Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 128 Undead and Orcs

Chapter 128 Undead and Orcs

"Mal'Ganis is dead?"

Seeing the piercing pillar of holy light, Kel'Thuzad, who came to the Barov family to guide the Barov family, frowned.

He was opposed to Mal'Ganis' radical strategy in the first place, and now it is too stupid to expose the natural disaster of the undead, there is no way to do anything at all, and he will only be easily destroyed by the army of the kingdom.

Because there are still too few low-level psychics, there is no way to recruit enough undead to help them.

But according to Mal'Ganis' order, he has nothing to do.

"It's good to die, but this aggressive idiot has left me with a lot of trouble! Idiot! Maggots!"

Even if it was tens of kilometers away, he could still feel the terrifying power of the Holy Light. It was no longer a mortal, and there was something he could fight against. It had to be the Lich King himself to fight against it.

He really didn't understand why Mal'Ganis would do such a stupid thing, but now he had nothing to do but ensure that he could continue to fulfill the Lich King's orders.

The most important thing now is to retreat, the Barov family is no longer important, he is now...

"Wait...Maybe I can change the way. Paladins are kind and just people. They won't attack law-abiding and meritorious citizens simply because of certain things, won't they?"

Looking at the beam of light piercing the sky and filled with holy light, and the orcs fighting with the soldiers in the camp in another scene, Kel'Thuzad's eyes shone with conspiracy.

After all, he didn't lose anything if he failed, and the heartthrob little Jaina couldn't stop him from leaving through the teleportation spell.

"Fortunately, that guy Mal'Ganis didn't do anything to the shelter."

Perhaps this is an opportunity, an opportunity to expand the influence of the Sect of the Damned.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he took out a crystal ball, and began to cast spells on all the undead in this area, conveying his will.

As a result, a voice sounded in the minds of the undead in the entire area, but they themselves thought...

This is my own idea.

Things immediately changed dramatically.


Thrall clutched his head, now he felt extremely weak, before forcibly using so many elemental spells, his physical strength and spirit were greatly consumed, so now he can only watch his body Fellow countrymen fought against those well-armed soldiers.

Because the plan is not going well.

The commander of this fortress is a smart man, he saw through Thrall's plan directly, so after their surprise attack, the cavalry who rushed out suddenly returned, killing them by surprise!
Normally, Thrall only needed an earthquake spell to deal with the threatening cavalry and city walls, but now he couldn't do it.

The battle with that paladin and mage consumed almost all of his energy, and now he can no longer cast even a single shaman spell!

It can even be said that if he delays for another minute on that battlefield, he and his fellow orcs will die there!
And now that these cavalry are returning to aid, they can only do one thing.


Thrall uttered these words almost with a voice that gritted his teeth. There is no way, these cavalry and archers on the city wall put too much pressure on them. Without a spellcaster, they will only be constantly consume.

It is not impossible to attack by force, but it will cause heavy casualties. At least half of the orc warriors will stay here!

And he didn't forget the paladin and mage!If they come, they will all die here.

Thrall firmly remembered the faces of the paladin and mage. Although the mage looked very similar to his lover Taresa, Thrall could no longer show kindness to each other.

Because she let her plan go to waste!And Thrall knew very well, if he attacked this orc shelter but failed to breach it, what kind of treatment would his compatriots in it suffer!

Many innocent people will die.

The orc warriors had no objection. In fact, when they saw Thrall and the troops he led, they knew that the plan had failed.

This is their last attempt, and even this attempt is riskier than any other.

But they have no complaints.

The orcs began to retreat, and the orcs who charged at the front and were now surrounded did not complain at all. Those who could break through would break through the blockade, and those who could not break through would try their best to allow their compatriots to retreat .

The orcs now have nothing to fear.

"Stop those bastards! They want to run!"

The face of the commander on the battlefield was flushed red with excitement. He was actually not as exhaustive as Thrall thought, but for a very simple reason.

He didn't want to rescue Li Ke and Jennifer.

A few days ago, he received a secret letter, so he didn't feel the need to support Li Ke at all. As long as Li Ke and Jennifer died there, he would be able to make money more recklessly .

So halfway through, he was going to let the orcs in his shelter come out to pretend to be the attacking orcs, and then he made some military exploits.When he asked about it, he said it was the bait of the orcs, and he expected the orcs to attack their shelter!

He never expected that orcs really attacked his castle.

He was terrified at first, but when he saw Thrall's team in ruins, he came to courage.

After all, no matter how bad it is, he also participated in the orc war back then, and he still has the ability to fight with the wind.

But now looking at the orcs who kept retreating, and the young and overbearing Thrall, he thought of the news about a young orc that had been circulated recently.

So he felt that his chance to rise to the top had come, and he would never allow these orcs to retreat!

"Kill them! Catch the orcs in the two cells and cut off their heads! Let these bastards see what they deserved for these bastards!"

He wanted to irritate the commander of these orcs, so he shouted this sentence.

And his shouting really angered the orcs and Thrall.

"You bloody maggot!"

There was lightning in Thrall's eyes, and his anger made him regain some strength. He almost instinctively threw his warhammer, trying to smash the commander's head.

And he himself didn't expect that the power of thunder was shining on the warhammer. Under the horrified gaze of the commander of the shelter, it hit his head hard at an incredible speed, smashing his head into pieces. A mass of flesh and blood.

The commander who lost his head fell directly to the ground. The moment his body fell to the ground, Thrall keenly observed that the human soldiers hesitated!
(End of this chapter)

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