Chapter 204 The Talking Devil
Metis is very jealous of Li Ke. In her opinion, Li Ke is the kind of person like Gul'dan. Although he is not very good in his original world, once the other party masters the technology of the legion, then the other party will Being able to quickly become a big shot, and very quickly become a commander or something.

She understands that a legion conquering a world must win over some people in this world, but how should I say it?

She doesn't care, her status in the Burning Legion is low because she doesn't really care about the Burning Legion, Sargeras has a mission to grind foreign labor, and does not have a mission to do his own thing.

Q is destroying the world, but at a slower rate.

After all, her strength is more than enough than her top, she can't get into the eyes of those big bosses and demon kings, and she is not as weak as those succubi who can't help themselves and can become cannon fodder at any time.

Even if you leave the legion, you can still mix well in other places.

So after discovering that Li Ke is really powerful and will soon become a popular figure in the legion, she made a decision.

Li Ke was sold.

She asked Anantia to cooperate with the Dread Demon King to do things, and explained all Li Ke's affairs to the Dread Demon King, and then directly cut off all communication with Li Ke.

She didn't lose money in the deal with Li Ke, so she broke it quite decisively.

But for Li Ke, there is no doubt that it is betrayal.

But isn't the devil's betrayal a matter of course?

Metis never cared about Li Ke.

So when Erin called her, she quickly responded.

"It's awesome, my dear, it's awesome, whether it's your ambition or something else, but please be careful, although I can give you great power, I don't want to be able to tame myself after seeing a reckless guy. power."

"You know, it's not easy for me to find someone who can see through."

Her figure slowly appeared in front of the sorceress, smiling and throwing a whip with iron spikes in front of Erin, she smiled at Erin.

"Come on, if you desire power, make your request, and proceed to the next step of the ritual."

Unlike Li Ke, she could tell that Erlin wanted to summon her into this world so that she could kill as much as she wanted.

"Of course...but we must sign a contract!"

Erlin looked seriously at the succubus in front of her. Before looking for the demon, she did a lot of work, and even tortured her own demon kid to confirm many things.

She took out a piece of parchment, on which was mixed the blood of a virgin with the blood of an unknown demon, and wrote a long contract document.

Metis took a look and saw several loopholes, but she didn't say anything, just hugged her arms.

"Such a harsh condition?"

It said that she can get ten souls every month, but she must teach the other party, and she must not murder the other party through knowledge.

And the two parties cannot murder the other party's life in any way, or betray the other party.

It's roughly like this. It's a relatively perfect contract written by mortals who don't understand demons, and it's also a relatively reasonable contract that these warlocks have explored.

Any of the above rules is compiled by the blood and tears of a Warlock, or a dozen Warlocks.

"I know it's harsh on a demon like you, but don't worry, I can take you to a massacre. I can let you enjoy the blood and the joy of killing to your heart's content. You can slaughter a human as much as you want every month."

Erin looked at Metis with a smile on her face.

She has already applied to guard the western outpost, where there are enough Defias thieves and gnolls for this demon to kill. For her, this matter is not a problem at all.

"It's almost there."

Metis nodded, she was quite satisfied with this warlock, she understood the rules, and knew how to summon herself to this world.

I can play with her, and when the time comes, I can ask her to eat her own heart.

Metis licked the corner of his mouth.

"Then, the contract is concluded."

After printing her name on the contract, the sorceress confirmed it several times, and finally felt relieved. It seemed that this succubus was indeed the kind who knew how to flow.

So, she untied her mage robe.

The pure white body was full of halos under the moonlight, and the orange-red hair made her red cheeks even more lovely. This female mage with a different temperament just climbed onto the altar, and then Under the gaze of the blood-covered sacrificial girl, regardless of the blood on the opponent's body, she lay down on the opponent's body, overlapping the two bodies, and kissed the opponent's lips.

"Oh, that's nice."

Metis delivered a speech, and the whip she threw before was automatically wrapped around the bodies of the two women, and the spikes on it pierced their white skin, causing blood to flow on the altar.

The blood automatically turned into a magic pattern, blood with pain and fear, and the blood of the sorceress full of arcane energy and evil energy came into contact. The next moment, the sorceress stopped kissing, and green eyes bloomed When the energy was released, the tortured woman on the altar also fainted.

Erin raised her head and called out part of Metis' real name.

"Metis Larna Kakasolen... I am here to summon you!"

A green storm suddenly set off on the altar, and the blood on the altar was ignited. The next moment, the flames formed by the blood flew to the front of the altar, and a door made of flames appeared in front of them, and then a figure The graceful succubus appeared in this world.

She looked at the blood-covered sorceress and the sacrifice, chuckled, then lowered her head, and lifted the sorceress' chin with her fingers.

"Good job, my dear. Next, let's have a blood bath. It just so happens that I can also teach you a spell to maintain your youth and figure and make you more beautiful."

The sharp nails pierced Erin's chin, causing blood to flow out. Under Erin's disbelieving eyes, the altar under them turned into a bathtub.

Then she was in a trance, and was pulled into her arms by Metis, and the sacrifice was gently stroked by Metis' neck.

"Awesome vitality."

Metis laughed lightly, and stabbed the victim's neck with nails sharper than a dagger, preparing to pass through here, directly take out her heart, and then have a blood bath with his master.

But at this time.

"Long time no see, Metis."

The moment the sound fell, dozens of arrows of holy light fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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