Daming: I was exposed by Zhu Di's Sims life!

Chapter 136 Judgment of Ji Gang Ling Chi, Yi 3 Clan!

Chapter 136 Judgment of Ji Gang Ling Chi, the Barbarians!
In April in Mengxia, the sky in Jinling City was dry, and the sun hung high, burning the blue sky, and even the air was roasted into a thin mist.In such a violent weather, the ministers in the court also acted violently.

After the king of Han left the capital, the case of Ji Gang's rebellion, centered on the joint trial of the three divisions, ignited crazily like dry wood and raging fire.The remaining Hanwang Party of the Metropolitan Procuratorate merged into the Qiwang Party, and what is puzzling is that Zheng Zhichang, who jumped from the Princeling Party to the Hanwang Party, has now jumped back to the Princeling Party. The impermanent villain responded with a disdainful attitude, and even the princelings looked down on him. For a while, Zheng Zhichang was the enemy of the whole court.

The joint trial of the three divisions was heatedly arguing, and Lord Wu Zhong, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, felt that what Ji Gang said was reasonable and well-founded, and that Lu Chaoyang and Yang Rong must be traitors who colluded in rebellion and should be executed.This statement has won the approval of a large number of people, because these people are all princelings.

And Li Xuan, the new censor of the capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, spoke impassionedly for a long time in the hall, arguing with Wu Zhong, and what he said roughly meant: "Ji Gang and Wu Zhong are both idiots. Fart, whoever believes who is a dog." This statement was also recognized by a large number of people, because including Li Xuan, they all jumped from the Hanwang Party to the Qiwang Party in the Qiwangfu.

This controversy lasted from April in Mengxia to July in Jixia. The weather at the end of summer has become cooler, and the breeze is approaching in autumn. From the beginning of summer to the end of summer, the anger of the officials calmed down.

Even His Majesty the Emperor couldn't stand it, and even he felt that it was outrageous after personally hearing the case, and finally came to a conclusion: more than forty ministers, including Lu Chaoyang and Yang Rong, were all pardoned and not guilty, and the officials were reinstated job.Ji Gang, the former commander of Jinyiwei, was charged with 420 crimes including conspiracy, corruption, extortion of bribes, indiscriminate killing of innocents, and slandering ministers. He was sentenced to death by Ling Chi.

The crimes Ji Gang was charged with can be said to be indignant between man and god. Heaven and earth cannot tolerate it, and it is difficult for His Majesty the Emperor. In order to collect more than 400 charges, His Majesty ordered people to go through the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" overnight. The thirty volumes of "Law of the Ming Dynasty", But His Majesty the Emperor still felt that it was not enough, and picked dozens of crimes from the "Da Gao", which was no longer practical because it was too strict, and put them on Ji Gang's head.

Thanks to everyone's hard work, Ji Gang became the number one sinner in the Yongle Dynasty, and he is expected to compete with Hu Weiyong, Guo Heng, and Lan Yu in whoever is worse.

The four-month-long frenzied party struggle finally came to an end and subsided for the time being.

Surprisingly, after four months of frenzied factionalism, except for Ji Gang, no one was dismissed or relegated. On the contrary, more than forty senior officials were reinstated!Prince Qi's mansion and the princelings are almost out of their minds, and this is the end?

Although the result was a bit festive, it was undeniable that King Qi and the prince had been fighting wits and courage every day for the past four months, trying their best to use their brains to make calculations, fighting fiercely from daytime to late night.


East Palace
"Father, father, where are you?"

Zhu Zhanji looked around, but didn't find his father's shadow, "Dad, the emperor has spoken. The case of Ji Gang's conspiracy to be tried by the Third Division has been closed, and it will not be reopened after that. Where do you put it?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince searched for a long time before he inadvertently saw the Crown Prince leaning on the chair in the study, his face was like gold paper, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Zhu Zhanji couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the prince's weak expression, "Sit here and don't move, my son will go to the imperial doctor right away."

"I'm fine...it's fine..." Before the crown prince finished speaking, he felt the darkness in front of him and fell to the ground.

Well, it seems that it really didn't die.

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help being shocked, and quickly helped the prince to the couch, and called for the imperial doctor to check the prince's pulse.

"Doctor, what disease did my father suffer from, and he fainted on the ground for no reason." Zhu Zhanji asked anxiously.

The imperial doctor frowned slightly after diagnosing the pulse, and said slowly: "His Royal Highness is not in good health, and now it seems that he fainted because of excessive thinking, irregular diet, and emptiness of energy. Panic, the prince just needs to return to normal life, rest more, supplemented with medicinal herbs to replenish energy, and he will be cured in two or three months."

Only then did His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun heaved a sigh of relief. Before, he thought that his own father would sneak back to the west without saying a word.

At this time, the prince finally woke up, his voice was weak: "Gu just now... what happened?"

Zhu Zhanji said angrily: "Father, you are really good, and you said that you are fine. I think you almost died! The imperial doctor said, you just use too much brain, and you are tired and dizzy .”

