Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 202 The Decayed and Fallen Elves

Chapter 202 The Decayed and Fallen Elves
"You really are so bold..."

Darinis stopped Li Ke's neck.

"Would you like me if I wasn't daring?"

Li Ke chuckled lightly, warming Darinis who was a little chilled by the cold wind.


After a wonderful experience, Li Ke lay on the elf's exquisite mattress, looking at the men and women around him who were still having a carnival, and couldn't remember how many elves there were after Darenys fell exhausted beside him. The girl and himself had a wonderful experience, but he was sure that if Naru knew that he used the holy light given to him by the other party, he would be furious.

Just as he was thinking, an immature voice appeared in his ears, and then, an elf girl who looked only eleven or twelve years old crawled over, her eyes shone with the light of the Holy Light, and her expression changed. It was like finding some treasure.

"Oh! A shiny, warm golden rod!"

Li Ke covered his face when he heard the words, this kind of blasphemy against the Holy Light is really...

It's exciting.

After all, he is not skilled enough and physically weak. If he wants to survive the hands of these elves, keep his face, and even compete on the same stage, that's all he can do.

And it was actually his first time attending this kind of gathering, so he was a little scared.

Well, he was extremely arrogant when Darenys drank two bottles of wine, but now he really started to get scared.

Fear of being sick.

Although Darenys repeatedly stated that there is a magic circle here, don't worry about it, he still decided to wash it with holy light.

This prevents the mushrooms from actually turning into mushrooms.

But his behavior was considered as shy, which made this eleven or twelve-year-old girl show a narrow expression. She came to Li Ke's side and picked Li Ke's chin with her finger.

"Oh, oh, are you quite shy? Come on, give grandma a smile."

Before Li Ke could speak, Darinis on the side spoke.

"Grandmother... He is mine today. I don't want people in my family to touch him. It would be bad to scare him away."


No matter how Li Ke heard it, he felt speechless, but after thinking about it, this was a high elf, so he gave up complaining.

"Okay, okay, what a bad offspring... I'll use it next time."

The elf who looked too young indeed sighed, then nodded helplessly.

There is no way, if she comes, Li Ke will probably be really scared.


Darinis answered very simply, and then she suddenly remembered something, and looked at her teenage grandmother.

"By the way, grandma, what about the earrings you used when you fell in love with your human boyfriend 200 years ago? Can you give it to him? A rare species came from him. Without the arcane language earrings, it will be very troublesome."

Darinis yawned. What she did more today was drink, so she wasn't very interested, and Li Ke even cheated.

The holy light that can form physical flowers is too cheating when it is used to soothe people's hearts.

Especially this gentle holy light.

So cheating.

That warm and fulfilling feeling even reminded her of the warm feeling she had when she was pregnant before, reminded her of the joy of abandoning all her body, feeling the beauty of life, basking in the sun on the deck chair .

To be honest, for a moment, she felt that she could not indulge anymore, because when her consciousness was blurred, she really felt that she was still in that time and could not be too indulgent.

Although she doesn't even know who her daughter's father is, it doesn't prevent her from having a deep maternal love for her daughter.

"Are you tempted?"

The young and over-the-top grandma spoke up alertly, while Darinis rolled her eyes.

"I'm a mother, and don't you think, he can help us develop a lot of interesting spells?"

Her words made the young overbearing grandma nod, and she decisively pulled a bewildered Vrykul woman to her side, took off the earring from her chest, and kicked her into a In the portal.

"I just broke up, so I'll use it for you."


Li Ke looked at the Vrykul woman who was swearing at people in a language he didn't understand and was wearing clothes on the other side of the portal, and felt that he should not delve into the middle finger to the female Vrykul in front of him, too young Grandma and grandma have experienced what is better.

The girl put the earring into Li Ke's hand, and Li Ke was able to hear the Sara language spoken by the elves in an instant. He immediately understood that the earring was a magic item, but to be honest, there was still a lingering feeling in the feeling. Wen's pair of earrings, Li Ke still felt that he couldn't bear the style of these elves.

I feel that these people are incompatible with the main theme of Azeroth. There are still hungry poor people and beggars in Stormwind City where he just came.

Carefree, the problem of survival can't be found on their heads at all.

Moreover, it can be said to be a very expensive portal in Dalaran, and it is opened casually here, as if there is no price to pay.

"Don't worry, although this thing is very expensive to you humans, but here to us, it's just a matter of whether you want it or not. After all... your human spells are good, but you don't have the Sunwell. Alright, my dear, I I'm going to teach my daughter a lesson, so you, the 'summoned beast', will also leave the stage."

Darinis thought that Li Ke thought this thing was too expensive, so she kissed Li Ke with a chuckle.Then he gently pushed Li Ke, and with Li Ke's bewildered expression, he also pushed him away through the portal.

When Li Ke and his clothes fell on the ground, he saw Darenys's daughter kissing two Naga, and Darenys walked over angrily.

"This group of elves... and how do I feel, Darenys simply regards me as a new style... Forget it."

Li Ke put aside the comparison between himself and some kind of vibrating plastic prop. Although the real image may indeed be this, he still didn't want to let himself face this cruel truth prematurely.

Looking at the slowly closing portal, Li Ke, who was still dizzy from drinking, decided not to go there next time.

Too depraved, too decadent.

And it's too out of place in this world.

But if he was the only man, he would still go.

Coughing lightly, Li Ke planned to go back to the hotel. He originally planned to go to the sorceress who bought his things to see when she would summon Metis, but was interrupted by Darenys.

"Drinking and sex fooling me!"

But at this moment, he froze for a moment when he put on his clothes.

Because he felt a wave of evil energy.

His own fel power.

Putting on his clothes quickly, Li Ke wrapped his body with shadow energy, and then walked towards the direction where his evil energy was.

Then he pushed through the grass, and saw that sorceress Erlin was beating a girl who was obviously a slave with a whip, and under the girl was a magic circle that Li Ke would never forget, summoning a certain demon.

"Is this a coincidence?"

A kind smile appeared on Li Ke's face.

He glanced at the moon.

tall, and...

Obscured by dark clouds.

 I moved late today, and I will make up for it at four o'clock tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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