Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 219 Marcus

Chapter 219 Marcus

The more people want to get something in an environment, the less they can show that they care about this matter, which is also the reason why young people are prone to stumble, because they can easily show that they care about something, Under such circumstances, there is naturally no way to play with those old people.

"There's a reason for that."

Bovar sighed, and began to whisper to the officer named Owen about the things and all kinds of things here.

Obviously, this young man named Owen was not stupid. He immediately understood the plan of the Stormwind Kingdom to borrow chickens to lay eggs, and an embarrassing look appeared on his face.

He looked at Li Ke and Bovar with some embarrassment, knowing that he had made a mistake.

But Bolvar smiled and comforted him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li Ke in front of you is a paladin stronger than me, he won't care about these things."

Li Ke smiled, didn't say anything, but focused on other things.


After passing a group of patrolling cavalry and a large group of patrolling soldiers, Li Ke saw a rather wide field and a rather huge training ground.

"Do you think that in my life, I seem to have received military education?"

"Don't you look at the soldiers?"

"So can we hand over sooner? You give me the soldiers you can give me, and I pay for their armor and armament."

Li Ke's words were straightforward. He didn't understand the rules of formation formation in the cold weapon era at all. There was a high probability that he would say "charge with me" to lead troops, and then started to charge with the Holy Light.

"Of course, who is he?"

"pretty good."

"City gate officer?"

Bovar looked at Li Ke, he hesitated for a moment.

"Damn... I forgot this!"

Although Marcus is the protagonist of a novel in the game, in fact there is such a person. Just when Legion came again, he and a Gaoling tauren couple had two kinds of milk games... …

If he brought soldiers with him in everything, where would he accumulate evil energy?

Li Ke is even more indifferent.

Li Ke said that this is not a big deal at all.

"Use some extreme means, and you can send me someone who is good at defense."

"However, I think it's enough that they can guarantee that there will be no major disturbances in my territory, and leave the rest to me."

But unfortunately, the shooting range has obviously been idle for a while, and not many people use it.

With Onyxia's help, or trouble, he won't be able to kill Van Cleef's lair within half a year, he...

Bovar handed over a roster to Li Ke. It was a pity for him until now, because he could tell that Li Ke was probably a guy who didn't understand military affairs...

"what do you mean……"

Li Ke asked subconsciously.

If the command is forced, it is likely to reproduce the classic operation of a certain transportation captain-"The pistol team advances ten meters!" ' and so on, and then among the laughter and laughter, Jennifer and others were arrested.

Then I always subconsciously forget that Li Ke is not an orthodox military nobleman at all, and even his swordsmanship is terrible, with a sense of hierarchy and ceremony.



His first reaction was that day-to-day air, undead tauren men and women, whether they were alive or not, could come to such a passionate exchange, and then make the novel full of stains.

"That's right, don't you know Marcus Jonathan..."

And when Li Ke and Bovar walked to the building next to the training ground and came to the room of the person in charge here, they only started this conversation.

"That's great. He is now the city gate officer of Stormwind. If there is anyone who is best at defense and patrolling, he is without a doubt. I can let him lead these soldiers and you to the western wilds, and teach you Military matters, but more, require your efforts."

He suddenly remembered that Medivh had been sleeping here for several years.

Bovar covered his head, he was a little speechless, because he subconsciously regarded Li Ke as a paladin.

Bovar looked at Li Ke strangely.

"In this case, I have someone who can help you, but I will let him go for half a year at most."

Bolvar was taken aback for a moment.

On this training ground, Li Ke could see a lot of soldiers performing stabbing and formation training, and even saw the shooting range used for bow and arrow training.

"You know him?"

Li Ke didn't even look at the roster, he just looked at Bovar's face.


But, does he really have military talent?

But I can't take care of this matter now, I can only talk about it later.

Anyway, it is close to the cursed land, so it is said that it leaked from the Dark Portal. Anyway, no one would doubt him as a great paladin.

Li Ke nodded.

"You can take away five hundred soldiers this time, Mr. Li Ke, but I can guarantee that the soldiers handed over to you are the most elite."

Bovar sighed, becoming more and more helpless with the situation in the western wilderness, and for the first time began to worry that Li Ke would lose everything.

Then kill them all.

When the time comes, summon dozens of succubi and charm the suspects one by one. It is hard to believe that the cadres and leaders of the Defias thieves will not be found.

Even left a souvenir for the Kaolin couple.

He summoned demons in large numbers.

Bovar looked at you seriously.

The soldiers who will be handed over to you walk quite neatly. Although they are not comparable to those in the military parade, when these people walk, their steps are consistent, and the team is also very neat. It can be said that they are a very good group of soldiers. .

This is something that does not exist in the game, because there is no such thing in the North County Abbey in the game.

Li Ke thought of the thing Medivh gave him again, he was very curious, whether this thing could be opened, the key to Medivh's residence.

In such an atmosphere, they came to the North County Monastery, and Li Ke, who was far away, saw the wall protecting the North County Monastery and the roof of the historic monastery.

Some of them heard the conversation between Li Ke and Bovar, but they didn't discuss it now, but looked at Li Ke with curious eyes, while some of them showed apprehensive expressions on their faces, obviously Worried about Li Ke's thoughts.

As for himself?
In fact, Li Ke felt that as far as the strength of the enemies in the West Wilderness was concerned, it was enough for him to be alone.

Li Ke was taken aback for a moment.

Bolvar said a name.

Bovar looked at the astonished Li Ke suspiciously, but the next moment, he couldn't help blurting out.

"You don't think it's young Marcus, do you?!"

After finishing speaking, the lord of Stormwind City, the Grand Duke, subconsciously covered his mouth.

 When I go home tomorrow, I can start adding updates.

(End of this chapter)

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