Chapter 497

Time flies, 13 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

As he said, the Emperor of Heaven did not embarrass Yang Gang and the people around him these years, which showed his great mind and made more gods, gods and demons in the three realms trust him more.

And during this period of time, Yang Gang and others did not give up.

They don't believe in God.

The Three Realms and Nine Heavens are vast and boundless, so naturally a small number of immortals do not trust the Heavenly Emperor.Although they don't understand the style of the Emperor of Heaven, they understand a simple truth: "Can the boat of heaven really bring everyone to the other shore that exists in the legend?" '

If not.

Who will be left behind?

The answer was obvious, so many people silently gathered around Yang Gang, hibernating near Huaguo Mountain and waiting for the opportunity.

13 years have passed.

The wind and cloud gathered here, and millions of gods, demons, and even some Buddhist believers gathered.

However, compared to the power of Heavenly Court, these people seem extremely small.

Today, there are millions of heavenly soldiers, immortals, Buddhas, monsters, fish and dragons, and tens of millions of practitioners attached to the banner of the heavenly court, personally signing their names in the heavenly book.

For a time, the number of immortal gods in the heavenly court was like the sand of the Ganges River, providing materials for the construction of the boat of the heavenly court.

With such a comparison of strengths, how likely are they to win?

Many people couldn't help being shaken.

They waited and waited for 13 years.Seeing that Tianting's strength is getting stronger and stronger, Yang Gang has been silent for a long time.I can't help but secretly wonder if following Yang Gang all the way to the dark is the right choice?

And when this day.

Suddenly, the God of Fire and Virtue in the Heavenly Court led 100 million heavenly soldiers and 300 million monks from all sides to conquer Huaguo Mountain.It became the last straw that overwhelmed the gods and demons of Huaguo Mountain.

"Yang Gang, you gathered soldiers and horses in secret, plotted against the law, never thought of a single day in the past 13 years to be loyal to my Supreme Heavenly Court, to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, you really deserve death!"

Huode Shenjun yelled loudly outside the mountain: "Now I give you one last chance. You have an hour to lead the crowd to surrender, and put your privately gathered soldiers and horses into the construction of the Heavenly Court Boat. Otherwise, my army from the Supreme Heavenly Court will crush the land, and the Huaguo Mountain will be turned into powder in an instant!"

"Supreme Heaven? What a big tone."

A voice suddenly sounded beside my ears.

The God of Fire Virtue looked over in amazement, but saw a pair of golden eyes close at hand.He was so horrified that he stepped back three steps, only to find a monkey with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth standing in front of him at some point.

"Hmph!" Seeing his appearance, Shi Huang scolded him as a 'cowardly', and shouted: "With your ability, you dare to attack my Huaguo Mountain? Even the Emperor of Heaven would not dare to be so arrogant here, and even the Heavenly Court of the ancient monster race would not dare to call the word 'Supreme'."

"Say, whose will are you following?"


The Huode Shenjun's face froze, and he burst into anger, "I am ordered by the Queen Mother to attack! Emperor Shi, my army of millions in the heaven is here, don't be rampant!"

"Are you crazy, or am I crazy?" Shihuang laughed, holding a golden cudgel against the chin of the God of Virtue, and bared his teeth: "Just because of you, the God of Fire, you dare to go this far. I'm not afraid that your millions of troops have not moved, and I will smash your head with a stick first!"

"You dare!"

The Huode Shenjun's momentum was at a disadvantage, and his expression was happy and fearless, "Can you kill me alone, can you kill my millions of heavenly troops by yourself? Can you kill my heavenly court's thousands of true gods and gods?"


Standing in front of Huaguo Mountain with a golden cudgel on his shoulder, Shi Huang laughed loudly, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

"Let's gossip, let Yang Gang come out, and I will give you an attitude today. If you don't join the construction of the boat of heaven, your blood will be splashed on the spot!" The Lord of Fire Virtue didn't know what support he had behind him, and he didn't care about the death threat from the Emperor Stone at all.

"How brave!"

Shihuang looked angry, and raised the golden cudgel to hit him.

"Cough cough~~"

At this moment, a cough came.

Yang Gang was dressed in black with his hands behind his back, like an old man who just came back from a walk, holding a black-scaled dog in his hand, Shi Shiran stood in front of the Huode Shenjun.

"Back?" Shihuang tilted his head.

"came back."

Yang Gang nodded, then turned his gaze to Lord Huode.

"Yang Gang." There was an unreasonable pressure in the heart of the Huode Shenjun, and he hesitated: "I am ordered by the Queen Mother to order you to dismiss the left and right soldiers and join the Heavenly Court..."


Yang Gang waved his hand, indicating that he already knew.

Then he directly ignored the God of Fire Virtue, and turned around and walked towards Huaguo Mountain with the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals behind him covering the sky densely.

Thirteen years have passed, and the aura on his body has become more and more ordinary, like a mature man who has experienced the mortal world, not the invincible number one God of War in the Three Realms in the past.


Lord Huode looked at his back, but couldn't say a single threatening word.

Facing the flamboyant and unruly Emperor Shi, he still dared to say a few words in a stern voice.But facing Yang Gang...he clearly felt the fear from his heart.


In full view.

The Huode Shenjun's expression turned livid for a while, and he felt that it was a shame to come here today.

The queen mother's explanation before leaving echoed in my ears: "The boat project of heaven, Yang Gang and his party are the biggest hidden threat."If this cancer is not eliminated, it will definitely hold us back at critical moments.This trip will kill him! '


The queen mother's order was not at all to make Yang Gang disband the Huaguoshan camp, but secretly murderous.Once Yang Gang and others obediently disbanded the gods and monsters gathered around Huaguo Mountain, the Huode Shenjun immediately launched an attack.

Unable to guard against, everyone is in danger.

"Yang Gang!"

Thinking of this, Lord Huode knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he shouted loudly.

"Anything else?"

Yang Gang stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at him.A majesty that looked down on the three worlds suddenly came to his face, and the god of fire virtue subconsciously took a step back, his face turned pale and pale, and then he raised his hand suddenly.


Behind him, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, and countless monks of all ethnic groups shouted in unison.

The atmosphere instantly froze.

"Give it to me—" A flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the Huode Shenjun.


At this critical moment, a loud shout came from afar.

I saw a man with disheveled hair and a shabby gray blouse flying from a distance.He was dressed in rags and covered in blood, as if he had escaped from the siege after a fierce bloody battle.

In front of Huaguo Mountain.

Yang Gang, Shi Huang, and Huode Shenjun looked back one after another.

Through the dirty face far away, a somewhat familiar face made many people present stunned.

"Li Jin?"

"It's really him!"

"You are not serving your sentence in the North, why did you come to these two mountains?"

There were several shouts from the Heavenly Court camp.


"This is a conspiracy!"

Li Jin staggered, his seriously injured body seemed about to fall from the sky at any time, and he shouted anxiously: "You must not be fooled, the boat of heaven—it is simply a big conspiracy to deceive the Three Realms!"


Everyone was stunned by Li Jin's words.

After more than ten years of absence, when he appeared, he actually brought such shocking news to the Three Realms!
(End of this chapter)

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