Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 150 Sir Prestor

Daval Prestor looked at Tenaris and knew that this was just another noble trick of the other party. Although this trivial matter was nothing to him, Tenaris obviously didn't know , What is the situation of the Prestor lord who suddenly appeared again?

In fact, if it weren't for the requirements of certain things, he really might not come back and start this boring plot again.

"In this way, your status can be somewhat restored, Daval, as you know, the nobles have never been easy to deal with, and they are quite forgetful."

Tenaris looked at the man who almost became the king of Alterac, but that was several years ago. When the orcs retreated, the knight suddenly disappeared, but only recently , returned to Lordaeron in a high-profile manner, which made him very puzzled.

If I didn't misread him at the beginning, he really wanted to rely on his own family's strength to become a king, and he was very knowledgeable about current affairs, capable and rich.

The other party was really rich, and even Tenaris was envious of being rich.

But the opponent disappeared inexplicably when the orcs were about to be completely defeated, which made him regret it for a long time. After all, it is rare to see a Sir Darval Prestor who is so knowledgeable and charming.

And most importantly, he is also very suitable to be a son-in-law. Tenaris can't remember how many times he has been distressed about his eldest daughter's marriage after the other party disappeared.

After all, you can't marry too much, but you can't be useless to Alsace either.

The return of Daval Prestor is indeed a good thing for him.

"Of course, after all, most nobles don't have your...'vision'."

Ser Prestor smiled, bowed slightly to Tenaris, and spread his palms.He knew that Tenaris was asking him why he had to leave, because if he hadn't left, he would have appeared on the seat of the spoils and got the kingdom of Alterac and a princess.

Princess Calia Menethil.

But it's a pity that the damn mage Ronin failed him, and was almost killed by his four brothers and sisters. He had to go back to Deep Rock Continent for healing, and had to give up becoming a Alterac King's Chance.

If it wasn't for some power in the shadows that required him to come here to do something, I'm afraid he wouldn't take the risk to appear here, but continue to heal his injuries and build himself a more powerful armor.

Therefore, he is really sorry, regretting that he lost an opportunity to disintegrate the alliance internally.

"Actually, I was very sorry back then, but my departure was not without reason. A mage named Rhonin attacked me, saying that I was Deathwing, and I was teleported to a strange place by him. But it was clear that the fabled hero had forgotten something, and by the time I got out and found my way home, so much time had passed."

After hearing Darva's explanation, Tenaris couldn't help frowning. He had heard the name of this mage before, and the councilors of Dalaran once complained to him that this mage's ability to stir up trouble was very powerful. Almost like a criminal.

And if Sir Prestor's testimony is true, then this Ronin...

"Ronin? I remember that Antonidas did tell me this name. He said that this is a warrior who should be rewarded. He really defeated the evil dragon named Deathwing and made the orcs lose the power of the red dragon." help."

He was quite sure of this, because Antonidas did ask him to reward this guy who was called a troublesome and criminal by most Dalaran mages.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't tell other people about my experience. After all, compared with such a big event as the league victory, a little personal setback is nothing."

Sir Prestor's words contained an audible displeasure and helplessness, as well as a trace of hidden hatred.This hatred has elements of performance in politics, but he himself is very clear about it.

There is no show.

It's all about emotion.

Tenaris is very satisfied. Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is still very good to have a son-in-law who is hostile to Dalaran. Arthas is still too young and experienced, so there must be some people around him who are different. opinion people.

Thinking back on Jaina's message, Tenaris couldn't help sighing.

He always thought that Alsace could get someone he truly loved, but unfortunately, this marriage still had to be politically colored after all, rather than the mutual attraction of two young people.

Jaina's choice to believe in the prophecy really dissatisfied him.

Arthas killed his father...


Dai Lin is going to have a headache now.

"That's good, I will help you investigate the truth."

Tenaris nodded. Ser Prestor would appreciate that.Aim at Dalaran, but unify your position on major issues, so that's fine.

If it was other nobles, he might not believe it or try it, but if it was Sir Prestor, he felt that he could trust him.

Moreover, the other party left suddenly, came back suddenly, wanted to return to the previous seat, there were more or less things to do and a price to pay.No more tests are needed.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty, and I will do more for your kindness and kindness."

Sir Prestor lowered his head. He didn't mind bowing his head to the mortal emperor for an accomplished purpose, because his purpose was to include Li Ke in his pocket.

Although he seemed to have pushed Li Ke out of the city of Lordaeron and deviated from his plan, in fact this was his plan.

Because the territory he gave is next to his daughter, or Dame Katrana Prestor's territory.It was easy to do this, and Tenaris was the only one who contributed to this matter. He just gave a place suitable for driving people away—even the territory was taken from his own daughter.

That's right, how could he have territories in Stormwind City? Back then, he wanted to be the king of Alterac, so how could he have territories in other countries?

So the territory he gave was his daughter's territory.

But his daughter didn't dare to betray him, so it was the same as falling into his hands.After all, although he obeys the instructions of the forces behind him, he is not a pawn who can be driven at will.

Just leave it to his daughter to deal with it, which can also reduce the risk of him exposing his real body.

But even as smart as he was, he was surprised by what Tenaris said next.

"Well, this is just right, I will leave this matter to you, Sir Prestor. Go and deliver my verdict, and investigate the Kel'Thuzad next to Alsace. If necessary, please replace Alsace Solve this trouble, or solve other troubles at the smallest cost..."

Tenaris looked at his favorite son-in-law. After experiencing the suitors of Calia who had been good and bad for many years, he liked Sir Prestor more and more.

He stood up and scratched on the map. It was the location of Alterac, and it was also the time when the orcs were raging the most during this period.

Prestor was stunned for a moment. Although he had guessed that the other party would ask him to help, he himself wanted to see that paladin.

But he never expected that Tenaris would hint to himself that if Kel'Thuzad was credible, then let him use Kel'Thuzad's necromancy to solve the Alterac problem.

those green...

The orc problem.

"Happy to serve you, my lord."

He held back his own smile, and bowed deeply to the back of Tenaris leaving.

Because the other party's mortal vision and wisdom really helped him a lot.

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