Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 221 Making Money

Chapter 221 Making Money
Li Ke didn't care about these soldiers, and he didn't even mind being commanded by officers from Stormwind City.

It wasn't that he didn't care about the soldiers who would open up the Wild West for him, but he didn't feel that these soldiers would become his people from the beginning.

Because people from the North County Abbey have such a hard foundation.

How hard is it?

Some of these people were born in the original Stormwind City, and they have real estate and family members here.

And although Varian is now in a decadent state, allowing Defias thieves, Blackrock orcs, Redridge Mountain gnolls, and gangs of thieves to wreak havoc, the foundation of Stormwind City is still there.

Although people in Stormwind City will be affected by these things, to be honest, local people commit more crimes, and everyone knows it.

And these people are the foundation of Stormwind City.

So it's okay to use it, and it doesn't matter if it's used to defend his family and property if the interests of both parties are consistent, but it's fine to win him over as his own.

It is thankless, and it will increase the dirtyness of both parties.

Obviously, this is also an army configuration that has been put on hold because there is no money to pay for the army.

And at this time, they might not have established a territory yet!Let alone profit.

"Those armors are made with the skills of the dwarves, even better than the armors of Lordaeron. It is already a great discount to be able to buy them with the army of 500 people. Jennifer, do you know that this With 500 men as the core, we can form a cavalry force of 1000, infantry of 2000. Exactly what you call 3000 troops."

"If murlocs can flood, it means that there must be a lot of fish there. Then the fishing team...damn it, Stormwind City is a port city, who am I going to sell it to?"

Then he suddenly realized something.

Li Ke covered his face halfway through thinking about it. The sea is next to Stormwind City. There should not be too many fishing boats going in and out all day. Selling fish here by himself is really a genius idea.

Li Ke wasn't worried because of Jennifer's behavior, it was really normal, and Jennifer had already shown that he trusted him, if it was an ordinary woman, I'm afraid she would make her own decisions at this time.

"The port...the port...the sailors..."

"It goes without saying that the murlocs and jackals are all killed for evil energy."

Then these hunting and fishing guys, who cannot be regarded as intelligent creatures, can only be sorry.

Then just follow the vine and abduct a group of mages, or warlocks.

"So, the money we spent was just buying an access permit from Stormwind City, Jennifer."

Li Ke tapped his fingers. Although murlocs are a part of Azeroth's ecology, without them, all kinds of fresh seafood will flood, but in Li Ke's future plans, these are real and belong to human food.

Li Ke looked at Jennifer, who felt a little heartbroken because she had spent the check for [-] gold coins.

"Okay, Li Ke, I believe you."

"But they still need [-] gold coins a month as a reward..."

And the armor Li Ke mentioned before has also checked it. It is a fairly standard Stormwind armor, and even the Stormwind pattern on it has not been removed. Although it is old, basically it only needs to replace the belt.

The two are not the same.

"It might be troublesome for me to do it myself, so I have to find some warlocks... and demons."

It seems that in this world, there are very few main cities that are not port cities.Therefore, Azeroth's culture is full of adventure and sailor style.In other words, the trading system of Azeroth is built on ships and these sailors.

So Li Ke only felt amused by Jennifer's heartache.

Therefore, he wanted to establish a friendly relationship with Onyxia as much as possible, so that before Onyxia was killed by Varian, they were all close partners.

Li Ke laughed when he heard this. Of course, he won't be short of money if he holds Onyxia's handle, but he doesn't plan to use such a rough method again. Li Ke is sure of this.

Constantly thinking about things in the wild west, Li Ke once again thought of murlocs.

This is on the premise of counting the gift from the Countess.

"But Li Ke, 3000 gold coins is enough for us to recruit an army of [-] people."

These are not the same as the soldiers who were only hired by Li Ke. These were actually sold to Li Ke.

But alas he is not.

If Li Ke was a jackal and fisherman, he would feel guilty about it.

Li Ke will recruit the real subordinates himself.

Li Ke thought of the sorceress, if the other party really set off on time, it would be a hell, the other party must be trying to find a way to use various methods to release the shackles on her body.

Jennifer sighed, still looking a little worried.

Jennifer pursed her lips. Although she accepted it, she still felt dizzy for such a large number, because if it came like this, if there was no income, plus building territories, rewards, and recruiting refugees And other consumption, I am afraid that their property will be exhausted in less than half a year.

"Farms also need to be done. At present, I can indeed use Druid spells to make the chickens grow rapidly, so as to obtain a large amount of legal evil energy and souls. This must be studied. But in terms of growing food ..."

"You don't have to worry about this. Things like money will come soon."

Li Ke's face suddenly became quite exciting, and he was shocked to find that the brain hole he had in the embarrassing time in Bovar before seemed to be...

After taking a sip of his drink, Li Ke closed his eyes and thought about his plans after going to the Western Wilderness, or what he would do in the Western Wilderness.

Jennifer watched the assembly outside the North County Abbey. Outside, the nuns and some women were urgently preparing battle robes and battle flags embroidered with Jon's family patterns for Li Ke's soldiers, all of which were brand new.

"I still need to learn more. Although Hisari is very powerful, she is obviously trained towards combatants, so I'd better find some druids who specialize in these things to ask for advice. Druids There should be a very detailed differentiation on this, so I still need to establish a good relationship with the night elves. But this matter will still be in the future, and now I think about how to use the resources of the wild west so that I can make money by myself."

Li Ke tapped his head and thought of the druid spell that was specially designed for this purpose.

Therefore, in his evaluation, Jennifer is a smart stupid woman, and a certain female assassin can only be a smart fool.

It seems to be the fastest way to get money now!

Sailors are the people who most need a way to relieve loneliness in this era!
"What kind of thing is this?"

He couldn't help covering his face.

He, Li Ke, is a decent paladin!

He is decent!
(End of this chapter)

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