Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 224 Product Development Conference

"Don't say anything about the king of the world. This title is not very good. Illusions are just illusions after all. It is impossible for people to control the world."

Hearing the title of King of the World, Li Ke thought of a certain Titanic, which was quite heavy and decisive.

And Li Ke really didn't care about these false names.

Although this illusion technique seems to be the beggar's version of Unlimited Moon Reading, Li Ke is very clear that although this thing looks really awesome, it is actually really awesome.

But whoever wants to use this thing to rule the world will be beaten to pieces by other people.

False, after all, is false.

No matter how real and beautiful the things revealed by the illusion technique are, they are all false.

Because of this, Li Ke didn't use this thing to fulfill his Two-dimensional dream.

The powerhouses in this world are not superficial enough to be satisfied in illusions.Whether it is Varian who will get out of the demons in the future, or Thrall, or Jaina, Tirion Fordring, their will will not be swayed by illusions at will.

So world domination or something, just listen to it.

This is a very simple application of psychology, but when a person is in infinite pain, if you give him what he dreams of, even if it is false, he will be devoted to you.

Even the reason why Ursula's reaction was so great was not only because of the illusion technique, but also because of Li Ke's other operations:
Before releasing the illusion technique, Li Ke broke through her self-esteem and psychological defenses, making her feel like she was about to die, and she continued to endure the pain of evil energy erosion.

That's why the effect of illusion is so great, and if it is in a battle with full concentration, or for those with strong will, the effect of illusion will not be great, and it will be easy to see through.

Casually flicked this fingernail-sized crystal piece to Ursula, and motioned her to crush the crystal, Ursula did so.

He just wanted to sell an immersive porn book, so why did he suddenly have a relationship with contraband?

Then, when she was indulging in illusion, he asked De Foster to clean her body, healed her body with holy light, and put her body in a happy state.

"Then one hundred gold coins each is the most suitable, my master. With this kind of output, we can only take the elite route. The last thing Stormwind lacks is the kind of people who are suffering from the loss of their loved ones and have no shortage of money. "

Ursula almost laughed out loud. How could such a powerful warlock still have such kindness and kindness?
She doesn't believe it.

Then the next moment, she entered the illusion again that allowed her to see her first love.

Ursula glanced at her crushed crystal fingers with some disappointment, and then looked at Li Ke.

"About three hundred a month, Ursula."

Heaps can be heaped to death.

After all, this thing is just a curse, the main thing is a silent, and it is difficult for the power of shadow to penetrate into the brain.

And even if the person concerned has not experienced it before, this illusion can be easily perceived by you.

For him to condense this kind of thing is really as easy as eating and drinking water.

"Of course, my lord, but I think your kindness is more able to make them come out than those illegal drugs, isn't it? If there is no such thing, they will waste money on illegal drugs and extravagant drinking, And then died a miserable death."

Li Ke made a little calculation. The energy consumption of condensing this kind of crystal is three times that of the normal release of illusion. He has to reserve some shadow power just in case, so there are only about three or four hundred.

Of course, it would be different if you had an uncountable shadow power.

But Li Ke didn't let Ursula experience the beauty for a long time, but just let her understand how to use this thing, and then directly took away the shadow power in Ursula's body, making Ursula sober.

The rest can be left to the brain of the person involved.

"I mean, if these things are sold, how much is the right price, and how many people will buy them?"

He really didn't intend to do such a business, that is, to let the bereaved see their dead relatives, but Ursula seemed to have misunderstood it.

For example, 'beautiful', 'let people see their loved ones in a beautiful environment', 'applause with the one they love', 'comfortable environment' or even fantasize about what happens with a certain image It can be done, as long as he thinks about the corresponding things when he condenses this kind of shadow power crystallization.

For example, innocent men and women can also use this illusion technique to get a feeling they have never experienced before, but the illusion technique will consume more, or the duration of the illusion will be three or four seconds shorter.

"Ursula, you should understand that this is just an illusion, and your lover has advised you not to indulge in it, hasn't it? I don't intend to let those people indulge in loved ones who can't return. This is a new entertainment, not contraband, and a refuge for some to escape the pain of life."

He even plans to use the illusion technique as a substitute for meals.

But at this point, Li Ke felt that the effect of converging the power of shadow into a sharp arrow and shooting it should be better...

Li Ke casually gathered a black-purple crystal in his hand. This is a crystal of illusion, which can be regarded as his brain hole.

Li Ke supported his chin and looked at Ursula. Ursula obviously couldn't forget the illusion for a long time.

Because the brain generally gathers a lot of energy, once you are prepared, it will be difficult to drag others into the illusion.

Therefore, it is very convenient for him to make. If the power of shadow is sufficient, he can even create thousands of illusion crystals with the same content in an instant.

Because Li Ke knows the formula and principle of illusion, it is quite easy for him. He only needs to think about what type of illusion when constructing it.

Li Ke was silent for a while, because he found something was wrong, and just when Ursula thought that he had done something wrong, Li Ke spoke again.

"This... many people will buy it, my master, but the most important thing is how much of this greatness you can offer."

Li Ke was silent again.

Too much of a good thing is bad, so it must be limited.

Ursula was a little disappointed, three hundred, she wanted to buy them all by herself, so that she could see her first love anytime.

Construct directed illusion spells—crystallize the energy of a well-built spell—and command these crystals to cast illusion after being shattered.

But she immediately thought that this might not be a good opportunity to make herself popular.

"And this can also open up business routes better..."

Ursula screamed and fell to the ground. The color of evil energy appeared on her neck again, while Li Ke put her index finger on her lips and made a silent gesture.

"Ursula, you seem to have forgotten again..."

Li Ke slowly put down his hand.

"I'm the one making the decisions."

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