Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 252 Taxes in the Westfall

An ordinary medieval old farmer.

An ordinary man who wants to survive the war.

This is all Li Ke's evaluation of the person in front of him.

Because of this, Li Ke's sense of Defias thieves is getting worse and worse.

Not because of anything else, but because of old farmers like this, there is nothing that can hinder Defias thieves. Defias thieves persecute such farmers, except for more displaced people, it has no effect .

Although Varian is a benevolent and qualified king, he is only a medieval king after all. The refugees stationed near Westspring Fortress basically explain everything.

Jonathan was able to play moral kidnapping on himself there, which proves that this matter has long been no secret.

Then the result was that these refugees did not receive any substantial help at all. Stormwind City neither sent troops to help them regain their homes, nor did they provide supplies to allow them to live temporarily, it was just wasted like this.

As for why not put them in Stormwind City and let them find jobs?
Can you be sure that the people here are refugees and not Defias thieves?
Or, can you guarantee that these people won't become Defias thieves?
No one can guarantee such a thing.

"So you don't have to be so humble to me, old man, I just want to know some local news."

Li Ke glanced at Jennifer on the side, and Jennifer also jumped off the horse. Although she is a rich woman, she even yearns for the upper class.

But there's one thing about Jennifer that's nice.

She never felt how noble she was.

"This is the lord here, who will replace Oni... Ms. Katrana will rule this land in the future, so if you can answer our questions well, I can ask her to exempt you from this year's tax."

Li Ke's words made the old farmer's eyes light up almost instantly. He looked at Jennifer excitedly, and wanted to bow, but he was afraid that the smell on his body would infect Jennifer, so he wanted to step back and bow.

His performance like this made Li Ke couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the eyes of many nobles in this world, such a person is probably not as good as a farmer resurrected by the undead spell. After all, the undead do not need to eat.

They can raise taxes as much as they like.

"Yes, you don't need to be so embarrassed."

Jennifer didn't care about the smell of the old farmer, the vomit of the guests in the tavern smelled even worse, she hadn't smelled it since she was a child.

She spoke in a rather calm tone.

"Has the harvest here always been this good? How much wheat can be harvested from one acre of land, how many times can it be planted in a year, and how much tax is Countess Katrana's here? How much actually falls on you."

Jennifer, who was born at the bottom, is very aware of the actions of those tax officials. They can easily say that [-]% of the tax is [-]%, so she wants to know the actual tax of these farmers compared with the tax set by Katrana. how many.

The old farmer was a little panicked, but he answered Jennifer's question truthfully.

"Yes, the harvest here has always been so good. The land in the West Wilderness is very fertile, and there is also plenty of rain. Even if you don't use the canals, you don't have to worry about the lack of water in the wheat fields."

The old farmer paused for a moment, and then he realized that the armor on Li Ke's body was so gorgeous, even if it was the most extravagant noble grandfather he had ever seen, their outfits combined did not have the style of Li Ke's shoulder armor .

So he stuttered a bit next.

"The climate here allows wheat to be planted twice a year. The first time it can weigh [-] catties, and the second time it only weighs about [-] catties. Then we have to change land for cultivation. As for taxes..."

When the old farmer said this, just as he was about to speak, the peasant woman on the side suddenly coughed, and then the farmer didn't stop his voice.

Jennifer immediately realized that the tax here was definitely controlled by some people, so she immediately raised the sword with her family's crest on her waist.

"How much? Old sir, as the lord here, I must understand how much the tax here is, otherwise I will make a misjudgment when I formulate a new tax system."

She smiled, with an undeniable seriousness on her kind expression.

"So, how much is it? Please rest assured that my wife and I are believers in the Holy Light. We will protect your safety. You can become our groom in the future, and your wife and daughter can also become our castle." and the maids of the manor, and remain free."

She raised her head and put on an aristocratic airs towards the old farmers. It seemed a little pretentious, but in fact it was the best way to deal with these old farmers.

Authority and force are the cornerstones of trust.


The old farmer was still a little hesitant. He looked at the excellent armor of the soldiers around him with cloudy eyes, and finally chose to believe Jennifer.

"Then, let me just say, Miss Jennifer, Ms. Katrana pays [-]% of the tax on farmland, but the commercial tax is very low, and there is no poll tax and other labor."

Jennifer nodded, this tax is very reasonable, to be exact, it is less.

Normally, for this kind of place that can double-crop wheat and is quite fertile, the tax is usually [-]% or [-]% of the tax, and the more ruthless lord directly pays [-]%.

After all, even if there is only [-]% left, it is enough for these farmers to eat.

The key is something else.

But the next words made Jennifer and Li Ke's eyes widen.

"Then, then there is the commission of the tax collector and one month of labor every year, [-]% of the church and two months of labor every year, and, there is Lord Defias... No, the protection of the Defias thieves Fees, the total is almost [-]%. Then there is the poll tax of Stormwind City and one month's hard labor..."

Nine, ninety percent?

Li Ke not only opened his eyes wide, but also opened his mouth wide.

He thought that [-]% of Lordaeron's tax revenue was amazing enough. As a result, not only did the farmers in Westfall work for free for four months, but [-]% of the tax revenue was collected?

So, Li Ke couldn't help asking.

"How much is your business tax?"

"Seventy percent, my lord, and another ten percent to be handed over to Stormwind City."

Li Ke felt suffocated for a while. In his own business plan, he planned to collect [-]% of the food, and then collected [-]% to [-]% of the tax for commercial activities.

He felt that he was already the Grandet of Grandets and the Huang Pai of Huang Pai.

Then what happened to these people?

what happened? ?

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