Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 153 Favorite

Li Ke spread out his hand, while Jaina bit her lips. Her white teeth pressed against her rosy lips, which still looked very attractive.

"You have to understand one thing, Your Highness Jaina, do you think you can resist the whispers from the Lich King? Or, do you think your will is stronger than His Highness Prince Arthas?"

Li Ke's words were so direct that Jaina didn't know what to say for a while.


"But what if? What if you fail to hold on and are controlled by Frostmourne, and at that time, you think His Majesty Dai Lin will be concerned about the so-called rumors and the prophecy you said earlier that no one can believe, Won't you hug me?"

Jaina stepped back decadently. Li Ke's words were bold, but the meaning was obvious. She would become Alsace No. [-], stab Frostmourne into her father's chest, and then spread the plague just like Alsace go out.

And she will be even more deadly, because the navy of Kul Tiras is the strongest, once Kul Tiras falls, the entire human world will be threatened!

Her prophecy only saw that Lordaeron fell, and almost all human countries were in jeopardy, even the kingdom of the elves was under siege.

She didn't see more, or she saw very vaguely, only some pictures with unclear meanings.

But she could imagine that under the ravages of the undead natural disaster led by Alsace, it was only a matter of time before the fall of the elf kingdom, and then the undead natural disaster enslaved by a large number of mages would become the world's most terrible nightmare.


She wanted to find a possibility to refute Li Ke, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of the possibility that her father would not embrace her and that she would not be enslaved by the Lich King.

But in an instant, a vision appeared in her mind: If none of them should pull out Frostmourne, then just seal Frostmourne with a seal!

In this case, no one will be able to get this magic sword!
"I, we can protect Frostmourne..."

In the middle of the conversation, Jaina herself fell silent, because she remembered that Northrend, the North Pole of this world, is precisely the base camp of the Lich King.

If they were going to draw the sword, then the Lich King would not do anything, but if they were going to seal the sword...

"No...why is it Alsace."

Jaina covered her face in grief, she was willing to sacrifice herself to save her lover Alsace.But she couldn't sacrifice her parents and brother, and all of Kul Tiras.

Although the number of Kul Tiras is far less than that of Lordaeron, how could she betray her homeland.

"Perhaps this is fate, Your Highness Jaina, we can only rely on the wisdom of His Majesty Tenaris, Jaina, don't you think His Majesty Tenaris will not see the disadvantages of necromancy? And calm down, The future has changed."

Li Ke drank his coffee very relaxedly, and didn't look worried at all.

Actually it is.

Instead, he wished Arthas was dead now.

It's not because of the previous conflicts... Well, there are reasons for this, but the most important thing is that if Arthas is not dead, his good person design will be flawed.

Only a person who has been persecuted by a big devil will have a good person who is not easy to be exposed.

In the rivers and lakes, it is very important to be a good person.

However, what Alsace did with his current status was quite normal. No one would say anything to deal with a small nobleman.

On the contrary, if Jaina, who is very close to him, becomes the Lich King, then Li Ke will really be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, at least a fooled person.

The intelligence index will point directly to the commander-in-chief, that is, in the future undead natural disaster, before the undead are completely wiped out, they want to kill the blood elves directly. Reese.

To be honest, Li Ke can probably understand the other party. At that time, Lordaeron could be said to be full of plagues. On the contrary, the land of the elves was better, and the land of the elves is notoriously fertile. Why is Stratholme, which is close to the land of the elves, so populous? So many, even become the granary of the entire human world?

It is because it is close to the land of the elves, and it is radiated by the power of the Sunwell to a certain extent. Not to mention that it is like spring all the year round like the land of the elves, at least there is basically no winter, and there is almost no need to rest the land. Can grow food all year round.

When the blood elves are close to ruining their country, it is not normal to do nothing.Exterminating the elves just takes up a lot of land, and there are a lot of handsome men and beautiful women as slaves. Of course, this kind of business can be done.

And under the circumstances at that time, there were the fewest undead on the elf land!It is seen that the elves in the game have been collecting the undead all the time, and the payment has not been completed for nearly ten years, but that is because the number of elves is too small, and the death of one or two people is a major dereliction of duty.

It would have been cleaned up long ago with humans.

Compared with the number of undead in Lordaeron, it is really not worth mentioning, and production can be resumed very early.

But unfortunately, he failed.

"Compared to the future you saw, Kel'Thuzad was exposed in advance. His rhetoric can convince the young and reckless Prince Alsace, but he can't convince Tenaris."

Li Ke felt that Tenaris would probably use a wave of Kel'Thuzad, and then directly destroy this scum, or directly destroy it.

How the undead disaster in this world will happen, Li Ke really can't guess who it will be.

But there is no doubt that no matter who set off this undead natural disaster, Lordaeron will definitely be unlucky.

So, he wants to go to Stormwind City, no matter what.

"But these have nothing to do with me, Your Highness Jaina, I thank you for your appreciation, but His Highness Prince Arthas doesn't plan to see me in this kingdom, so Jennifer and I plan to leave here and go to Stormwind City, Let's see if the people there can accept me."

Li Ke expressed his plan, and even wanted to use Jaina's family's boat to sail.

But at this time, a hearty laughter came from the stairs outside, and a tall, strong black-haired man who made people feel good at a glance also smiled and talked with several very gorgeously dressed guards. He walked into this room, holding a gorgeous scroll in his hand.

"Then it looks like I'm really at a loss. Wait a little longer, and I can exchange money for a territory instead of the territory of Stormwind City."

Li Ke's eyes lit up instantly, he knew that this was Tenaris' solution!

And [-]% is a continuation of Alsace's judgment.


Change territories?
Good man!
No wonder the first time I saw you, I thought you were my dear friend!
For a moment, he looked at this person with kind eyes.

But the next moment, Jaina took his hand without hesitation, pulled him behind her, and raised her staff.

"Deathwing! Why are you here!"

Li Ke: "..."

Li Ke: "?"

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