Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 247 Jennifer's Choice

When people are in a circle, they naturally have to abide by the rules of the circle, and those who want to join a certain circle will naturally have to pay a huge price.

In Jonathan's view, a paladin like Li Ke would have to pay a price if he wanted to join the Stormwind circle.

But, this is just a normal situation.

For a one-man army like Li Ke, some rules are not so necessary.

To be exact, a person like Li Ke who can fight, has money, and is willing to invest, can't possibly need to take this form.

Jonathan didn't understand very much.

"I'm actually curious."

Li Ke, who put the sword back into the leather case, looked at Jonathan who wanted to say something but didn't say it, and asked.

"The fighting power of these gnolls is not strong, why have you put it until now?"

These words directly hit Jonathan's lungs, and his face flushed a little, which was caused by shame.

Looking at Jennifer's worried face, Li Ke smiled and touched her cheeks, and then her two big tits.

"it is good."

"So that's the case, but after cleaning up here, the threat of Xiquan Fortress should have been lifted, right?"

"Yes, there will be a mage to help you learn magic."

Li Ke pulled Jennifer into his arms and asked while stroking her body.

Whether it's connections or strength, Li Ke has completely suppressed her now, and she can still rely on her youthful and beautiful body to bond with Li Ke, but what about after that?
His own ability is not even qualified to be a housekeeper, and he will be abandoned sooner or later.

Li Ke clicked his tongue. He also wanted to learn magic, but now there were only some basic tutorials, and he really didn't have time to learn it when he was on his way.

There is no woman who does not want to be beautiful and complete, but this scar is like a contract between her and Li Ke, as long as it exists, it can give her peace of mind.

Riding a horse is very tiring. After riding a horse for a day, let alone studying, he may not be able to respond even if Jennifer is lying in his arms.

However, this time, he didn't rush to do anything with the other party. Instead, he took out the orbs of various powers he had condensed and placed them in front of Jennifer.

Li Ke didn't care about this. The invincible adventurers could solve the problem of Stormwind, so he didn't care, so he asked about himself directly.

Moreover, gnolls are everywhere. I don’t know which ravine hides a large number of gnolls. When you spend time and effort to deal with the large number of gnolls, these small groups of gnolls will emerge and regroup. A large gnoll tribe is basically a long-term law and order war.

The rest can only be seen by the people themselves.

Jennifer's body trembled a little, and this was what she was worried about, that Li Ke no longer needed her at all.


By that time, Westfall had been able to let those refugees go back.

"When mobilizing a large army, the gnolls will flee, so they can't catch up, and it is difficult for the cavalry to take advantage of maneuvering in the woods. And the small groups of troops will be solved by the gnolls relying on their geographical advantages, so they can only send a small group of elite troops. Surrender and beheading. But unfortunately, our troops are already at their limit to maintain daily law and order, and we really can’t spare any more.”

"I'll heal your wounds when you learn magic?"

Jonathan put away his thoughts, but quickly ordered his soldiers to cut off the heads of the wolves, and all moved to Xiquan Fortress as a Beijing watch to deter those weak wolves. Lead a group of people and soldiers to clean up the battlefield together to prevent Li Ke's victory from being separated.

She looked at the beads of different colors that Li Ke put aside, and she felt warm in her heart.

But she still nodded.

"You are too inferior, so I want you to be more confident, and the most confident thing in this world is strength."


"For me, I want to learn magic, magic like Her Royal Highness Jaina."

She is really happy that Li Ke can think about her.


Putting his head on Jennifer's neck, Li Ke smelled her body and expressed his thoughts naturally.

Moreover, there are too many ways for him to improve his strength, and learning magic has become the slow one.

They can fight within one year of birth, but humans need at least 12 years.

In fact, there are many reasons. For example, the gnolls, kobolds, and a lot of messy beasts are much faster than life.

Li Ke smiled, kissed Jennifer's cheek, and gently stroked the scar he had not completely healed with his fingers.

Jonathan nodded. The two tribes that Li Ke wiped out were rare tribes of big gnolls. It will be next year when those small groups of gnolls gather together and choose a leader.

"Then let's go tomorrow."

"However, my dear, are you interested in mastering a powerful extraordinary power?"

But more helpless.

Seeing the relaxed expression on Li Ke's face, Jennifer asked.

Jennifer has never mentioned this matter, nor has he said it, it seems to have become a kind of tacit understanding.

"In a short time, there will be no problem with me."

The previous Stormwind City might still have the money to do such things, but now it doesn't have such leeway. It is already very good to barely maintain the surrounding area of ​​Stormwind City.

Jennifer's body trembled again, she was a little hesitant, she didn't really want Li Ke to heal her scar.

Not only that, but Stranglethorn Valley and Red Ridge Mountain are often invaded by gnolls and trolls, basically endless.

"Yes, very well, dear."

Li Ke didn't say anything, he just wanted to teach his ignorant female assassin a lesson.

He sighed and explained to Li Ke.


"It seems to be going well?"

Jennifer asked in surprise.

So it's not a big problem.

Li Ke and Jonathan returned directly to Xiquan Fortress and returned to their camp.

"it is good."

Li Ke heard the melancholy in her tone, and couldn't help laughing.

"Jennifer, you are so much smarter than Greyet."

Throwing his stupid woman on the made bed, Li Ke started to fight with her, and when Jennifer lay happily in Li Ke's arms, Greeter came back covered in dust.

Therefore, when the whole army attacked the next day, Li Ke attacked with a yawn.

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