Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 178 The Enthusiastic Female Elves

Chapter 178 The Enthusiastic Female Elves

"My God!"


The two female elves watched the changes on their bodies, especially the blonde female elf. She watched the roses appear on her body and grew on her body and head, and began to decorate her body and drape her. When she put on a long dress made entirely of golden roses, she subconsciously stood up, then her legs softened, and she sat back on the sofa.

But this time, she fell into Li Ke's arms.

"how did you do it!"

She looked at Li Ke in disbelief, because she was a mage, so she knew very well how difficult it is to control the energy of Holy Light.

It can even be said that in the eyes of other elves, although those who learn the holy light are good people, most of them are stubborn and stubborn, or paranoid guys.

On the contrary, it is a better control of arcane energy.

But even if Li Ke used arcane energy, his performance can be said to be quite terrifying. Only those mages who have been soaked in magical energy for an unknown number of years can do such a thing.

But the human in front of him just snapped his fingers to do it. Not only that, he also completed the transformation of energy and matter that is difficult even in Silvermoon City!

This can no longer be said to be a genius!
This is simply a monster!

Li Ke chuckled. It didn't take much experience to construct these patterns, jewelry, and clothes, and the energy consumed was not as troublesome as the holy light walls and spears that materialized during the battle.

After all, he is a professional handmade blogger on Earth, so what pattern has he never done?

And when on the earth, many patterns and structures were limited to materials and time, but now, it is just a matter of thought.

If it were on Earth, he could earn hundreds of thousands a month just by making videos, and even use the corrosiveness of evil energy to make sculptures, he could even earn millions a month, and become a master.

"Now I understand why Her Highness Jaina and I can become good friends."

Li Ke casually lifted the chin of the blonde beauty in front of him, and the other party didn't feel disgusted at all. Instead, his eyes kept shaking, looking at the handsome human male in front of him.

Her hand touched Li Ke's chest unnaturally. She didn't care about the armor, but directly touched the gap of the armor, and then touched what she wanted to touch as she wished.

Solid muscles.

She licked her lips, then put her hand on Li Ke's arm without any trace, and touched the strong muscles again.

So, she asked without thinking.

"You're wearing armor, aren't you tired?"

Just when she asked this sentence, a female elf with silver-white hair also came to Li Ke's side. The blonde elf found that her hand held Li Ke's other hand, as if wondering what Li Ke was doing. Ke is how to do the same.

"Of course I'm tired, but there's nothing I can do. I've been meeting orcs all the time. I can't kill these guys no matter what. I almost died."

When Li Ke thought of this, he thought of Sal who had just been released by him. He was really helpless.

Even though he was in the human territory, he was attacked by orcs. If he hadn't worn this armor, he might have been hacked to death.

"The warrior who fought the orcs?"

The silver-white haired elf suddenly suffocated, then stroked his hair inadvertently.

"My name is Darenys, His Royal Highness's historical consultant, this brave Mr. Paladin, would you be interested in telling me your name? By the way, tell me how you fought the orcs?"

She wasn't very interested in Li Ke before, but Li Ke has such a power of holy light and has fought with orcs before, so she is very interested in Li Ke now.

"Oh, Darrenise, don't worry, I haven't introduced myself yet."

The blond female elf put her hand on Li Ke's chin, and Darenys cared more about Li Ke's battle with the orcs, and she cared more about the power of the holy light displayed by Li Ke.

"My name is Elona, ​​a member of the magisters. Like Darenys, I can barely be regarded as one of the staff of His Royal Highness. How about it, are you interested in telling us your name and your experience?"

As she spoke, she stroked Li Ke's chin with her own hand. She was really curious about how Li Ke managed to manipulate Shengguang like this.

"Well, my name is Li Ke, an ordinary holy light user. In fact, if I didn't have a business to take care of, I would be happy to communicate with you, but unfortunately, two hours Then I'm going to Stormwind, so my story may not be finished."

Li Ke took a sip of coffee casually and declined.

He's not interested in sharing his experiences in this world, and really, he has nothing to say.

It's nothing more than deception, struggle, and killing.

"Is that so..."

The silver-white elf licked his lips.

"It just so happens that I have some things to go to Stormwind City for research. Are you interested in taking me with you? We can find a place to talk slowly."

As soon as she finished speaking, the blond elf named Alona covered her head. She knew that her companion had always resisted the orcs because the orcs burned down her farm, but she also There's no need to be so obsessed with the human knight in front of you, right?

But after thinking about the family history of her good friend, she shut up.

Although she is also enthusiastic, if Li Ke can be more humorous and drink some wine with her, she doesn't mind what happens with the strong human being in front of her.

But she knew that her elf friend who looked very ascetic, although she didn't seem to express anything now, she was already thinking about how to put Li Ke in, or how to be put in by Li Ke.

He even said that if Li Ke satisfied her.

She would also call her daughter, mother, and great-grandmother.

There are no men in their family, and the last man who dared to marry a woman from their family died after living less than ten years.

Although it is said that he died laughing.

However, she was quite envious of their prosperous family. After all, there were only a few elf families, and the age gap between mother and daughter was only 15 years.

"This one……"

Li Ke was really moved, he was not a fool, although he didn't know why the elf in front of him was so easy to handle, but he really didn't mind.

However, the next moment, Jaina's voice sounded.

"Li Ke! What are you doing!"

Jaina ran out in a hurry, and behind her was Kael'thas with a helpless face, and when the prince saw Li Ke holding the two elves, the expression on his face did not collapse for a moment, revealing The collapsed expression made the two elves beside Li Ke couldn't help laughing.

Then, it made Jaina even more angry.

Because she really thought that Li Ke and Jennifer would be a couple!
 These two are in the game, in fact, blood elf players should know...

(End of this chapter)

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