"Ah, this..." The crown prince gave a wry smile, and lightly closed his eyes, "These days, I have been scheming and calculating with King Qi every day, but in the end I passed out myself, which is interesting."

"You still think it's funny, your son was almost scared to death!" Zhu Zhanji complained angrily.

At this time, the princess who received the news also rushed over, and her face turned cold when she heard the prince's words: "Interesting?"

The prince was a little embarrassed: "Ma'am, why didn't you say hello when you came?"

The Crown Princess's face was frosty, and she didn't answer, as if the air had frozen.

His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun hid in a corner and shivered, not daring to speak. As for the imperial doctor, he ran away long ago.

Under this kind of confrontation, the crown prince was the one who lost first, and said with a wry smile: "After this incident, I have a lot of leisure, and the people in the East Palace also need time to rest, and Gu also has a lot of leisure, at least within two or three months. It means that you don’t need to touch government affairs, and you can take good care of your health at home.”

When the princess heard this, the frost and snow on her face melted away.

She didn't have trouble with the prince, she was clearly worried that the prince would squeeze his body so much that he would waste his vitality and die.

Jinling City finally fell silent.

At least, for a short time.


King Qi's Mansion

"My lord, everything is settled."

Su Wu opened the secret letter, checked the contents, and hurried to the study to report to Zhu Gaoxuan, "Lord Lu and Mr. Yang will be released soon, and the emperor has sealed the letter."

Zhu Gaoxuan let out a long sigh of relief, with a tired smile on his face, "This king knows."


From the time when Luo Xiu put Ji Gang in prison, to the downfall of the King of Han, to the joint trial of the three divisions, and now to the sealing of the papers, for more than half a year, the city of Jinling has been fighting frantically. , At the end of the fight, both Zhu Gaoxuan and the prince were exhausted.

The physical exhaustion is not a big deal, and the mental exhaustion caused by the confrontation in important maneuvers cannot be alleviated overnight.

Zhu Gaoxuan has a strong physique, although he is stronger than the prince and did not faint directly, but now after hearing the news that everything is settled, he can't help but feel tired all over.

He slowly stood up from the chair, but Su Wu wanted to help him but was refused.

"Go and do your work, I'm fine." Zhu Gaoxuan waved his hand, signaling Su Wu to back down.

After Su Wu left, Zhu Gaoxuan was the only one left in the study. He supported the wall with one hand, looked out the window, and was in a trance.

He was thinking why he worked so hard. Among the four princes, he was probably the one with the least ambition for the throne.

Zhu Gaoyi has never felt that he is the son of destiny in this world, even if there is no King Qi to make changes in this world, wouldn't he be able to live well in New China hundreds of years later?
As for the red color in the Ming Dynasty, it is even more ridiculous. The meaning of the lower foundation determines the upper building is that if the lower building is not strong, the upper layer can neither be done well nor firmly.With the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, it is impossible to support a great red building.

And Zhu Gaoxuan's original intention at the beginning was just to be a prince of peace, so that he would be carefree in his life, but somehow he was pushed to the cusp of the storm, and he could only be forced to overthrow the king of Han, and he was evenly matched with the prince.

Wait, Zhu Gaoyi seems to want to understand why he has come to where he is today.

"I'm blaming the old man!" Zhu Gaoxuan suddenly understood.

That's right, the reason for everything is that the emperor let Qi Wangfu marry the British government!

If not, Zhu Gaoxuan should still be living a carefree life now, and neither the King of Han nor the Crown Prince would deliberately target Qi Wangfu!

I swear, my dad is an idiot!
Zhu Gaoxuan is born with wisdom like a demon, and can see through the hearts of all people, except Zhu Di, because many things Zhu Di does are not like what humans can do.For example, Zhu Gaoxuan couldn't figure out why Zhu Di paid so much attention to himself?
The young Prince Qi was suspicious: Could it be that...Zhu Di also crossed over?

"My lord, let me bother you..."

Zhu Gaoyi was brought back to reality by the gentle voice, he looked in front of the door, it turned out to be his own princess.

Zhang Yingzhen held a wooden tray and a white porcelain casserole with her white and tender jade hands like lotus roots, and asked softly: "The concubine made chicken soup, would the lord want a bowl?"

"Put it on the table first, and drink it later." Zhu Gaoyi rubbed the sore brows.

Zhang Yingzhen obediently put the tray on the desk, and looked at her husband so tired, she couldn't help but feel distressed: "My lord, rest for a while, you have lost a lot of weight these days."

"Yeah, it's really tiring."

Zhu Gaoyi suddenly stepped forward and hugged his Princess Qi, Zhang Yingzhen was taken aback by the sudden embrace, and didn't know what to say: "This, this..."

"Let me hug you for a while." Zhu Gaoxuan said wearily.

He embraced the soft body, sniffed the faint fragrance of the princess's body, and felt much lighter all over his body.

Zhang Yingzhen hesitated for a while, and quietly put her body on the boy's back, and embraced each other.

Time seemed to have stood still at this moment, leaving only tenderness and tenderness.

Sometimes husband and wife don't need too much words, just a hug, and they can be connected with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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