-spirited, and he is not afraid of the power of the Emperor of Heaven to suppress the Three Realms.

"Brother Yang, give the order!" Taishang Laojun said.


Master Cihang nodded.

When things got to this point, she also gave up.

So what if the Heavenly Emperor controls reincarnation?This life is considered to be the end of the road of seeking Tao.The road ahead is long, and we have to fight for it desperately.


There was a difficult silence, like a big stone pressing on everyone's heart.

Everyone is waiting for Yang Gang's decision.

His eyes looked around.

The heavenly army was united like never before, staring fixedly at Yang Gang, regarding him as the greatest enemy.However, the demon army was shaken and looked at him with a strange look.

Only the few people behind him are his most staunch supporters.

In such a situation, do they have a chance of winning?

Of course he doesn't believe in God.

But the current situation made him hesitate.

Countless thoughts flickered in Yang Gang's mind.

'Heaven', 'Monster Clan', 'The End of the Ancient Era', 'Boundless Sea of ​​Suffering', 'The Boat of Heaven', 'Transcendence to the Other Side', 'Sentient Beings of the Three Realms'... Words with special meaning flow in the river of life.

Yang Gang's eyes seemed to be covered with a thick layer of fog.


There seemed to be a ray of light flashing through the fog in front of him.

Yang Gang's eyes fell on the frame of the huge boat of heaven in the boundless sea of ​​suffering.A thought suddenly flashed in my mind, "Can such a big boat really cross the sea of ​​suffering?" '

After a long silence.

Yang Gang finally raised his head and faced the Heavenly Emperor standing above the sea of ​​bitterness.

Hands outstretched.

He saluted respectfully and said: "I am the god of justice in the heavenly court. I have never thought of rebelling against the heavenly court and betraying the sentient beings of the three realms."



Nezha, Shihuang, Taishang Laojun and others showed astonishment.

The gods and monsters around were also unexpected, and they looked at Yang Gang in surprise.

Give in!

The invincible judicial god who never gave up finally chose to back down in the face of the emperor.

All the immortals showed joy one after another.

Perhaps only His Majesty the Supreme Heavenly Emperor can make people like him back down?At the same time, they feel that it is a matter of course in their hearts, and obstructing the construction of the boat of heaven is tantamount to making enemies of the Three Realms.

Even if he is Yang Gang, so what?

Losing everyone's support and being alone, how can he fight against the power of the entire Three Realms.

"it is good."

Hearing this, the Emperor of Heaven really showed a satisfied smile.

"I'm very relieved that Aiqing has such thoughts. In this case, please also ask Aiqing to take down this troublesome monster monkey and devil boy, and clean up this world on my behalf."

"His Majesty."

Yang Gang waved his hand to stop Shi Huang and Nezha from being excited, and said: "Shi Huang and Nezha are Yang Gang's close relatives. Please also recite your hard work in Yang Gang these years, and forgive the two people's crimes. When I go back this time, Yang Gang will definitely Restrain them well so that they will not cause trouble in the Three Realms again."

"That's it. Just like what Yang Jun said."

The Heavenly Emperor nodded slowly, and actually agreed.

This was not only beyond the expectations of the immortals in the heavenly court, but also surprised Shi Huang and others.

Is this still the majestic emperor who can't tolerate sand in his eyes?

When did he become so merciful!

Yang Gang didn't have any surprises. He took a deep look at the Emperor of Heaven, bowed to salute, and then turned and left the ruins of Liangjie Mountain first.

Everyone had no choice but to keep up with his pace.

A faint life lamp floated up in the air, and followed behind Yang Gang.

In the ruins behind him, the light of Zhu Qinglong's huge Wanli dragon body was completely dimmed, and there was no life left.


The Heavenly Emperor glanced at her body and couldn't help sighing.

The battle between the Liangjie Mountains came to an anticlimactic end.

Bai Suqing died.

Shihuang escaped from the two worlds.

The plan to advance Buddhism eastward came to an abrupt end.

Countless gods, gods, monsters and Buddhas of the Three Realms have put their minds into the plan of the "boat of heaven". Compared with those things in the past Three Realms, those who fought for power and profit, suddenly seemed so insignificant.

Even the demon side couldn't help sending people to contact the Heavenly Court, wanting to participate in the so-called 'Boat of the Heavenly Court' plan.However, the mysterious Lord Demon Emperor seemed to have disappeared completely, and hadn't been seen for a long time.

After a while.

The ruins of Mount Liangjie became the busiest place in the Three Realms.

The Emperor of Heaven accommodates all forces in the world with a broad mind. As long as he is willing to participate in the construction of the boat of heaven, no matter whether it is a god, a monster, a fairy, or a Buddhist sect, he will be treated equally.

For a time, all living beings were happy, and praised the Emperor of Heaven as the Great Emperor of All Ages, the Supreme and Only God of Antiquity.

This is the end.

The forces of all parties in the Three Realms were gradually divided by the Heavenly Emperor, and he completed the true unification.

But the complex twists and turns, perhaps only the Emperor himself can understand.

Why wasn't the plan announced earlier?
Instead, speak out at the last minute.

the other side.

Yang Gang and others returned to Huaguo Mountain, which is now their base camp against Heaven.However, at this time, the demons have already gone to the nest, and there are only a few monkeys and grandchildren left to play all over the mountains and plains.

"I know you are wondering why I would back down at this juncture." Yang Gang looked at his partner in front of him with a calm expression.


Nezha, who was the most impatient, said first: "Our power is clearly enough to overthrow the Heavenly Court. Even if the Emperor of Heaven has hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, there is a limit to us joining forces. Why don't you take him out when the power of Heaven's power collapses?" Down?"

He looked excited, obviously deeply remembering the pain that the Emperor of Heaven brought to him.On the other hand, Emperor Shi didn't say a word, sitting on the stone beside him thoughtfully.

"Son, don't worry."

Taishang Laojun comforted him, then turned his head and said, "Mr. Yang has always been far-sighted and will never back down just because his opponent is temporarily strong. He must have his reasons for making such a decision."

"But..." Nezha was still talking.

Taishang Laojun said: "Have you ever thought that we are just a few people, although we have the magic power to reach the sky, we will end up alone in the face of countless gods and gods in the Three Realms. Not to mention the army of demons..."

He paused, then continued: "Those soft-boned demon bastards, without the demon emperor's advice, were shaken by the emperor of heaven with a few words. Have you ever thought about what will happen to us if they fight back at a critical moment? "


Nezha was speechless for a while.

He understood all these principles, but he was a little unconvinced in his heart.

They have already reached this point, and they still have to back down.When will we go back?Waiting for the Heavenly Emperor and the others to fly away in the boat of the Heavenly Court?

Yang Gang patted Nezha on the shoulder, holding Bai Suqing's life lamp in one hand.

Suddenly asked: "Do you know why I was able to beat Haotian in my last life?"

(End of this chapter)

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