Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 119 The First Battle with the Orcs

Chapter 119 The First Battle with the Orcs
"I don't have time to think so much at this time!"

Li Ke stood up and issued orders to the obviously panicked knights and soldiers.

"Send them to the warehouse according to the original plan! Anyone who resists will be killed on the spot! Others follow me!"

The soldiers and knights he pointed out were obviously relieved, and the knight who had just come to talk to him was among them who breathed a sigh of relief.

Because very few of the knights and soldiers who are still serving have participated in the battle with the orcs, but they are familiar with the horror of the orcs.

Li Ke rushed out of the range of the manor, and saw a group of roaring orcs fighting the soldiers of Jon's family. Martin was standing in the center, fighting with a soldier who was obviously the youngest and stronger.

Beside them, Jaina and the mage apprentices looked at the battlefield helplessly, and under the protection of other fighters, they marched from the half-collapsed castle.

Li Ke was puzzled for a moment, but immediately remembered that not everyone has the same energy control ability as him. In this anxious battlefield, there is no way to control his spells from harming his teammates.

Maybe Jaina can do it, but the other mages around her can't, and no one else will let Jaina stay so close to the orcs now!

"Support Her Highness Jaina!"

Li Ke looked at the uncontrolled horse that was still flustered by the earthquake, and roared, instead of trying to control the horse, he poured the power of evil energy into his whole body again, and charged in the direction of the orc.

Although the warriors behind him were a little frightened, they still charged after him. Several knights with excellent riding skills even calmed down their own horses, and the successful follower team rushed over.

But what makes Li Ke want to curse is that the speed of these remaining cavalry is not even as fast as they can run!
That's why Li Ke doesn't trust this team at all!

However, just as he was approaching the castle and was about to fight the last orc, Martin, the only one Li Ke could believe now, was punched in the head by the young orc.

Li Ke clearly saw Martin's helmet and teeth flying out under the firelight, and half of Martin's head was chopped off by the orc with an axe!
Li Ke's heart sank suddenly, because Martin's martial arts were already the highest in the area, and he even wanted to ask Martin to teach him swordsmanship!But now Martin was killed so easily!

The shouting and charging sound immediately attracted Thrall's attention. He took a last look at the skilled knight in front of him. Although he tried his best to delay the battle, it was a pity that if he let the water go down again, anyone would be able to see that something was wrong. .

However, at this moment, bursts of horns sounded from a distance, and Thrall didn't turn his head, just closed his eyes, the power of the elements allowed him to see farther away, and saw what he wanted to see What I saw: Countless flames lit up on the orc shelter in the distance.

Obviously, the night watchmen at the asylum noticed the fire for help, and the people in the asylum would send soldiers out soon.


Thrall also saw that in the vicinity of the orc refuge, there were countless ragged human beings stumbling around. Their appearance was very strange, and they had a strange feeling.

"Why are there still villagers? Could it be the conscripted militia? But is it so fast?"

Thrall didn't dare to look too much, because he was still on the battlefield. He quickly dodged a spear stabbed by a soldier, opened his eyes, and then raised his arm, which was wrapped in lightning, intending to kill him. The soldier was electrocuted into coke.

But at this moment, he felt a strong sense of crisis. He turned around, and while the ax cut off most of the soldier's neck, it also slashed at the thing attacking from behind.

A strong sense of collision came from his hands, and he was shocked to find that a hole had been opened in his battle axe, and a radiant holy light spear was inlaid on the battle ax that Drek'Thar gave him. , fighting against the elemental power on the axe.

He subconsciously threw the ax in his hand, but he did not guess wrong. The moment his ax flew out, the holy light lance burst open, emitting an incomparably strong light. At the same time, countless golden chains exploded.

Without hesitation, Thrall released the lightning that he had stored for a long time to defeat the holy light, and then looked in the direction of the spear of holy light.


Li Ke in full armor appeared in his eyes. Looking at Li Ke in full armor, he could feel the majestic and sacred power in Li Ke's body without touching him personally.

There was some commotion among the orcs. These orcs had personally experienced the power of a paladin, so when they suddenly saw a paladin, the orcs couldn't help thinking about the possible failure.

Thrall knew that he had to stand up and defeat this paladin, otherwise their morale would drop, and he was not sure that he would escape with such a powerful paladin and join another team.

"Element, please help me a little more."

Thrall sincerely prayed to the element in his heart, and the element responded generously, and huge power began to entwine around him.

He picked up the hammer of a fallen orc warrior, and the strength in his body surged continuously.

Li Ke once again felt a majestic force emerging from the ground and surroundings. He didn't know what the young orc wanted to do, but it was obvious that the soldiers around him couldn't hold it!
The sense of crisis constantly reminded Li Ke that he had to react, without any hesitation, gathering all the holy light on his body, Li Ke untied a kite shield from his back, and blocked the shield in front of him. Light pours into it.

At this moment, the two of them used their strength at the same time.

Thrall struck the ground with his warhammer, using as much elemental power as he could now exert.

The ground cracked violently, and countless sharp rocks rushed towards Li Ke's team along with the flames. The strong wind turned into lightning, wrapping around those rock pillars, increasing their lethality.

All the human soldiers standing in front of this force were pierced through the body by the sharp rock spear, and turned into charred by the flames and lightning entwined on it, and rushed towards Li Ke with a devastating force.

And at this moment, the shield in Li Ke's hand suddenly burst into golden brilliance, a huge defensive barrier composed of holy light, presenting an acute-angled defensive barrier like spread wings, absorbing all attacks They all intercepted and deflected, protecting Li Ke and all the soldiers behind him under the radiance of the holy light!
(End of this chapter)

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