Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 244 Li Ke's Way of Making Money

Chapter 244 Li Ke's Way of Making Money

The golden light turned into a sharp sword, and cut off Tierra's head directly, leaving her in a daze, her whole body was washed away by the boundless holy light, and she couldn't see who was making the move. It directly turned into fly ash.

Her soul was directly thrown out of the world of Azeroth, and even the souls of the two gnolls that hadn't finished eating fell on Azeroth.

Not only that, because she lost her body, she unfortunately met her enemy when she left the world of Azeroth.

Then, one of the names on Li Ke's Book of Demons disappeared, but soon, a new name appeared.

It's just that Li Ke didn't know it yet, because the moment he sought help from Naru, he wrapped the book of demons with his own holy light, and released his own holy light to cover his breath.

And at the next moment when the demon was annihilated, the majestic holy light suddenly bombarded the land polluted by Li Ke's evil energy. Clean up completely.


"Where's the evil mastermind behind the scenes?"

Naru asked Li Ke suspiciously.

So the only way for him to increase his energy limit is quite simple.

Let the body strengthen spontaneously under the influence of powerful energy.

In this way, the holy light will shine in the whole world, turning the whole world into the color of the holy light.

Li Ke asked the dark existence with a very polite attitude.

The ability to manipulate energy is unlimited, but his body and mind have limits. After reaching a certain level, the increase in energy is not obvious to the increase in flesh and blood.

I just made a lot of money, so I can't reveal my secrets.

Although Elune belongs to the force of life, she is not straightforward in giving money.

Especially evil energy, although it is not impossible to continue to increase his body, but it will directly and greatly change his physical characteristics, and make him only adapt to evil energy.

So he couldn't complete the closed loop.


He made contact with the presence of darkness.

Or, transform into a species with a higher energy limit.

The existence of darkness: "..."

If it wasn't because his will was not strong enough, then he could even directly become the beacon of the Holy Light, sending the entire Holy Light Legion to Azeroth in one go, resisting the invasion of the Burning Legion.

"Remember! The shadow is the real image!"

Naru was very satisfied. He didn't feel the slightest evil aura on Li Ke's body, nor did he feel a single bit of evil energy. All he felt was the powerful holy light.

After all, a jackal who believes in the Holy Light can be sold at a price three times higher than that of ordinary jackals, right?
"Okay... But Li Ke, you did a good job. When encountering such a thing, it is necessary to call the Holy Light for help immediately!"

The energy he can control is still too little.

The holy light was extinguished by the shadow almost without any resistance, which made the existence of darkness very comfortable.

Obviously, his current energy reserve has reached the upper limit.

"Put out this unsightly holy light for me!"

"It's just a pity, such tricks cannot be played more."

Li Ke smiled, and the power of shadow gushed out, covering the land of holy light in an instant, dyeing the land and the body of the wolf man in a dark color.

After all, it's just a little bit of energy.

"Keep working hard, Li Ke."

No reason, the shadow just likes to extinguish the holy light.

All in all, research is still needed.

"Is there a lair of dog-headed things five kilometers to the east? Then let's solve it by the way."

After all, you can get at most one share of power if you give others one hundred shares, but it is [-]% for Li Ke.

He really wanted to say no, it was thousands of miles away from his territory, but because of his omnipotent character design and his aversion to the holy light, it still transmitted a force to Li Ke.

Li Ke walked over calmly and picked up the soul ball on the ground. The jackals inside were all inspired by the powerful holy light before, and now their souls are filled with the color of the holy light.

Then, as long as Naru senses the presence of holy light somewhere, Li Ke can directly project it with the help of them and the power of the holy light.

Sorry, he is really sorry.

Could it be another naaru?
Dial the wrong number yourself?

"Of course, your will is my will."

"There's an unsightly holy place here, do you need cleaning services?"

It left satisfied, and before leaving, it also heard Li Ke's pious response.

It saw the summoning array, the land polluted by fel energy, the summoned demons, and the souls bound by demons.

While gathering the excess shadow power into a glass ball-sized shadow orb, Li Ke glanced at the land full of shadows with some regret, and reluctantly collected the scattered shadow power into his own shadow orb .

"Of course, as you wish."

"Unfortunately, there is no way to complete the closed loop."

Randomly tossing the soul ball, Li Ke sensed the abundant energy in his body, and secretly sighed.

Where is the man behind the scenes?
What about the one who summoned the demon?
"Who knows? Probably escaped... but these innocent souls were saved, weren't they?"

Holding the soul ball, Li Ke was a little curious, but calling Naru now would feel a little sorry for him, and it might reveal his secrets.

Naru left satisfied, he was very happy that Li Ke could give up the evil energy.

In Nalu's view, Li Ke's holy light is quite fair and just, basically a model of holy light.


And she doesn't seem to be purely from the force of life, he also lacks the support of arcane and necromancy bosses.

If Metis hadn't betrayed him, he could still make a good deal with the other party now.

He really didn't expect Naru to be so generous at the beginning, and the generous one didn't look like the Naru he was familiar with.

But just as he was leaving, Li Ke glanced at the land full of holy light, and thought for a while.

And it seemed that the tone of voice really didn't look like the Ke surname Naru he was familiar with.

Holy light, evil energy, shadow, and the power of the black dragon, these forces filled his body to the brim, which is why Li Ke didn't crush the wolf man's soul ball immediately.

Li Ke was also very happy, because when Naru left, he left him a huge amount of holy light, and the amount of this holy light directly fully replenished his previous consumption, and even made his body recover. A feeling of 'overwhelmed'.


That is to summon demons and pollute the earth with evil energy—summon holy light to wash the ground—summon shadow to wash holy light—summon life to wash shadow—summon undead to wash life and make sacrifices—summon arcane magic to wash the ground to restore order — Summons fel energy to disrupt order.

In this way, the Liuyuan force fought to meet his own expansion needs, and he, Li Ke, could also enjoy commissions and wages, and the mortal forces who hired him could still achieve their own goals.

Eight wins!

 I have repeated a lot today, and I will make up for it later...

(End of this chapter)

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