Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 160 Getting Deeper and Deeper

"Farric! No!!"

Alsace roared angrily, and his loyal guard captain fell in front of him. He rushed over, but found that his guard captain had lost his breath.

And looking at the red dragon going away, he realized that even his chance of revenge had disappeared.

"Do not!!"

He never thought that such a problem would appear in a hunt, if he brought the Silver Hand and the elite of his knight order, if there were enough paladins in his team.

If they didn't come here.


Jaina walked over, trying to comfort her prince, but Arthas just pursed his lips, and didn't mean to talk to Jaina at all.

He just silently looked at Farric's lost eyes, and then his eyes suddenly became firm.

Suddenly an ominous premonition appeared in Jaina's heart, and she spoke immediately.

"Arthas! Don't do this! Farric has done his duty, you can no longer ask him to serve you from death!"

Arthas' footsteps stopped, he turned his head and looked at Jaina indifferently.

"I make my own judgment."

Farric is loyal to him, how can he let the other party die before showing his talent?

But Jaina held on to Arthas' cloak.

"His Highness Tenaris will not agree to such a thing!"

In the past, whether it was a commoner or a decision on Li Ke and Jennifer, it was within the authority of the king. Although it was indeed out of bounds, for Alsace, it was not something that hurt his muscles and bones.

But turning his subordinates into undead is something a prince can never do!


Alsace hesitated, but at this moment, a voice sounded.

"No, Your Highness Jaina."

A pair of powerful hands pressed Jaina's shoulders. Jaina turned her head and found that it was Ser Prestor.

"This is a matter for us Lordaeron, isn't it? Besides, I was sent by His Highness Tenaris to deal with the psychic matter. How can I watch a warrior die forever because of me?" die?"

Sir Prestor's voice is very magnetic, but now, Jaina feels that this voice is so suffocating.

Prestor looked at Alsace and puffed out his chest.

"Go ahead and do what you want, Your Highness Alsace, because no matter what you do, as long as it can make this brave and loyal warrior stand on the world again, then I will do it in private of."

Saying this, the black-haired knight pulled Jaina back with an unquestionable attitude, while Alsace nodded, turned and walked in the direction of Kel'Thuzad.

"You're nice, and Jenna, you're so in the way."

Alsace's voice was very cold, and Jaina felt her hands became very light. The blue silk cloak in her hand was so slippery, like air and feathers, so that she couldn't grasp the opponent at all, and could only look at it. Watching the other party get farther and farther away from oneself.

"Take a good rest, Your Highness Jaina, and... this is Lordaeron's internal affairs, isn't it? You have been involved enough."

A gentle male voice sounded in Jaina's ear, and then Jaina watched Sir Prestor walk in the direction of Alsace.

She knelt down on the grass and watched all this in astonishment.

"What a show."

Li Ke, who saw it clearly from the attic, gave his own evaluation.

It was all too sudden, too many coincidences and unreasonable places, if it is not obviously impossible for someone to manipulate behind the scenes, then the answer is very simple.

This Sir Prestor, who was Deathwing in history, is obviously Deathwing's own wing, but he used some strange method to completely transform his body into a human being—or found a A perfectly manipulated puppet.

Li Ke felt that this should not be considered difficult, after all, for the shadow forces behind Deathwing, it should not be difficult to do this.

As for the original history why not do this?
Isn't that because there is no self?

Li Ke is still very self-aware about this.

Sir Prestor, who should not have appeared again in the original history, should be because he rejected the power of the shadow, so the ancient god who contacted him tried to get rid of him and asked Deathwing to find him.

And from the fact that Sir Prestor didn't take him away directly, either Deathwing was not informed of his specialness, or there was something waiting for him over there.

"Fortunately, I'll be able to leave soon, no amount of trouble can keep up with me."

He wasn't curious about Deathwing's purpose. Whether the other party was looking for Ronin's revenge, or planning to do something with the Burning Legion during this time, it had nothing to do with him.

When he arrives in Stormwind City, even though Onyxia is still in trouble, as long as Deathwing doesn't descend in person, then he can solve the opponent without relying on praying for the power of a certain existence.

After all, it can be seen from Krasus's performance that dragons other than the guardian dragon will still be hurt by human weapons, otherwise that Ronin would not release the fireball, and then make things move in an irreversible direction.

"History has changed, but it hasn't completely changed, but it doesn't matter, it's all going to be changed by me anyway."

Li Ke stopped looking at things outside, but put his arms around Jennifer and Greyet, and walked towards the room together.

Jennifer was somewhat worried about the future, so she happened to take a look at the future territory with her and comfort each other.

As for the rest, we will talk about it later.

But for Jaina, it wasn't like that.

For her, everything happened too suddenly, as if it was a drama on the stage. In just a short while, Krasus, Ronin, and Vereesa became the most wanted criminals in the human kingdom.

Jaina didn't even know what she should say. Her instinct told her that she should help Ronin, but her reason told her not to get involved in this matter.

She wanted to continue persuading Alsace, but found that she had lost the reason to stay here.

She wanted to seek Li Ke's help, but Li Ke had already decided not to get involved in the affairs here.

So Jaina couldn't say anything, she could only sigh helplessly, and after saying goodbye to Li Ke who was about to leave, she opened the portal and left here, returning to Dalaran.

And Sir Prestor, who was also a victim, didn't know what he said to Alsace, but the result was that they had a good conversation, and—

On the second day, Li Ke, who had just sold the farm to a businessman, saw a person who should have died.

"You should leave."

Farric looked at Li Ke indifferently, beside him were all the property in Jennifer's castle.

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