Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 139 The Archbishop of Holy Light

Chapter 139 The Archbishop of Holy Light

The moment he finished speaking these words, Medivh's figure became unreal and completely disappeared from Li Ke's sight.

The force that forced him to suspend in mid-air also disappeared, and his sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Li Ke could also feel the power of Naru and Metis again, but it couldn't make him feel at ease. The feeling of losing these sources of power just now made him firmer in his thoughts.

He has to learn how to be a spellcaster.

It's not the differentiation method in the game like a mage or a warlock, but an orthodox spellcaster.

Only by becoming a true spellcaster can he understand his abilities and weaknesses like Medivh, and improve them.

These were things that being a paladin couldn't give him.

"But where is this key?"

Li Ke picked up the sword from the ground and looked at the key in his hand.

This key is very delicate, and it can even be said to be too delicate. It is filled with an energy circuit and spell that Li Ke can't understand, as well as a strong, warm and agreeable emotion.

Not only that, Li Ke also accurately felt the multiple forms of power on this key.

Not only Light and Shadow, but also Arcane and Arcane have played their part on this key.

"It looks like a door key, and Medivh wants me to go to his castle to find something. Is it a door key? Forget it, this is something that needs to be considered after arriving in Stormwind City."

Li Ke was a little curious, but carefully put it away, separated it from the book of demons, and then looked at Jaina and Jennifer.

Gianna and Jennifer have similar expressions: Jennifer's face is full of horror, which almost puts my fear on her face, while Gianna's expression is disbelief and fear, as if she has seen the most terrifying same thing.

"What kind of prophecy did Medivh show them, the undead natural disaster?"

Li Ke is very curious about what the purpose of Medivh's trip is. The idea of ​​such a big man is too confusing. From Li Ke's perspective, he just appeared suddenly, and after showing himself a wave of spells, he gave himself A thing.

The reality of the whole process is like a headless chicken, and there seems to be no point at all.

"That said, the key is what does he want me to see?"

Li Ke pursed his lips. He just intercepted the power that Medivh penetrated into his body, but did not destroy it, so now that he gives up blocking this energy, he should be able to see what Medivh wants him to see. .

But he hesitated whether to watch it or not.


After thinking about it for a while, Li Ke still decided to watch it, he wanted to find out what Medivh was here for.

So, he released his control over this force and let this force begin to unfold.

And at this moment, he felt that he had been hit by a spell like illusion, his five senses were disturbed, another world and scene appeared in front of him, the world was spinning rapidly, and six different colors of power were entangled in front of him. A huge vortex appeared, and the next moment, he saw a golden light.

While he was in a trance, his vision became clear, and a steady female voice came from his ear.

"Archbishop, here are your documents for today."

With a steady voice and an indifferent tone, followed by a creature wearing golden armor embellished with golden crystals. This creature has pale white skin, a tall body, good facial features, and a curvy body. horns, and not-so-small hooves.

Her hair was a radiant white and her lips were a dark purple, but there were streaks of gold shimmering in places on her skin, and a strange glowing mark on her forehead.

Li Ke felt that the other party was very familiar with him, but he was sure that he had never seen this creature before.

Then, he felt himself move.

"Oh... put it there, Yrel, how is the mission going?"

Li Ke saw himself pointing at the table casually, and the woman named Yrel put the document on the table, and he also picked up a copy. The title of the document was a strange word, but in this At that time, he felt that he understood.

Population conversion progress report on Ora Star.

"It's not going very well. The lackeys of death and shadow are still stubbornly resisting, and the locals are also very resistant to the popularity of light casting. They even want to summon void creatures to fight us."


When Li Ke was wondering where he had heard this term before, he found himself standing up, reaching out and grabbing the woman named Yriel in front of him.

"Stubborn idiot... then leave it to me, I will force all life on that planet to be light-forged. But, Yrel, come, tell me, how long has it been since we made love?"

Li Ke saw that the armor on the opponent's body changed from a solid armor to a golden holy light when he touched it with his hands, and when this woman sat on him, he felt an amazing softness and elasticity .

But he saw that this woman named Yrel had a sad look on her face.


Li Ke slandered in his heart. Until now, the only thing he can be sure of is that the buttocks of women of this race—

It's really warped.

"It's been a long time, probably more than 100 years. After all, it's very difficult for us Draenei to give birth to your offspring."

Li Ke also felt a burst of intense sadness at this time.

"There is no way, there are indeed very few children who can fully inherit my talent, and there are very few who can stop the light casting... After all, even my children, the probability of passing the light casting is only half... For the sake of the holy light, we only I was able to make some sacrifices. From the time my tenth child also failed, I knew that I could only reproduce with Naru. After all, only the children of Naru and I could pass the light casting perfectly, so Forgive me, my love, I can only hug you now."

half?Have a baby with Naru?

And the children who have inherited some of my talents have only half the chance of passing this light casting?
Li Ke felt as if he was about to see what the prophecy most wanted to tell him.

"I know, I understand, Archbishop, this is my fault, but please don't underestimate yourself, because even the most devout Holy Light believers, the success rate of light casting is only [-]%."

The eyes of the woman named Yrel were full of guilt and sadness, but she was immediately overwhelmed by frenzy, and then she stood up from his body, and her spirit was much better.

"No, this is a necessary sacrifice and a screening. Besides, I'm glad you can cheer up, Yrel, because you are my only wife who survived the light casting. Jennifer, Jaina, and the others have failed me I succumbed to my own inner shadow and became a damned maggot."

Li Ke was a little dazed.

But at this moment, Li Ke heard another voice, one he was sure was Naru's voice.

"Archbishop, I tried my best, but all the beings on this planet are unwilling to believe in us, they just want to play with their weak holy light... I need your help."

"I see... I think you heard it too, Yrel."

Li Ke felt that his mood became joyful and happy.

"Go and kill them all, don't leave a single child behind! Then let us believers of the Holy Light live there and purify the traces left by those heretics! Remember, the Holy Light is the only one!"

Li Ke was puzzled, but the next moment, the holy light shattered, and the scenery in front of him disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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