I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 499 Reincarnation of Life and Death, Glass Relic

Chapter 499 Reincarnation of Life and Death, Glass Relic

With a grin on his face, Li Jin violently tore open the front of his chest with his single arm in front of everyone.

Imprinted into everyone's eyes, it is a pair of empty skeletons.

The surrounding immortals, gods and monsters all leaned back and exclaimed.

Even though they were well-informed, they couldn't help but gasp when they saw Li Jin's situation.

The flesh and blood in his chest and abdomen disappeared, his internal organs withered and shrunk, but the rows of ribs and sternum were glowing strangely like calcined glass.What is even more noticeable is that on Li Jin's withered internal organs, five glazed relics condensed like flowers.

It is distributed in the pattern of the five elements, and it seems to be constantly moving.

The faint glazed color seems to cast a layer of confusing light on the five relics, making it impossible to distinguish whether they are real or illusory.


Li Jin proved the peculiarity of the five glazed relics with his actions.

He stretched out his single arm, and slowly grabbed the relic at the heart.It changed its position immediately, and it was obviously still above the heart, but it gave people a strange illusion that the space had been reversed.

Li Jin grabbed it quickly, forming phantoms in his palms, but he still couldn't catch up with the tail flame left by the brilliance of the glazed relic.

"Buddhist relic?"

"Looks like it, but it's even more amazing!"

"It seems that Li Jin himself condensed out, but he obviously practiced not the Buddhist method. And the relic is the legacy of the eminent monk and great virtue after his death."

"So... Li Jin is going to die soon?"

"He is dead, isn't he dying? It seems that the condensation of these five relics was not what he wanted, and it is the root cause of all these strange events."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they quickly grasped the point of the matter.

"see it?"

Li Jin pointed at his chest and said angrily: "It's not just me. Over the years, I have dissected countless soldiers who died under the hands of the ancient beasts. Every person who received the 'gift' of the power after the death of the beasts out of thin air, will be like me after the vitality is exhausted. The internal organs will wither, and the vitality will condense into five glazed relics."

"There are no unreasonable gifts in this world. The price for obtaining those powers is to use your own vitality to ripen these relics. In the end, some mysterious men in black will appear on the battlefield, holding the token of the Emperor of Heaven, entering and leaving the land like no one, digging out the mature glazed relics in the soldiers' bodies."

"The ancient ferocious beasts seemed to be unable to see them, and the crazy soldiers were also fascinated, allowing them to take away the last vitality of their bodies. Once the five relics left the body, the flesh and blood turned into fly ash on the spot, leaving no evidence at all."

"Then how did you leave the northern region alive? Besides, you kept saying that everyone was lost in their minds...why didn't you get affected?" The Huode Shenjun's complexion was purple, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, still a little disbelieving.

"Perhaps, I am special."

Li Jindao: "The conscripts of the Northern Expedition in the Tang Dynasty were all under the fairyland. Although I was removed from the fairy bones and lost all my magic power, I was a former heavenly general after all. The enchantment field that enveloped the entire northern region and confused people did not affect me."

"Three years after the Northern Expedition, the first batch of 300 million soldiers have all died. The remaining ones are all powerful and talented people. However, when the relics in their bodies mature, what awaits them is the harvest of the mysterious man in black."

"One crop after another... In the past 13 years, I don't know how many heroic souls who wanted to defend their homes and the country were innocently buried under those bloody butcher knives."

The whole place was silent.

Everyone is immersed in the world depicted by Li Jin, as if brought into the world full of blood.

The sentient beings in the three realms are as innumerable as the sands of the Ganges River.

As the ruler after the Great Zhou Dynasty, Datang dispatched millions or even tens of millions of soldiers and generals among the trillions of lives in the vast territory, but it was just a ladle of water from the river, which could not turn over many waves.

As long as the casualties are not above the fairyland, Datang can suppress the spread of news.

"In the seventh year."

Li Jin's eyes became more and more absent-minded, and he said: "I hid from XZ, but the five relics in my body were like fireflies in the dark night, and I was finally found by the man in black. I started to run... and kept running..."

"But these beasts have been chasing me for six years!"

"In the beginning, I was not an opponent. They had eighteen immortals and hundreds of earth immortals, and their methods were mysterious. With my abilities at the time, I couldn't even match an ordinary immortal."

Everyone was silent, listening to Li Jin's narration.

They knew that the past six years must have been full of ups and downs. With Li Jin's current aura, he might have obtained evidence of the Emperor's conspiracy during this period of time.

But they didn't have time to listen to Li Jin's details.

A sea breeze blows.

Li Jin's figure flickered, and he almost fell from the sky.

"Be careful."

Yang Gang hurriedly supported Li Jin's one arm, with a worried look on his face.

"Don't help me."

Li Jin gritted his teeth and stood up straight, trying to straighten his chest, "I, Li Jin, even if I die, I will die standing up!"

"There is no time, don't waste your time, listen to me. My next words are very important!" Li Jin stopped Yang Gang from trying to save him, and continued: "In those six years, I survived countless times, and I was still unable to leave the northern region. There were too many of them, and the formation of a siege directly blocked the way back to the Tang Dynasty."

"Until... I was chased and killed by three immortals and fell into a desperate situation, desperate to escape into the black hole in the sky."

"I didn't know until this moment that the place where the black hole of the void leads to is the boundless sea of ​​suffering!"

Li Jin's tone became more and more urgent, and his breath flickered like a candle in the sea breeze, and it might dissipate at any time.

Yang Gang, Shi Huang and the others looked gloomy, they couldn't help turning their heads to look in the direction of the East China Sea, silently waiting for the return of the person Li Jin wanted to see last.

Many people present at the same time were also shocked by the information in Li Jin's words.

The black hole outside the northern region... leading to the sea of ​​bitterness?

"I entered the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and in the tenth year after you, I saw the great ship that surpassed the Three Realms. But I couldn't see its greatness, because I appeared directly at the bottom of the cabin."

"There, wisps of water from the sea of ​​bitterness are transformed by a strange formation, passing through the void and black hole, and turning into terrifying beasts."

"There, I found countless relics with the color of glass. Each one represents a living human life, but they are piled higher than mountains in the cabin."

"For survival."

"I'm hiding in the glazed relic..."

"For strength."

"I use the relics condensed with the vitality of my companions as medicines..."

"My strength is getting stronger and stronger, and gradually even the glazed relic mountain can't hide my aura. Finally, one day half a year ago, I was discovered..."

"In the cabin of the Heavenly Court Boat, twenty immortals surrounded them. Their auras were finally no longer hidden. Facing me, who had reached the peak of my strength, they showed their true colors."


With a sound, Li Jin gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with endless hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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