Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 162 The Journey Beginning

Chapter 162 The Journey Beginning
Li Ke's journey is very simple, first follow the main road to the port, and take a boat to the port of Stormwind City.

The first path is to Lordaeron.

There are two ports here, one is a port built at the foot of the Cathedral of the Holy Light, this port is very close, and there are many passenger ships, but few ships to Stormwind City.

The other is a port near Sir Solidan's farm. This port is the largest port, because it mainly exports grain, and it is also a natural good port. It is full of merchant ships and passenger ships from all over the world. It can easily take Li Ke A group of people sent to Stormwind City.

But the voyage will be very long, a two-month voyage if you are not careful.Because there are reef beaches in Gilneas on the road, and there will be several Naga camps, so it is almost necessary to detour to Kul Tiras to drive safely.

The second road is from Andorhal ahead to the direction of Southshore Town, from there away from the reef coast of Gilneas, directly to the port of Stormwind City by boat.

But the problem is that there are orcs now. If their convoy does not follow the army, once the orcs come to the door, a small group of orcs will be fine. If there are a large number of orcs, basically they can only choose between goods and people. .

But if he took this route, Li Ke could reach Stormwind City within a month.

Of course, the most comfortable way is to take a boat from Andorhal to South Sea Town, which is the safest and most comfortable route.

After arriving at Stormwind City, there is nothing unusual or changing about the road. It is nothing more than reporting to the King of Stormwind City, Varian Wrynn, or his managers, and then talking to the Carter that Sir Prestor mentioned. Ms. Lana Prestor handed over the territory.

After that, it will be a happy farming game. At least for 20 years, Li Ke will not have to worry about his property being attacked by some inexplicable army.

Of course, if he has connections, Li Ke can also directly hire some mages in Lordaeron and let them directly open a portal to the storm. This is the fastest way.

But first of all, there needs to be someone who can make it impossible for Stormwind City to criticize and fine, and then there is a powerful mage who knows.

Portal spells are not bad stuff, especially this kind of transcontinental portal.

And, it's expensive, very expensive.

The cost of transporting a person is hundreds of gold coins, let alone a convoy, and no matter how much time Li Ke spends on the journey, the cost of gold coins will not be higher than hundreds of gold coins.

Therefore, Li Ke chose to take the most dangerous path with orcs.

Therefore, during the break, the adventurer who learned of their route came over, wanting to discuss the route with Li Ke.

"So for the sake of safety, we still recommend that you take the route from Lordaeron to Kul Tiras. Sir, although there are many pirates on this route, it is a mature trade route, so there are people from Kul Tiras and Kul Tiras. Lordaeron's navy patrols, so you don't have to worry too much about it."

The adventurer hired by Li Ke, or the guide, is holding a map and trying to tell Li Ke the safest way, but Li Ke is not moved.

"Just go to Andorhal, take the route from Alterac to Southsea Town, I don't have time to linger here."

In the eyes of others, the orcs are constantly running around here, constantly looking for opportunities to attack, but Li Ke doesn't care about this, he hopes that there will be more troubles on the road.

Silently counting the power of evil energy in his body, he felt that he really needed some orc souls and lives to increase the power he possessed.

Metis can't be contacted now, so there is only one source of his fel power left, and that is to squeeze other lives.

If the orcs and robbers don't come to attack him, where can he go evil?

Without enough evil energy, how could he deal with that black dragon princess?
By holy light?

Although he can already summon the holy light in his heart, which is the kind of holy light like a flame, Li Ke still hates this kind of power.

Therefore, he chose to rely on evil energy.

"But sir..."

The guy who was out on an adventure hesitated to speak, but Li Ke directly took out a bag of gold coins and put it in front of him and his companions.This half-armored adventurer had a team of five men and three women, and a guy who covered everything except his eyes with a cloth, and was probably a woman.

That's why Li Ke talked nonsense with him.

"Each person is paid two gold coins, do you have any questions?"

Li Ke's words made the corner of the guide's mouth twitch. Serving dishes in the best hotel in Lordaeron, plus the rewards of various dignitaries, is only about ten silver coins. The wages are only one gold coin or dozens of silver coins, and two or three gold coins are already the price of soldiers and wartime.

There was really no way for them to refuse the price increase of two gold coins, so he could only pout his lips and sighed, hoping that their team would be luckier and not encounter the orc attacking troops.

Although the chance of encountering those orcs on the main road is very small, after all, there are guards and sentry towers, but it is not impossible, is it?

"No more, sir."

Under the scorching gaze of his companions, this adventurer named Gar Laughton nodded directly, because he knew that if he did not nod, his group of 'partners' would probably find a way to make him die gloriously, and then take it away with tears. His weapons and equipment, as well as his share of the bounty.

"That's good, but for the sake of safety, I will find some soldiers and people who are willing to take risks, so you don't have to worry too much."

Li Ke didn't count on the fighting power of these ordinary adventurers. Hiring them was just a matter of dealing with some minor troubles. It was enough to maintain order, and he could solve the rest by himself.

Rather, it is a problem for him that these adventurers will be of great use.

"Li Ke, this is indeed a bit risky. There are not only orcs in Alterac, but also human thieves. Although soldiers from the sentry tower can be hired, in the current situation, they probably won't give us too many soldiers. "

Pastor Karl hesitated to speak. At first, he felt that Li Ke's way of traveling was to go to the pier of Lordaeron. For a while, Li Ke didn't know how to fool this pastor, so he pondered for a while, and decided to maintain his personality. .

He sighed softly, and then looked in the direction of the distance.

"It's always good to kill more orcs, isn't it? And I didn't choose the time randomly. During this time, there will be a troop stationed in Nanhai Town. The orcs won't go to war at this time. I have a measure."

His sentimental look immediately made Pastor Carl think of other places. He was speechless for a while, just nodded, and then walked towards the coachmen who were also disturbed, to appease them.

But before leaving, he still gave Li Ke a common etiquette for monks of the Holy Light to express his longing.

"……I understand."

Although Li Ke knows that he understands his pretended concern for the country and the people, he still wants to say that you understand a ghost.

"Forget it, evil energy is more important."

Li Ke stroked his sword. He still couldn't forget how he was almost cornered by Thrall and those orcs that day, so he might not have the idea of ​​revenge this time.

He had a hunch that he and Thrall would definitely meet again in the ruins of Alterac.

Not only because of his intuition, but also because of the sudden appearance of Medivh, Li Ke felt that it was impossible for the other party not to say something to Sal, after all, that is what the other party did in the original book.

"Sal, let's see if you have the guts to look for me."

if so……

Then you end up here.

Horde or something, it's better not to show up.

Thinking of what he had done in the plot of the tribe in the future, Li Ke nodded affirmatively again.

Li Ke was a loyal Horde player before.

He intends to kill the only real chieftain of the future tribe here.

(End of this chapter)

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