Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 123 The Undead Crisis That Started Early

Chapter 123 The Undead Crisis That Started Early
Thrall can be said to be the son of the world of Azeroth.

Born as a slave from a young age, she has a blonde girl with big boobs. She likes a girl who can be a lord's lover, and then she is willing to risk her life for him to let him escape.

And he himself has been smart and powerful since he was a child, and he basically never loses in wrestling.

After a person escaped from the heavily guarded castle, he not only learned the shaman spells almost without a teacher after seeing the old shaman Drek'Thar, but also surprised the old shaman, because he just I have never seen such a strong and smart shaman!
He was able to easily defeat Orgrim, who convinced Hellscream, and when he was angry, he directly destroyed a city with an earthquake spell.

Not only that, he also established a new tribe, successfully occupying half of Azeroth.

Then in the fission of the earth, he became the guardian of the earth, using the power of the dragon soul to eliminate the world destroyer Deathwing.

It can be said that Thrall during this period of time was following the script of the Son of the World, the green-skinned Jesus, and the characters of Blizzard were engraved in the DNA, not the genetic information of his father and mother.

It can be said that Thrall is the symbol of the tribe, the only true chief of the tribe.

After that, Vol'jin, Garrosh, and Sylvanas cannot be regarded as real war chiefs.

"But it turns out that the world would be better off without tribes."

Looking at his broken and twisted long sword, Li Ke sighed.

This sword has no value other than going back to the furnace and remaking it.

The spine of the sword has cracked and is seriously twisted. It is hard to imagine that the sword was split like this by an ax in an instant, instead of being crushed by a hydraulic machine.

A good sword was destroyed by several unknown orcs. To be honest, Li Ke was very angry, but there was no way. This is fighting, and anything can happen.

"Forget it, this is not something I can interfere with."

Putting down the sword, Li Ke stood up, picked up a spare sword that was going to be in the fortress, and hung it on his waist. Accompanied by several soldiers, he walked outside.

After walking out of the castle, Li Ke saw Jaina and Jennifer: with the help of Jaina's maid, Jennifer was arranging soldiers and servants to prepare various supplies and build a defense line.

Jaina, on the other hand, continued to cast magic with a group of mages, engraving layers of runes on the walls of those horses and city walls.

Li Ke could feel that with the engraving of these runes, the energy in the air was constantly converging towards them, strengthening the defense of these city walls.

But before he knew it, Li Ke saw that the sky had begun to turn white.

"It's going to be daylight?"

Li Ke was a little dazed, he almost forgot the passage of time.

"That's right, I just asked Alsace, and he will be here soon, but I'm worried that the orcs will make a comeback, Li Ke, the orc asylum clearly responded to our call for help, but they didn't send troops out. unusual!"

Jaina came back and answered Li Ke's question, but her face was full of worry.

Li Ke was not in a good mood either. It was indeed abnormal that the orc shelter did not send troops out. Normally, a troop of cavalry should have arrived by now, but there was no movement from the orc shelter.

As if the previous horn sound was fake.

"Maybe they are in an ambush, but unfortunately, we have no spare power to support them now, and we may not even have time to repair the castle. The shaman's spell has greatly shaken it, I'm not sure When it comes again, will it collapse."

Looking at the castle that has collapsed in many places, Li Ke didn't feel too sad, after all, he didn't intend to keep the castle.

But the problem is, if those orcs kill the carbine, their soldiers are not protected by the city wall, and it is basically a matter of the orcs charging.

"No way, I can only defend as much as possible...Huh?"

Li Ke looked at the servants who were building fortifications, and was taken aback for a moment, because one of them looked familiar to him.

"But we only need to hold on until Alsace arrives. He has already sent people to other towns to report the news. As long as we hold on for a while, we will be able to receive continuous reinforcements."

Jaina comforted Li Ke, but seeing Li Ke frowning at the servants walking around, she asked subconsciously.

"what happened?"

She thought it was because her maid didn't command well, but Li Ke's face became quite ugly.

"These servants, were you released from the manor?"

Jaina nodded helplessly. In fact, if she hadn't gone to inform the people in the town that they hadn't returned yet, she would have sent her husband to repair two more walls here.

"That's right, because there is too little manpower now, but I didn't release those who are related to the Damned Sect."

In an instant, an ominous premonition appeared in his heart. Li Ke called An Antiya subconsciously, but found that An Antia didn't respond to him at all, and he didn't know when he returned to the Twisting Void!
Call Metis, but there is no response from Metis!

Li Ke felt that something happened that he didn't know. It must be Kel'Thuzad who was behind the scenes, or what Mal'Ganis did. But now he can only hold this kind of worry and wait for the information to come. Appear.

So, he wanted to remove the threat in advance, and he pointed at the attendants, wanting them to return to the warehouse.

"They are..."

As soon as he was halfway through his words, there was a burst of laughter from the direction of the manor. The next moment, a few attendants fell to the ground in the busy line, but before Li Ke could pull out his sword After killing them, they howled and rushed to the nearest person, and then bit them.

"Damn it! Quick! Cut off the heads of the madmen! And catch the madmen!"

Li Ke roared out immediately, and the soldiers hurriedly started to act, but the next moment, Li Ke suddenly realized something, and immediately turned to look behind him, those soldiers who had just fallen in the battle with the orcs!
At the same time, the scream of the lady maid came from inside the castle!
And Li Ke can't take care of that maid for the time being!Because in front of his eyes, Martin, who was missing half of his head, stood up, raised his long sword, and looked straight at him!
Those soldiers who were also killed and had not been pulled out of their armor also stood up!
(End of this chapter)

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